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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. I think I got athlete's foot just looking at the picture. Yup. Trending down. Glad LBJ is in the top ten; there was more to his presidency than the Viet Nam disaster. Truman over-rated. He ushered in the security state and the military-industrial state that Eisenhower warned us about. Washington should be number 1. There is no USA without him holding together the army and using his own money to do so. The Constitution Convention was illegal under the laws of Federation. Washington's presence quelled any thought of acting on that fact. He surrendered power in the first peaceful transfer of the office. He was a great man. He arranged for the freedom of the people enslaved on his farm which is at least a little something against his terrible history of trafficking Africans.
  2. Independence Day It's so fucking corny and sweet, but if I stumble upon it, I can't take my eyes off of it. I mostly stream now, but when I used to channel surf, I'd always stop and watch at least until the commercial break.
  3. The series truly had the feel that a new writer was brought to the set every 15 minutes to take over. "Keep it creepy. Don't worry about loose ends. It's creepy and very deep." You should have applied for head writer. This might have got them started on some sort of story line. Angry women. Miscarriages. Men raping the earth and the women. Beating them. Killing them. The show dishonors the theme with blatant idiocy. I hope somebody buys the rights and turns the nerds failing to murder a woman despite stabbing her 50 times and then falling prey to cleaning staff into a big musical finish. Model the scene where the murder victim lady is discovered in the cave. The late entries would be the other scientists. Lead into a stabbing frenzy. Maybe end with this except make the scissor guys be cleaning women and see the scene to it's conclusion.
  4. They have a point about us having needlessly close games. The flip side of the close games is that we were at one point dominating all of them. Going for it on fourth against Houston instead of kicking the field goal woke their asses up. Same thing in other games. Would have been nice to have another three points against OU, but we went for it on fourth. The good news is that I think Sark has learned. We throttled back on that shit at the end of the season. We had an exploitable secondary last year without a great edge rush. It's actually remarkable that we did as well as we did. Those weaknesses are being addressed and I don't think we'll have a certifiable weak spot next year.
  5. They've convinced themselves that it drives us crazy.
  6. Send in the parrots. An Aggie fact is born: Sitting National Championship Coach Remember when Jameis won that natty for the Aggies? That was awesome!
  7. Sure didn't look like it at Rosalyn's funeral. Hope it goes easy, Mr. President.
  8. They're idiots. They already believe it is happening. The internet rumor was enough. Take that socialists!
  9. More manly than our faggy, dildo-y block T. Their T brings fear. I didn't state what you say I do. I doubt you can write about the Longhorns and manage to be straight serious with no exquisite insults. Not many posters here are simply about serious sports conversation. It would indeed get boring pretty fast if most people didn't either successfully or unsuccessfully try their hands at wit. The spectrum should include a dry absurdist like Futureman or a would-be beat poet like dangersnax. 1 I'm not burdened by directly descended grandchildren. My sad jumble of DNA ends with me. You're welcome. As for the ignore function, I've got a few people on it. They've mostly got themselves crowd sourced by now. I can scroll by a bad or trolling post with great ease. 2 I don't blame you for the projection, but I was neither trying to insult anyone nor do I believe that I did so. The post was serious as a heart attack. Plus, I can throw a decent barb here and there, but I'm not prolific enough to catch up with the best here.
  10. Pneumonia has been called the old person's friend. It's evidently an easier exit than most. I hope all goes as well for McMichael as it possibly can. I saw him play as a Longhorn. Hook 'Em!
  11. dangersnax was fun. So's Futureman. Some people are just too buttoned up to appreciate or even tolerate something different. I'd never come here if it were constant serious sports conversation.
  12. Were people still talking about me? I was a pretty big deal.
  13. Guy on left: to be cast in The Addams Family Two dorks on the right: two dorks on the right. Guy circled in red: WTF? Scholarship? Passerby coincidentally dressed like an Aggie? Uncircled guy in middle: Fourth generation. Thumb: Ideal for finding your own anal g-spot.
  14. Yavaltny, schmavaltny. The bread! Oh. My. God. Amazing! You can't get bread like this in the filthy homeless crime havens of Biden's America.
  15. He was also brother of Uhtred. Maybe the only good line in the final movie was when he got a new sword and wanted to give it a name. One of his henchmen said, "Uhtred, Sword of Uhtred."
  16. I lament the passing of beautiful, talented Jessica Walters.
  17. You don't even have to fake being a Christian! Fuck the homeless! Fuck the mentally ill! Fuck anybody who wasn't born white and suburban! Such a relief! I mean, I was all fine with giving God my glory and praise. It's the Jesus shit that really chaps my ass. He died a horrible death to save my soul, but all the fucking demands. Jeez.
  18. I read the entire novel before the series aired originally. Fantatastic read and great series. I love the look of the new series. King Rat is great in my opinion. I read it a long time ago and it made me think of the difference between fiction and literature. I thought King Rat is literature. The movie with George Segal is also very good IMHO. Anyway, I'm looking forward to this series.
  19. Flush out your headgear, new guy.
  20. Mid-70s. I was coached by Coach George for a while. I see the stadium is now named for him. My increasingly diminished right knee kept me from playing a varsity game. Would have been nice to at least make it through 2 a days and play some games. I was pretty good in practice. Nose tackle was my best position.
  21. I was a Spring Lion. An inch taller, ten pounds lighter, and, at best, half as strong.
  22. I would ask one if I had four arms.
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