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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. This is a fucking free-for-all. It seems like an over-reaction to last year's more limited portal action where a lot of guys evidently pulled down some serious money. Now, I believe we're seeing too many guys for too little money crowding the portal. It's chilly out there. They turn around. I expect next year will be another correction the other way. Maybe there'll be some loyalty for the bird (school and NIL deal) in hand rather than pie in the sky. I'm not digging all this chaos even if we're doing well during it, Little Finger's ladder and all that. There's a story to follow in high school recruiting. There is courtship looking for the right place. The whole thing drags out over months. It's satisfying when the player chooses your school. I think that's why I prefer following that aspect. This shit is just too frenetic and seemingly void of sentiment. But, we'll see.
  2. Negged. You're quoting a very thinly veiled political opinion.
  3. This will be read by hundreds who will repeat it multiple times as though they just heard the voice of God and must share the brilliant flash of originality with the hoi polloi. You see, everything has changed in college football due to NIL.
  4. My daddy cooked me a steak, put his hand on my shoulder then broke into tears of pride before he could utter a word. After awhile, he regained his composure. My son is now a scholar.
  5. Has anyone actually read all of these posts? Half of these posts? It's easy to scroll by them, but there are so many and all about registering for class over the years. I look forward to the discussion on what shuttle routes you were on. Anyway, carry on.
  6. These are great days for nationally known gameshow hosts. Trump, Rogan, why not Sajak?
  7. Is Abbott giving unlawful or unconstitutional orders as, presumably, Commander in Chief of the Texas Guard? Are there criminal issues under military code? The Texas Guard should refuse to obey. I think they're already demoralized from being uselessly stationed down there already. A lot of people need to be put in the barrel and thrown in the shredder.
  8. Generalissimo Abbott ordering the Texas Military Command (who even knew we had one of those?) to seize a park in Eagle Pass against the will of the local Mexicans civil government. It may be time to ride around in the useless gunboat again for the idiots at home. They are all so moved by the cosplay. And the tough talk. "I'd shoot 'em to defend our sacred border! Our blood and soil will be neither diluted or sullied by the fierce and savage invaders from the South! Has anyone ever faced such a threat?" They all carry fentanyl and come to rape and do crimes! These are terrible people! Open fire, lads! It's us or them! I'll say again that I don't know what the solution, or even the problem, is with immigrants. I do know that villification and violence is just cheap theater for the idiots watching the TV.
  9. That looks like a slide for a sit-com. Oh, Where's Evan? follows the hijinx of lovable Evan Stewart who may not always know where he belongs but ends up belonging there anyway! He's just so cheerful and likeable! Pretty obvious attempt to detoxify his image.
  10. In what context are they meaningful? In Trump's financial life? I'll agree with that. So the judgments are not absolutely meaningless. There's been a victory in court. In the context of stopping a person accelerating the decline of the republic, my eyes tell me the judgments are trivial. These are the same eyes that watched the assault on the Capitol. They saw the impeachment where the criminal organization called the GЯP stood behind the would-be tyrant. Trump pays no price in reputation or political standing. He's set up the rubes to believe any assault on his character is a bad reflection on the people exposing and prosecuting him. I hope my growing cynicism is proved wrong, but there are so many tributaries to this river of shit magma including "Christians," and ruthless business industries who combine to deny the science proving that we face the greatest natural cataclysm to ever loom before civilization. The two Dems who berated the GOP for their Trump toading in Congress are the first glimmer of the faint chance that decorum will be dropped and bare knuckles adoopted. Okay, back to laughing at TexAgs for me.
