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Everything posted by TexPx

  1. I have pictures of The Mail Order Monkey…
  2. Metroplex actually: https://www.cbsnews.com/dfw/news/prostitution-ring-bust/ Out of an area as populated as the Metroplex I’m not sure how this is a big blow to sex trafficking. Apparently no sex traffickers, pimps or prostitutes were involved.
  3. Don’t know anybody who got that much action on prom night.
  4. I’ve got one from Behind the Pine Curtain. It includes a Guinea Pig, a Coonhound, a Siamese Cat, a Rooster and a Mail Order Monkey. If I leave out the part about the Guinea Pig it’s not racy at all.
  5. Brother had one of those. Fun and scary!
  6. TexPx

    David Crosby RIP

    From FB “Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past 24 hours you know David Crosby died yesterday. I thought I would share a memory from April 1982. I was a 25 year old living in an apartment complex called Lands End off Eastridge Drive in Dallas. It was located near the intersection of 3 main streets (NW Highway, Skillman, Abrams). Between my apartment and NW Highway was Don Carter’s bowling alley (Carter was the original owner of the Dallas Mavericks). Across NW Highway from the bowling alley was the Medallion Shopping Center. The tenants had included a seafood restaurant called The Spanish Galleon (seemed like most of the waitresses lived in my complex), a bar I frequented called The Abbey Inn, and a Rock and Roll club called Cardi’s. Cardi’s booked a lot of interesting shows that year including The Guess Who, Rick Derringer, U2, Bob Weir, David Johansen, Dave Edmonds, Dave Mason, Wishbone Ash, The Plasmatics, and on April 12 of ‘82 a gentleman named David Crosby. I was a huge CSN, CSNY, Neil Young, and Cosby/Nash fan. The idea that one of them was going to be playing at a club practically walking distance from my apartment was mind blowing. Seems like the place only held a couple of hundred people (Mark McCullough please correct me if I’m wrong). As soon as the show was announced me and a few friends, mostly from my apartment complex, bought tickets. The night of the show we had our version of a tailgate party where various liquids were drank and various non-liquids were ingested. My goal was to get as close to the stage as possible so I headed over early. Most of my other friends were more interested in meeting equally buzzed females and finding a momentary love connection (hey, let’s get out of here. My place is 5 minutes away). The club was already filling up when I arrived but not so densely packed that I was able to weave myself right against the stage. With a couple of longneck beers. I had seen CSN before and knew their usual format was to come out and play an acoustic set, then after an intermission finish with an electric set. I assumed Crosby would do the same. By the time he started the place was packed and, being a rock and roll club in 1982, in a party mood. David didn’t disappoint by playing a long acoustic set. He was playing a prototype guitar made in Japan and kept cracking himself up by quoting the guitar makers in a heavy Japanese accent. One word he comically kept saying was symmetrical (say it out loud switching the L and the R) “symmelicat”. The crowd kept shouting for Rock & Roll which was irritating Crosby. Near the end of the set he tried to placate the crowd by saying that after the next song he was taking a short break and coming back out to rock the place. The audience loudly approved. Then he did something odd. Crosby backed away from his microphone and gestured for quiet. He started singing/chanting what sounded like a centuries old Irish song a cappella. The more he gestured for quiet the more boisterous the crowd got. He walked off stage. The house music came up loud. I didn’t want to lose my spot but I desperately needed a beer and had no idea where my friends were so I made my way to the bar. Rehydrated and restocked I pushed my way back to the front of the stage where I waited for the second half of the show. And waited and waited. Finally the house music came down. I figured the second half was about to begin. Then a voice came over the PA. “Mr. Crosby is ill and cannot continue the show.” The house music cranked back up. I headed towards the door and found a couple of my friends. We talked about what had just happened. My theory was that David had gotten pissed at the end of the Acoustic set and simply refused to continue. On the positive side, my friends had met some ladies, who, after the show ended like it did, were invited over to the apartment complex to listen to CSNY records. (Good thinking fellas) The next morning (after the late night party it was more like the next afternoon) I read what really happen in the newspaper. Cardi’s, which Texas Monthly once pegged as “a down and dirty rock ‘n’ roller’s paradise,” drew a swarm of Dallas police, who described Crosby “free-basing in plain view,” holding in one hand a propane fuel tank and heating a brown bottle in the other. Dallas cops arrested Crosby for felony possession of cocaine. Tucked inside the green bag next to the singer was a .45-caliber semiautomatic handgun, which added to the charges against him. Crosby said he had armed himself after the 1980 shooting death of John Lennon.” David Crosby story from SMU Adjunct Professor Joe Pirro
  7. New Pornographers coming to Texas in April. Sweet! https://thenewpornographers.com/#videos
  8. I saw it first on Jake Kemp of The Ticket’s feed. He caught some shit but did not back down. Grapevine PD posted a sort of apology on their FB page. They got slammed there too.
  9. Well, it’s geared for ages 6 to 9 so that would be appropriate.
  10. Don’t have any kids so not that interested. Maybe drop come acid and go once…
  11. I was thinking of something along these lines.
  12. Probably gonna be packed. Toyota Stadium and 18 field Soccer Complex that is busy every weekend is a couple of miles south. In addition to the on site 300 room hotel, the Omni PGA next door will have 500 rooms and 10 4 bedroom ranch houses and 2 18 hole courses.
  13. They say it’s supposed to be a one to two day destination. This is in the SW corner of The Fields Development. A 2,545 acre development adjacent to the new PGA headquarters and Omni PGA Resort.
  14. They already started expanded DNT from 121 to 380 to 4 lanes each way.
  15. And 121 Tub Club and April’s on Preston
  16. Interesting series on the effect legalization is having on the Cartels: “Marijuana has long been one of the most profitable illicit crops in various parts of rural Mexico, and one of the most important revenue generators for Mexican drug trafficking organizations. It is intimately linked to the origins of these criminal groups, who became the leading suppliers of a lucrative marijuana market in the United States. The trade also became a focal point of an often-tense bilateral relationship between the United States and Mexico. That era appears to be over. Today, most of the marijuana consumed in the United States is produced domestically, largely due to ongoing legalization and decriminalization efforts in several states. These shifts have changed the game in the international drug market, particularly in the Western Hemisphere. They struck at the core of some of the region’s most notorious organized crime groups and gouged Mexican marijuana prices. Beyond those economic issues, the changes may have permanently altered the once-symbiotic relationship between the criminal groups and their long-time social base.” https://insightcrime.org/investigations/executive-summary-major-findings/
  17. Upper vs. Lower. Bison vs. Bunnies! Frisco Tx. 1PM CST ABC Bison Babes at my local watering hole last night…
  18. https://insightcrime.org/news/gamechangers-2022-chapitos-hyper-capitalist-narcos/
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