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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. Coaches share information all the time, or at least they used to. I didn't watch the video above, so maybe there is some notion that the running of a formation in public 11 times a year could be done in such a way that no other person could figure it out seems specious. The Wishbone, as I recall, was a pretty simple offense that reduced the whole play to man on man contests and discipline as to which man was yours on both sides of the ball. It was designed to take advantage of Texas' talent advantage. I would say that OU starting beating us with the Wishbone because they cheated to get more talent. With that being the case, one must go back to judging Royal and Texas' decision not to do the same. I'm glad we did things the way we did.
  2. Yep, that's the main thing to remember about Royal. Well done, Surly Football Board.
  3. Thanks for the whole article but particularly the above. The Aggies preserve their delusion about holy Jack Sherrill by claiming he was never found guilty of anything to do with cheating. I don't recall the details, but his actions depicted in the article make it crystal clear that he was right in the middle of it. I had not doubt, but I also had no documentation or details loaded in the ol' brain pan.
  4. No offense, and you may be correct, but this reads like something lifted directly from Texags about The Elk.
  5. We only got them because A&M's new coach understands that you don't want guys like these. You want players who've proven themselves (to some degree) at less prominent programs. They're grinders with calloused hands and chips on their shoulders. I pity our players having to face men of such grit and courage. Evidently DeBoers is of like mind.
  6. This is the strangest take from you. Selfless? Acting to his own detriment? What place do you think he and Sidney Powell saw for themselves in Trump's new Great America? He was conspiring in the White House with a rogue president to overthrow an election. Exactly. If someone breaks into my home and says it must be burned down without regard to cosequences in order to save it, I don't give a rat's ass about his mental health. He has made himself a lethal threat and thus becomes my property to do with as I please. I can be merciful and detain him if possible, and I choose to do so. I can also cut his throat and kick him out into the yard. The law would likely not accept my second option. The thing is, in the context of the actual occurences of Jan 6, he is an enemy of this republic and not entitled to the rights of a citizen. He chose to serve someone willing to turn women, willing or not, into baby machines; someone anxious to keep people of color from voting or even feeling safe in the presence of a policeman; someone who insisted immigrant showing up at our gates seeking asylum were jailed, separated from their children, and treated as sub-humans; someone likely beholden to our principal opponent in Moscow and a murderous villain in Saudi Arabia; someone who has never for a moment displayed honesty, loyalty, compassion, courage, or even care about his own children. These are enemies. Any detail about their motives or state of mind is of no consequence to me during the fight. Studying these elements of their being is something for historians. I just want the threat eliminated.
  7. I truly hadn't thought of this aspect to this new age of college football. It makes me feel a little better about this stampede. Now we need only fear what A&M, the richest school in the history of rich, will do. I'm sure they're keeping up.
  8. I'm impressed you could tell who was who with those giant logos.
  9. That's half of my concern, Dude.
  10. Does NIL fuck with your Social Security checks?
  11. I like how this fellow knows so much about us and carefully words his post to keep things civil. So true that the first justification was that we need fuel for Social Security which, as is so non-toxically put, we all surely hate. He got us there in his gentile way. Then there's the crying and lapping up of the ebil narrative (second in ebil only to agendas!) by we homogenized dupes that makes us toxic. Be kind to this man. He is here in earnest. Let us keep our slime from fouling his shining being. No one say that he is a bomb-throwing prick whose brain is a regurgitation engine designed for rapid-fire drivel dispersement followed by flight. No person should dare call this cowardly. For God's sake, don't call him a snowflake as he avoids real discourse and flees tossing idiocies over his shoulder. This policy of tolerance is universal. How often to denizens of CR go over to DT and meet with real conversation of the day's issues? Surely daily. There are no gate keepers there!
  12. Hell, most of the country hates labor unions because that's what the radio told them to do. It's a long way from persuading the Texas Guard not to kill families in the Rio Grande to forgoing low prices on poultry to protect the workers who process it. I know you know this.
  13. To continue Bill Superman's exuberance: I can talk myself into believing something other than my eyes. That's the woman for me! That car's in great shape despite the mileage. I'm pretty sure everybody in this room thinks that I'm the greatest. I speak from experience: perhaps common experience. I have tried to learn from poor judgment based purely in hope. The Aggies cultivate that as a way of thinking all the time. Remarkable. An Aggie seeing anything Aggie:
  14. I don't know a lot about NIL, but I have spent too much time observing Aggies. This reads like somebody laid down a speculation about what may have happened. Somebody repeated it with an opinion. From there it becomes a fact bent into a narrative where the Aggies are the tough guys who you best not fuck around with. If Nolen's deal is unique as described, that does shine a light on just how idiotic Aggies are. Here's a bag. We wrote NIL on it with a Sharpie, so it's totally cool. Sign the bag, and we'll have a contract for as long as you're lucky enough to be in College Station playing as a Fightin' Texas Aggie from Texas.
  15. It's pure Aggie. It goes all the way back to when they got rid of Gene Stallings. "Players were loafing. There was no discipline. The team was out of control. Now this new guy is a brass tacks, lunch pailin, tough SOB which is just what this program needs." Every. Fucking. Time. It's the same pattern with their savior QBs who are now all neatly stacked under a bus hidden where the dead collies won't see them.
  16. Protecting it from what? This terrifying invasion force? This doesn't look like a job for soldiers. These don't look like people to fear. We're not being invaded. Maybe we should look at this issue in another way. Maybe one that includes compassion and humanity. I would like someone who sees this as an invasion to produce some real evidence of how this is problematic. The large numbers of immigrants may be problematic but not because they're dangerous. I'm not sure they're taking jobs from Americans. They work and put money into the systems they may eventually need. I honestly don't have a great handle on what the problem is. If we do need to stem the flow and send away some of these undocumented or even documented aliens, I don't see a great country resorting to bayonette point. There is no doubt that we need to do something to take the burden off of the border communities who have been left on their own to deal with this influx. Humanity instead of cruelty might be an approach we could be proud of instead of indulging in the idiotic notion that we're the tough guys treating these refugees as sub-human enemies. I know this post is written in vain. ETA Great job getting facts in front of the issue. Of course, you had to rely on the hyper-liberal Cato Institute.
  17. It's nice to hear from the arbiter of such things.
  18. Is it not possible that we're reversing cause and effect. Instead of more receivers maybe making Sark substitute more, maybe it's the lack of faith in the current bench of receivers that caused Sark to keep the same guys on the field. If it's the second, then Sark likely will keep guys fresh so that the long pass receivers are always crisp.
  19. Looks like William is back from his voluntary admission to education camp. Elko was always the coach we wanted. Elko is the best coach anywhere. Elko was always the coach we wanted. Elko is the best....
  20. Acting isn't a competitive sport. The whole cast, as Safe Sex writes above, were exceptional. Keoghan's achievement may be marked by the fact that he was so memorable with so little screen time. His hopeless profession of love was sweet and devastating at the same time. Kerry Condon shines in that scene as well. His hopelessness is an echo of the whole movie where Condon is the only one to escape. To be clear, I have enormous admiration for Ferrell, as well. Maybe the best lead performance of that year.
  21. TexAgs in in a bind. They want to blame their most recent version of mediocrity and poor decisions on Bjork as a scape goat. They want to brag that their AD was so great that Ohio State wanted Bjork so they could model their program after A&M's.
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