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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTGrad98

  1. A part of me is happy the shooter is alive. There are worse punishments than death.
  2. Not this. I can't handle the ones with elementary school kids. The rest I'm just numb too. Only 1 more half day for my 10yo boy to be out for his break
  3. The rally from yesterday really needs to hold today.
  4. I remember when kids would mow lawns during their summers.
  5. Read something interesting on cnbc. The past 3 bear markets where we didn't have a recession the drop was on average 21%. Which we hit today. The past 3 bear markets where we did have a recession average drop was over 40%. Economists still saying recession in 2023 so today may have been the bottom for the year. I guess we will see. I took a smaller position at 380.75 spy and it hit. I may kick myself if I was so close to the bottom for the year and didn't put in more. Oh well. Spy 370 has resistance there as well and that is my next buy in price.
  6. So if rates get to 6-8%, can I park some of my money in a 30 year note and receive 8% a year for 30 years? That doesnt seem right and way too easy of a decision.
  7. Spy may hit 381 tomorrow! My trailing stop losses are very helpful on days like today. So it's gonna bounce at 381 right? I'm nervous it's gonna be one of those days where it hits 381 and then the bears and bulls fight at 384 the rest of the day and we won't know until like 30 seconds before close whether we are gonna go lower or higher the next week or 6. Not sure what to do here.
  8. I have a question that has been bugging me. Why would I ever allocate any money in my portfolio to bonds? It made next to nothing in the run up from 2020. And that's fine. I wasn't banking on much return. What I was expecting is a hedge against a downturn. And so far my bond fund is down 8% this year. My 401k is my hedge against my stupid self as I don't actively manage it. I'm 80/20 stocks bonds. Why the hell would anyone put money in bonds? And if they are a traditionally good investment what made these last 2 years different?
  9. India blocks all wheat exports effective immediately. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/14/india-blocks-all-wheat-exports-with-immediate-effect.html
  10. He only lost 500. That's like 2 steak sandwiches now.
  11. Of all the days for my boss to fly in and a new study trial team to fly in...I would have taken the entire day off to stare at the markets today. God has a cruel sense of humor in my simulation. This day could be crazy.
  12. I thought the inflation started last April so while the number may look better tomorrow its on top of the already 6 % inflation April 2021 had from the prior year. Is this correct?
  13. That was the most limp dick bounce at 400. Next stop is the 380-385 range. 20% drop of spy is 384. Fibonacci retracement of 222 covid low to 480 high is around 381-382. I'll be taking a large position around there. After that is 360 and 350 for spy. My body is ready. I did exit my 400 spy position at a stop loss of 404 this morning. Don't care how others play. This is exciting for me in my own trading world.
  14. I'm guessing the great resignation is probably over.
  15. For some divine unknown reason I changed my limit buy from SPY 405.00 to 405.80 (52 week low) back on Monday so I just caught this rally and rode it up the last 36 hours. Put in a stop loss at 424 yesterday and it hit during my morning meeting. Crazy market. I'll keep playing these swings I guess and if I screw up and it keeps falling at least I'm invested. Next buy is 400. Then 385. I'm fine with 2-3 percent gains in this choppy market.
  16. You may be right but this is pretty damning. Apparently this type of leak is ultra rare and violates all kinds of trust in the Supreme Court
  17. Unprecedented leaked document draft of ruling. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/02/leaked-draft-supreme-court-abortion-decision-would-overturn-roe-v-wade.html Can we call it the Bernie bros and rbg law? Reap what you sow 2016 libs
  18. This happened to my dungeons and dragons group some time back with adhering to 5th edition rules. Fantasy worlds can be a bitch to navigate.
  19. I could have sworn you drove a Corolla.
  20. Jolie > Fox : acting Fox > Jolie : hotness Jolie = Fox : crazy
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