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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. For a second, I thought your hand was an automatic rifle. Dark humor. Maybe too soon. Anyway, I endorse your message.
  2. Solid discussion going on here. It's a pleasure to read either side. The op stated that rights were God-given and he related it specifically to Christian Nationalism. Although Christian Nationalists neither understand nor attempt to adhere it, they believe God has sent them a Letter telling them who to be and how to act. If you're not obeying The Letter or lying about obeying The Letter, you're dangerous enemy. I and others (I'll presume to say) spoke of natural rights and laws because nature is the only thing we all can experience that may have been created by a god. Nature would be the expression of any rights founded in God. We argue that there are no rights in nature. Rights were conceptualized and generated by the humans. They were supersticious humans who had their idea of the sacred, but it was nothing like the revealed religions which later came. Rights exist as a result of human existence and intellectual development over time. The notion of rights would have been as strange to early humans as they would be to ants, tigers, trees, and birds. To quote from Northern Exposure, a show I didn't particularly like, Adam Arkin's character says to someone wanting to be idealistice about nature: Out there it's feeding time 24 hourse a day.
  3. I agree. Rights must be won and defended after they are declared. Nature is the last place you can expect any right at all to privacy, safety, or happiness. You may discover a place of solitude where you can protect those "rights" (conditions) yourself, but that's about it. God didn't run the British out of the colonies.
  4. People say to me that I have the best words. A philologist came up to me, maybe 5 hoods on his gown, smart guy. I don't know what philologists do, but I'm pretty sure he's the best one. Anyway, this genius with tears soaking his mortarboard, says to me, "Sir, your words are so much better than my words! You're the genius. You must share them! All of them! Remain prolix!" I"m pretty sure prolix is a good thing.
  5. The seriousness of his alleged crimes is easily enough to get anybody else either incarcerated or confined to their home pending results. He was showing top secret documents to just about anybody. He is accused of leading an insurrection. He is accused of tampering with voter processes. He's not in jail because the media, for one, clutches their pearls at the thought of an ex-president being placed (gasp!) in jail. Most people in government follow suit. If he's convicted before the election, he should be in jail for appeals. He will have been proven to be a danger to the republic. He is not remotely remorseful or repentent. To this day he remains the toxic presence personifying the most deplorable things about the USA. His crimes cry out for execution. The obvious cries out for incarceration already. Tut-tutting from Wold Blitzer and his fellow clowns will make a public case about what a horrible precedent it would set. Only we on the internet occasionally mention that his conviction and incarceration would be great evidence that no person is above the law. I'm not concluding anything yet, but do rich, powerful white men lead the effort to keep Trump unpunished? Do they want to keep the foul notion and belief that the rich never suffer so no one really expects them to go to jail? My nascent thoughts don't suggest a conscious conspiracy: more like an appearance of unified action because of common inclinations. My posts are really getting long.
  6. I'm glad you recognized the importance of sound scientific knowledge in a post that includes a picture of a couple standing in front of a Honey Wagon. So often the gravity of my tone is missed.
  7. Unless the other people with money see you as a threat.
  8. Oh boy! Aggies discover use of fertilzer to enhance plant growth! Breakthrough stuff. Game changer. Really cooking with gas, now! "Up to" 3/4 moondust mixture with earthworm shit and fungi. Lessee, that's at least 1/4 total weight of soil is earthworm shit and fungi. Hmmm. I'm sure NASA will want to devote precious payload weight to those items. They'll probably dedicate an entire spacecraft to the effort. Below, two assholenauts pose in front of the new space scow. Aggies say that next time it rains on the moon, astronauts can harvest the earthworms that come to the surface and harvest fungus by deveoping athlete's foot on the feet of all astronauts. Further study is needed to determine if crotch rot fungi can used for farming as well.
  9. My friends, I'll remind you of HL Mencken
  10. Slavery? We may disagree but millions of Southerners agree with me. Will that do as an argument? It's an argument for how you feel. Or how you choose to feel. Or how you've been moved to feel by cascading lies from the hate engine which relieve you of having to do anything other than feel. Feel fear and hate. Thank you for your service in dooming the republic and the Constitution to which you swore an oath.
