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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. That idiot read an article (or someone read it for him) about Mike Ovitz 30 years ago. Maybe Rush bloviated about it. They'll believe anything. Add Gopher to Trump and Reagan as TV stars they've elected: I think left office in disgust with the GOP, but I'm neither sure nor curious enough to look it up.
  2. I had to rep this to indicate I got it whether I did or not. I'm part of the cool patrol! I'm hip!
  3. I was out a Mar-a-Lago. Beautiful weather there. Makes real estate really valuable. I was there doing the usual...usual...usual funny word, usual. I'm rocking back and forth on my heels. You ever see that? I rock forward better than anybody. Nobody has ever seen rocking forward like I do. Let me tell you. Crooked Joe can't even ride a bike. I bet I could have won the French Tour. Ya know, I really think so. France, we need a better deal with them. [Loud offstage cough] This singer. Swift. Taylor Swift. Swifty Swift. She sings, or she calls it singing. You ever listen to her? I don't know her or her songs. People tell me they are really bad. She's a never-Trumper. That beautiful beautiful day at Marlbor- Malboro Mar a Lago as some people call it. I was there rocking back and forth. Very forth. Forther than anyone. I'm humming Dixie. Just humming it. You know what humming is? A lot of people don't. And this record producer, famous, I mean famous record producer comes up to me. "Sir! Mr. President, sir? Can you tell me where that beautiful singing is coming from?" Let me tell you, it wasn't Swifty Swift on the radio. I tell this guy, and he's rich, almost as rich as me. I tell him, "I'm just humming." "Please sir, may I hear it again?" I hum the part about "Oh, I wish I owned some slaves and cotton." He cries. Tears all over his head. "Mr. President, and you should still be Mr. President, sir, that's beautiful. I love what you do for music. We should make a record for you. Hi-fi. Everything. You could have been the biggest pop singer ever." Then he made a funny face. I think he smelled Sleepy Joe or maybe that nasty woman Swifty Swifty. He sort of gagged and went away. Big arms for a record producer.
  4. Manly A&M vs Queer Texas. As usual, bet on the queers. A&M: Still holding on to the idea that calling somebody gay is an insult and assertion of your own extraordinary heterosexuality.
  5. A former game show host and business failure versus the number one pop star for the soul of Amerca. The founders could never have imagined such great days for the republic.
  6. Y'all are in for a bunch of surprises if you start looking up actors who play historical characters. Shockingly, the actors almost always look better. Crazy.
  7. Watched Anatomy of a Fall last night. WTF? It's average. It's also way too long.
  8. William, you must wear a shirt with a collar today! Awww, mom. I don't even have any. Yes you do. A nice new one I got for you down at the K-Mart. But I look so real in the hoodie. Wear that shirt! Wear it, or I'll make you get a haircut. Ooookay. Better attitude, young man, or I'll drag you over to the sink and wash that filthy hair!
  9. It's funny that in America, most people have come to think of karma as always a bad thing. It's not.
  10. The only things keeping me from moving out of Texas are my job requires that I be here and proximity to my beloved's daughters who live in the Dallas area. Lyndon Johnson's Texas is long fucking gone. People who think merely being born within certain boundaries makes you somehow special or anything like the persons who created the world within those boundaries are morons. Yahooo! I'm a rootin' tootin' badass who grew up in a suburb of Houston that resembles Anywhere, USA! The pussies will back down except for the idiots similar to those on Jan 6 who truly believed they had the support of most of America. The gravy seals will deploy, and the ones who don't runaway will get to see just how romantic it was to die in a small room of the Alamo.
  11. I hadn't heard anything about this shortage of defensive tackles! Thanks for dragging it into the light.
  12. Wow. This is more fun than I guessed it would be. The name would better fit Alabama. We already had better teams than Bama. Clearly an upgrade from whoever your coach was before. It already is. Look up the word, dumbass.
  13. It's their cheer for their vaunted School of Animal Proctology.
  14. Dare we divert forces from the defense of Texas? It's an invasion! Fucking idiot world.
  15. I haven't read any of the posts about this for several pages now. I appreciate the knowledge that many attorneys provide on this board. The endless arguing over a point and then phrases used to form the argument then a personal grudge match is often too much.
  16. At last, the obvious counts for something! Whoever started this campaign found a brilliant move. Trump is arguably still mounting an insurrection through his authoritarian/totalitarian utterances about misuse of the justice department and military should he gain power. The next obvious thing would be for people to describe Trump as he describes himself: an authoritarian dictator.
  17. All good stuff. One thing to watch is when CNN and the stations that actually make an effort to be balanced allow some asshole to define this confrontation as a challenge to the right of self defense. They'll get together the usual panels and give both sides voice as though there is some actual parity between the self-defense right and what's actually going on. It's a death spiral of incompetent reporting on the ascendance of idiocy.
  18. You also have a buddy close to the tu football program who says the sip football players are all making $5MM a season which is almost as much as the sips pay the refs. The buddy also says that half the people who visit 6th Street never return alive.
  19. Negged for unsupported horror stories intended to frighten idiots into voting our of fear. You're killing the republic.
  20. Plan 2024 evidently still on track. Hold the 2022 Class together: Huge Success! Hit the ol' Portal hard: Huger Success! Assemble great coaching staff: Orgasmic! Recruit like you run this state: Lift off! Expectations: Intensely Realistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I've been thinking that he is the perfect outsider nutjob to fill the Trump vacuum. First, get him into the party.
  22. Pretty smart to start with the base. If they lose Katy...
  23. I agree with everything I could comprehend about the above. You quoted me for this fiery respsonse. I would like to add context: I was responding to that specific part of one of your posts. It doesn't mean nothing to him for the reasons I stated.
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