  11. I have truly appreciated the legal information and analysis over the last few years. Perhaps I'm becoming unhinged in some quiet despairing way. Reading the intelligent post above, I have begun to have a vision of how the denouement of the republic is playing out. Regarding all of this stuff, it's like we're playing a game of chess against Trump with no time limit. Yay! We take one of his pieces every once in awhile, but the King is castled and safe. We have the upper hand, but he delays every move. All the judgments against him feel like small and petty things. Stuff on a chessboard. What does eventual victory even look like? Meanwhile, Trump fights us on the real ground. This absurd and wicked man says out loud that he will rule with absolute power. He's been found in a civil court to be a rapist. Polls show he is a credible threat to win the presidential election. Even if he doesn't, does it matter? Will he concede? Will his army pause? "Yes, but look how well we're doing in the chess game!" "It's too slow and ultimately meaningless." "You just don't understand the chess game! If you did, you'd see why the upperhand we have will pay off!" I'll go ahead and put all my money into buggywhips! Can't go wrong. Safe sex throws up her hands and writes the absurdity. We see something obvious. We see crimes, insurrection, rape, state secrets waved around, Russian influence, billions from the Saudis, and a constant stream of lies from a President of the United States. Hoo boy, he's really about to get it! I can barely care about this pending "victory." Will he pay it? Can they force him? Will it impede the destruction of the Republic by him and his GOP criminal organization? On the chessboard, a knight goes down. Next move will be a few months down the line. Yeah, things are going swell. Penalty for rape and serial sexual assault with a chance of child trafficking: I sentence you to diminution of your happiness. And it's all fucking obvious. Right in front of everybody's eyes. I'm with the writers below. Why? Because those are the rules of chess! We've got our eyes on taking that bishop at the end of the year. Do we still win if he picks up the board whacks us on the side of the head? Then he pisses on the board? What do we do? Well, that's obvious. We wipe the piss off the board, set up the pieces, and challenge that SOB to another game! This time we'll really get him, boys! The action to take is obvious and extra-legal. It must be so because plain ol' legal doesn't put a traitorous insurrectionist who we have on video tape from even being remanded to jail. He's the president, you know. Decorum and precedent. Maybe I particularly resent that I don't really find the fire in myself to risk anything to stop this. Will I drag my aging ass out to fight? Will I do more than post on this message board? Maybe I'm being punked because I'm a punk. I also resent that I now loathe my country and my home state. Sorry to go on so long. I'll go back to ridiculing Aggies. Maybe that's my chess game. Sigh.
  12. This is so wise. He will be increasing his chances of success in the NFL. He'll be in the rare heaven of being a great Texas QB, college life, oh, and the national fucking hunt. I'm pleased.
  13. Looks like he's sharpening his first aid skills in case there's another mob scene somewhere. Brave and caring lad that he is.
  14. What kind of a creeper takes photos of fellow passengers in a van then catalogues their ensembles? TISWWT
  15. Maybe Danning is just vacationing in Tuscaloosa. Great place to just chill and relax after a long season.
  16. The Americans build shitty aircraft. Whoever thought that statement would be possible?
  17. I really hate this kind of talk. I'm glad you put "scary" in quotes because maybe you're mocking the notion yourself. They will hire who they hire. They will recruit whomever they recruit. I don't give a fuck unless we're in direct competition for someone. The idea of being worried about a new coaching hire or player signing is antithetical to what I recall of my own football mentality a million years ago: let's fucking play. It don't make a shit. The game has changed and become far more complicated and precise than when I last put on cleats for two a days in the August heat north of Houston. But the mentality of the player is always the same for when my father played or whomever takes the field in ten years. Hiring a coach is a crapshoot anyway. It's a bad day for 'Bama football because they're losing one of the two seeming sure thing hires for head coach. The other guy is retired as well. It's wide open, my friends. Let's get it on.
  18. SEC experts are predicting it will take about four years to adjust to the week-in week-out grind of the SEC. We'll be lucky if death only claims a dozen players in that first year.
  19. Nothing in the Star Wars library touches that movie. There were kernels of corn in Kurasawa's shit that were better filmmakers.
  20. There is so much time between seasons. I remember liking the show. I don't remember much of anything else about it.
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