  11. The headline on that was what I was thinking of when I opened the thread. Anybody calling what Israel is doing to Gaza a "war" needs to rethink things. It's a war in the same way an all out US invasion of Costa Rica would be a "war." Maybe you can call it an anti-terrorist campaign. Maybe add punitive raid to the description. War suggests struggle between symmetrical opponents. War suggests that either side might win. Using that word to describe what Israel is about gives that nation some moral coverage that is inapt. Maybe it would be a war if the political entity that is Gaza had fielded a citizen army to carry out the crimes of Oct. 7. Maybe it would be a war if Israel was meeting significant resistance to their airstrikes, armored thrusts, and well equipped army. News entities calling this a "war" do the same damage they do when they won't call other things what they are: Climate Disaster instead of Climate Change. Lies instead of misstatements of fact. Would-be dictator instead of GOP nominee. Israel is not conducting a war. I agree with the American doctor quoted above. Support it. Don't support it. Just call it what it is.
  12. They've been persuaded to believe the gays are grooming their children for lives of depravity. Transexuals are ruining high school sports. And the bathrooms! Don't get us started on the bathrooms! They've been persuaded that their children will be saddened by news of massive human trafficking carried on by the US until the Civil War. They're already the only people being discriminated against in the US. The whole negro thing is passe. They'll vote for the brave draft dodger who has convinced them we're being invaded by brown people who carry drugs, terrorists, and gangsters in their ragged luggage. The right finally found the fear to incorporate this hold-out part of the electorate to become adherents to the hate engine.
  13. RomaVicta


    My analysis may have been too cursory. Glad to read this.
  14. They'd beat him to death. It would only take one of them, but they'd probably take turns.
  15. RomaVicta


    I have full faith in a MAGA Christians state ME. Preliminary information is that a complete autopsy was performed? Shouldn't that mean information need not be identified as "preliminary?" Preliminary information from the full autopsy indicates that Nex didn't die of trauma. Sounds like something they can walk back after the full 6 month investigation (burying of results) reveals, "Oh, what do you know? That fag died from an attack." They've also been mentioning toxicology reports all along. This suggests that maybe Nex died due to drug use. How long will they keep mentioning toxicology results as pending to keep putting that idea in everyone's head? So, there are supposedly toxicology reports pending and "ancillar testing" to be completed. I thought they'd already done a full autopsy. Lastly, if Nex didn't die from altercation incurred head trauma, what are the police investigating? Crack journalists asking all the important questions. Most outlets are just quote services using no discretion or real analysis. College boys and girls who have learned the template. Once you call it an altercation, you can't call it anything else even if the term you're using isn't apt. It's not Climate Cataclysm or Pending Climate Disaster, it's Climate Change or Global Warming. Can't call it anything else because the dumb bastard we geniuses write for wouldn't understand. Thinking up new terms is hard. Okay, I'm going off on journalists. I'll shut up, but there is no question this passive form of reporting is an important agent in the rotting of the republic.
