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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. It's strange to see Alabama on a player's list of offers and not feel like it's an uphill battle. It always felt like everybody had to wait to see which stars Alabama chose and then fight over what was left. Neither here nor there. Just evidence of a new era.
  2. True. It's so obviously foul that nobody anticipated it. It's obvious, as you surely know, that he should be barred from office. To me, it's obvious that he should be incarcerated awaiting trial due to the profoundly dangerous crimes he's accused of which we either watched live on TV (Jan. 6), saw videotapes (Trump's chandeliered bathroom storage facility for highly classified documents), or audio tape (coercing a Georgia state official in hopes of altering legal election results). Obvious counts for nothing in the face of the most odious internal threats to the US. I don't know if anybody's noticed, but our legal system is working a little slow considering what we know. Again, I'm not writing anything you don't know. I just remain agog and jabber about it.
  3. I'd attempt to capture a Russian tank using only a .22 rifle just for an introduction. Thanks to @ryskey for chipping away at my granite block of ignorance about Argentina.
  4. I subscribe to the NYT internet version. I find this objectionable: Calling this brutal invasion a "war" is a lie that sugar coats what is actually going on. This is more like the NAZI army clearing the ghettos of Warsaw. Israel nakedly shows its goal: expulsion by any means: Any means including starvation: We're complicit, and I hate it. This is not a war. The news media won't call this what it is. Another defeat for the obvious. Such a strange world this has become.
  5. Even Hamas has a guy doing the horns down. Must've gone to A&M Qatar.
  6. Only if forced to and in need of a laugh. And now, playing all your favorite hits here on BRKN, Broken Record Radio! A college grad with an ag tag: 1 He's talking about the post Covid year team. I write that to prove context doesn't help when the reasoning isn't reasoning at all. 2 A college graduate. This is new:
  7. It's Billy Therapy: Know Your Audience 70,000 personifications of virtue stride that campus saying howdy and whooping. Hell of a market for a burned out druggie looking to maintain an acceptable lifestyle. Always trust an addict who tells you he's reformed and that you're terrific by virtue of where you enroll in college.
  8. I think Plan 2024 hinged on Item 3: Elko runs off the Class of 2022 except for a few true Aggies. How many times does he watch our games? He has encyclopedic knowledge of our worst quarters in five games and includes an analysis of four straight plays called by Genius Collin Klein. We did have some maddening games that became close at one point. In just about all of them, we also had quarters where we absolutely dominated. It's the Hermanesque every game turns into a shitfight aspect of the season that was driving us crazy. And we did manage to actually win. As vertigo says, their close losses are at least as valuable as our close wins or temporarily close games. Because I don't remember our games as well as William, I went for a look. Tied with Wyo going into the fourth quarter: It was also the week after beating Alabama in Alabama. Struggled with Iowa State: 10 point victory. Not exactly OT. Struggled with Kansas State: He and the Aggies like to talk about us playing against second string QBs. No flip side of the coin. The Houston Nightmare: Shot ourselves through the balls. Both of 'em. Credit to Houston for roaring back. Great game by them. Shouldn't have been, but they took advantage. By the end of the season we were 12-1. That's the deal, Aggies.
  9. I think whoever gave him this helmet had to have been fucking with him. He makes Dukakis look like George Patton.
  10. He's a business genius. He used OPM to cover his costs while he cut these great deal. We flew him there on government planes with government security, government status, and put him up in great accommodations. We set up the contacts. Hell, we even gave him body armor. And he rocks it.
  11. Agree. Manziel says to ask the other QBs if he's telling the truth. They will indeed verify the truth. "That lazy, stoned meathead never showed up prepared and kept asking the same questions over and over. Hoyer was too patient with that loser." I think he ditched some practices, too.
  12. I think we need a new law: Obstruction of the Obvious. If there is verified and vetted video or audio of a person committing a crime that has been seen by the entire nation, that person shall forfeit rights of appeal during trial. Further, said person will face trial on the evidence presented in the aforementioned within three months of indictment. Such cases will be given priority in docket scheduling. Said person will be remanded into custody of the jail or prison in the jurisdiction to await trial. We pass this law for obvious reasons.
  13. A Killer Paradox Korean movie that starts slow but becomes very good. It's got the usual Korean narrative curveballs and some very good characters. I love the range from quirkiness to a few scenes that are very moving. It's not immortal, but it's enjoyable. The director/editor has a mania for scene transitions that are clever but so good sometimes that I get confused about where we are.
  14. Hiroyuki Sanada's our Toshiro Mifune for the 21st Century. He doesn't have the comic flourish, but he is terrifying as a fighter. A rebirth of the Samurai genre would be a delight. Akira and Toshiro are gone, but there is clearly talent around to carry it off. I was disappointed that Westworld didn't use the samurai more. I may have watched it to the end had they. A last note: My senior year in high school, The Houston Post printed a review of Seven Samurai and said it was to appear on the PBS channel. Dad was watching TV at the time. I didn't think he'd go for it, but he was open to subtitles and a rare visit to PBS. We watched almost in awe. Rapt. Rarely speaking. It was new to both of us, and it's a nice low-key but profound memory of my father. Exuberance over.
  15. Wonder why he didn't use one of the dozens of guns lying around the house. Is using a brain tumor to rob a woman armed robbery? I have my doubts.
  16. I revere Meat Pimp. After writing the above, I went back to look at the picture to see if I could figure out what Hey Dudes are. Failure there, but I did notice something almost holy about Meat Pimp. The crotch of his jeans is like the Shroud of Turin; a permanent record imprinted in denim of the unearthly beams of ethereal light emanating from the sacred gonads. All must go to their knees before them.
  17. Glad to browse the thread and see the good reactions. I'll let a few more drop and then watch it with my beloved. I read the book more than once and thought the original series was solid.
  18. And whomever you're alluding to calls the goddamn shots for the Dems! Dems don't to dick without consulting the hallowed, hollowed echo chamber! You did put up some reasons, though, so thanks for that.
  19. They should have executed the hair and wardrobe staff for perming all the boys and putting them in leisure suits.
  20. I googled Texas National Guard Duties, and here's what I got: Deployment on the border: And, total number: I don't know what number are deployable for a natural disaster. The fire seems like one.
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