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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. To go from leading the AL in hits to looking absolutely lost at the plate is incredible. Dude has to wake up if we're going to win this. .193 BA in the postseason ain't gonna cut it.
  2. That's a thick bastard with some serious height. If you've never seen him before I would be tempted to let him walk and see what he can do. I also wouldn't be tempted to mount a 6 unless super atypical. If he's better than what I've already got on the wall is what I use when deciding whether to pop something with antlers or not. But, if you're just looking for meat and aren't swimming in doe I'd go get him.
  3. Looks like a tornado hit it. Parking lot is a ghost town and a quick google for LW BWW sends you to every other Bdubs in the area except that one. And as usual, Boomerjack's parking is flowing out into the street and around the corner
  4. Spy, it appears your gypsies got the best of the Lake Worth Bdubs. Or Boomerjack's, but I choose to believe the Gyppo's are culprits.
  5. Josh Jung and infield hit aren't usually spoken in the same sentence. It's a sign
  6. Did I say he sucks? Did I say we suck? Did I say we would lose? At the time things were looking very sloppy for the second week in a row against a very subpar opponent. I don't see how what I said could be considered out of line by any stretch. There's a thread right above this one where Greenspoint is calling Sark a drunk and for him to be fired, and you landed on my legitimate comment in the moment as something to twist off on? Ok
  7. Ok, now we bask in the glory of okie failure!
  8. So with the off day tomorrow everyone besides LeClerc should be available again tonight I would think. Spy?
  9. I have not yet begun to defile myself. If you can't laugh at the above then you're an even bigger cunt than you appear to be.
  10. We are on the motherfuckin struggle bus against the church of special underwear. I'm not ready to gloat just yet
  11. I love how he stood there for a second then snapped out of it like oh fuck if this doesn't go out I'm in deep shit for not being on 2nd.
  12. Look, I thought it was pretty clear who it was aimed it. If you feel targeted, well.....
  13. It's got nothing to do with simply not being here. It's showing up and making a goddamned scene running your cockholster about things you know nothing about. If you want to come here and talk, regardless of previous participation, come on with it. But if some of the ones bitching and making absurd comments had watched half of this season they would understand what is happening and why. Instead, we get the "Boch is a dummy, what is he doing OMG", amongst other many other stupid ass comments. It's a beating to wade through because there are plenty of people here that actually know baseball, have paid attention to this team, and want to have actual discussion.
  14. I'm glad I was at the game last night and not at home and on here. Same goes for today. The regulars that have been here all season, even the ones I've sniped at, ain't bad overall. But you silly fucks that have just started showing up in the last 10-14 days are truly a goddamned beating. And yes I know Beard has been here under multiple usernames, but I thought we had that turd flushed with his last crowdsourcing. Need to fix that one.
  15. Don't try and church it up, you look like one of those "urban campers" off of Cesar Chavez don't you?
  16. Live by Loews and if I was desperate maybe Sheraton is the only hotel in Arlington I would stay at. The new Loews across the street from the current one won't be open until February and the Drury down the street will be open in '24 as well. The Sheraton will be open thru the World Cup in '26 and the 30+ floor hotel, Loews 3rd in the area, will be going in next door. I would recommend trying to find something in Grapevine or downtown FW and using Uber or Lyft.
  17. Spy, I found something for you to do on Friday before the game.
  18. Stayed at Kimpton once and The Sinclair twice. Can't go wrong with either but we preferred Sinclair.
  19. I've always been partial to honky and cake eater.
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