  16. RomaVicta


    I'll direct my rage at the newspapers: The Oklahoman: It's a real mystery. In an altercation Nex sutstained mortal head injuries. Foul play? After an altercation? Mysterious head injuries? Better fly in Colombo for this one you redneck degenerates. I guess Sue Benedict was appointed chief of police. Police never, ever, ever pursue altercation cases on their own without instructions from civilians. No way they ever take a credible witness statement and make an arrest pending further investigation. Nex slipped. Nex's head got cracked. No evidence that the fall was related to the altercation. Case closed. We all know how much time. The amount of time it takes for the hubub to die down and they can release their finding of accidental death on Christmas Eve. It help that Mom doesn't really give a shit. Maybe even a year. We're not sure of the protocols for making a finding after an altercation. Here's your news if you call yourself a journalist: A non-binary 16 year old, below, has died after a likely assault in a high school bathroom. Police have witness accounts that identify a suspect in the incident. This suspect fled after the injury to Nex Benedict. Benedict incurred head injuries serious enough to have led to hospital admission. Benedict died in the hospital, an autopsy is to be conducted to confirm cause of death. In the week since Benedict's death, police show no progress in their investigation which they claimed could take weeks. The state medical examiner says their investigation may take months. Neither organization would explain why those investigations will take such an abnormal amount of time. Further, the police have not arrested a suspect believed to have been named by at least one witness. When this reporter asked why this would take longer than usual investigations for assault or homicides with witness accounts, the police chief said "we're taking longer because we take this matter so seriously. It's a tragedy." When asked if the department was granting special treatment to the assailant because of his status, the chief replied, "it's outrageous that you would ask such a question." Why do you insist on calling this an altercation? Is there a criminal statute about altercations? This is a criminal investigation; what is the alleged crime that you are investigating? "No comment on an ongoing investigation." The story is the official response to a deadly assault on a non-binary high school student. It doesn't take a crack team of detectives from the Owasso PD to connect the dots. We become a shameless society.
  17. The First Airbender played by Sean Connery was the best airbender.
  18. It was clever in using things like the hot sheets (tabloid newspapers) for recent intelligence. Tommy Lee Jones' deadpan/seen it all delivery was exquisite acting. It's light fare, but it's very very good light fare. I love a good pop song (guilty pleasure: Dancing Queen) as much as solid classical pieces or anything else. I can dance. I can jive.
  19. I was thinking the same thing as the first tweet under the video: One must be careful about generalizing about what meaning people assign to their sexual habits and history. It almost always projects your own experiences and guesses. What this woman wants to do is ghastly and tyrannical probably in the way that degrading sex can be. Her story may indeed be sad even if her advocacy is horrific. I'm glad we got past the achingly feminist responses about ugly bitches who can't get laid leading the charge. Maybe get that knee jerk looked into. Compliments to @BevoAbyss for the better answer to what is behing this: The woman in the video would gain no traction whatsoever without the above being true. I had been wondering why women didn't rise up in a tidal swell of outrage over the encroachment of their hard-earned rights. I slapped my forehead for stupidity. "It's God, stupid." If one believes God is directing them, he/she will do anything including bombing abortion clinics or flying into the World Trade Towers. BevoAbyss goes on: Really great post. Excellent. I see it reflected on facebook in my former high school classmates now aged into rabid if polite piety. A big reunion is coming up. I won't go. I like remembering their better selves of youth. I don't want to stand with people assuming I'm of like mind as they villify immigrants, socialist democrats, and people who "just happen to be black." Their confidence in assuming all agree with them comes from their religious faith which has metastasized to include their political beliefs. Here come the planes.
  20. His movies were wildly popular. I liked Men In Black, but he sort of ruins most of his other movies for me. He's kind of a ham. I'm probably an older fart than you, and that likely affects perspective. Or, just a matter of taste.
  21. It's funny how every thread does as he describes. Every post about Texas never uses Longhorns. A few say Texas. Most do as this idiot and refer to us as "the sips." We're in his head even as he tries to tell everybody else that they shouldn't obsess. 1 This only applies to schools not called Texas A&M. 2 One coaches instead of coach's is understandable. Twice in two lines is a reflection of your college education. 3 No shit. 4 New Aggie fact. Media lying about Texas' returning talent. 5 Scary. I sure hope Sark and his future NFL QB can figure something out. Wouldn't be surprised if A&M won 11 games. User name checks out.
  22. I think I got athlete's foot just looking at the picture. Yup. Trending down. Glad LBJ is in the top ten; there was more to his presidency than the Viet Nam disaster. Truman over-rated. He ushered in the security state and the military-industrial state that Eisenhower warned us about. Washington should be number 1. There is no USA without him holding together the army and using his own money to do so. The Constitution Convention was illegal under the laws of Federation. Washington's presence quelled any thought of acting on that fact. He surrendered power in the first peaceful transfer of the office. He was a great man. He arranged for the freedom of the people enslaved on his farm which is at least a little something against his terrible history of trafficking Africans.
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