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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Closet taboo csb: My MIL said to me, “I’ve never told anyone this, but I voted for Kennedy.”
  2. DOJ Prosecutors Have Evidence To Charge Trump With Obstruction In Mar-A-Lago Case—But Still Unclear If They Will, Report Says https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2022/10/19/doj-prosecutors-have-evidence-to-charge-trump-with-obstruction-in-mar-a-lago-case-but-still-unclear-if-they-will-report-says/amp/ Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggghhhh!
  3. Reliving the ugliest part of history. Ugh. Among the comments:
  4. This ought go in the Katie Porter thread, but I doubt @Incredulity would see it there.
  5. Bumping this thread could potentially threaten federal benefits. Oh yeah, I PAY federal taxes, I don’t receiver federal benefits. Rs want everyone to put their head up their own ass. Just like they do.
  6. Sorry, no. Third highest. Wtf is going on with Crenshaw? That sumbitch oath-breaking, bootlicking, knows-he’s-a-pos, fuck-toad? Edited to cheer on Ms Katie Porter.
  7. She is the fourth highest earner. Rs can’t claim she is a marginal wing nut anymore.
  8. Because this is an opportunity to get this paranoid thought off my chest, terribly mean ‘joke’ spoilered, with apologies to Ana in advance.
  9. Those folks should have been kept back one more year in kindergarten, maybe.
  10. Provocative intro, for sure. “For a lot of … America, the Bible consists of the Book of Leviticus and the Book of Revelation, duct taped to the “Left Behind” series.” Spot on.
  11. I figure this is the place to pose my question, which is the product of the DT thread, Followers of Christ. My question is if spoilering the following tweet, and VIDEO (watch the video!) in that DT thread is in keeping with Surly rules?. Because I fucking hate the evil committed upon Christianity by the godless hypocrisy.
  12. Fascist bootlickers love their guns more than their kids.
  13. I believe US citizens, especially female citizens, aren’t going to just accept stripping away their God given rights. So, I am willing to believe this.
  14. Yikes. JW are sweet, albeit annoying. It’s not like they eventually want you on their own planet, or some such.
  15. SK pointed the way to the following thread. I found it helpful.
  16. I remember how twisted it felt when I learned of the branches(?) of Judaic folk, and that one was known as Ashkenazi. Anyway, i read a tweet from a guy who said Jewish people don’t cotton to pigs or shrimp, so it ought follow Jewish people wouldn’t like Trump.
  17. Edited to add that the comments included a claim that federal sentences of less than a year must be served in full, with no reduced time for good behavior. I am sure Surly can clarify.
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