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Hank Kingsley

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. Yeah, when you lose by 60 points, people outside of the state of Florida are just gonna forget about the whole controversy sooner than later.
  2. Well, that excuse is basically taking your ball and going home. Which is making them a laughingstock instead of the desired martyr.
  3. FSU had the chance to be seen in a positive light by being very disappointed in CFP committee but sucking it up and trying their best to compete vs. UGA. Instead Norvell and the university decided to play the political card. Fuck'em.
  4. Hoping to see a fully healthy CJ Baxter on Monday night. He's not being talked about much but could be a huge factor for us.
  5. Man, this dude is REALLY milking the attention he created by signing with the team he committed to 6 months ago.
  6. Gonna hate watch this 2nd half and hope for the worst for both teams.
  7. I took the under 51 in this game and I'm still furious.
  8. Take away 5 scholarships from each team next year. And maybe a one year bowl ban too.
  9. Worst half of football I can remember. Fuck OSU and Fuck Mizzou.
  10. Send both teams home on a Goodyear Blimp after the game.
  11. Brady Cook just scrambled out of a clean pocket. Completely freaking out over a basic defense.
  12. Feel the Meat: The Life and Times of Meat Pimp, the Kobe of Texas A&M - a SurlyHorns documentary
  13. He's looked for evidence of her roast beef, and then finding her guilty of wanting to get dicked.
  14. Just watched that part. Doesn't look like good news, but we'll see.
  15. When Elko walked into the booth for the interview with ESPN, the Aggie players could feel the vibrations of The Great Elk emanate through the stadium. It lifted the Texas Aggie spirit and provided the heart and desire needed to compete.
  16. 8-4 is probably the ceiling for OU next year.
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