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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. Very succinct description of TV news. They don't find news themselves, they just get opinion quotes. They maintain an absolutely childish adherence to the notion that there are two approximately equal sides to every story. They wouldn't have any news at all to report if it weren't for print journalism. They only cover predictable stuff. They love the election cycle because they can just about say the same thing in 2 and 3 year cycles with just a few name changes. They're fumbling the two biggest stories since WW2: Climate Cataclysm and the Fascist Threat to the USA. They handle them pretty much just as Red 5 describes.
  2. That and he's hanging onto their balls like a fruit bat.
  3. I see why Billy Boy doesn't resort to simile much. He's very bad at it. It would be more like Olin spending the money on a sputtering Maserati that the owner was delighted to unload and hoping the car will heal itself. Oh, and Billy is the idiot in any scenario.
  4. I fully expect Lane Kiffin to have one of these on when Ole Miss comes to Kyle next year. He'll have the cup in front of him as well in the post victory press conference. I asked the guy in the pink shirt to pass the idea on to Lane.
  5. This plays so well into Aggie pathology. They're not really bad. They've lost to good teams (except for the one that killed them). In a vacuum, all is okay. But it's not a vacuum. A&M's okay-ness is being distorted by negative recruiting and a hail of arrows raining down on the Aggie football program. Recruits are thinking A&M maybe sucks really bad. Aggies know A&M is nearly perfect and oozing manly manfulness and honor codes and facilities and traditions! Thus, the opinions of these recruits is being driven down by mean ol' negative recruiters and, evidently, a large band of archers. A&M sucking and staying the mediocre course is a narrative pushed by negative recruiting and those dildo-waving nancy boys in the liberal hell that is Austin. Losing to good teams by close scores just isn't as much like winning as it used to be. Or so the t-sips would have you believe.
  6. Meyer knows he won't be there 10 years or even 6. A&M would likely have to pay 15-20MM per season or stretch it out over ten years with another guaranteed contract to pay Meyer Jimbo money. I think Meyer would require more than what the prior losing coach was paid. I don't know shit about Meyer, but if the Aggies come up with the money mentioned above they'd be in for about $30MM a year for the short contract (Fisher and Meyer combined) or $17MM for a longer contract. There's no guarantee, as pointed out, that Meyer will succeed at A&M. It's been a long time since he was at a mid-tier program. Maybe the facilities facilities facilities and the magic of Kyle Field and participating in Midnight Yell will draw him out of retirement. If he fails, the money the Aggies would be paying coaches that didn't succeed would be enormous. It'd be funny, too.
  7. I'm too busy today to bring much more over from this amusing thread on Texags about their status as a coaching destination. Dennis "Frantastic" Francione wanted out of Bama. They were a mess at the time. Not exactly like luring away Saban. Jimbo? Stolen? We all know the story there. He was just a few seconds away from getting a boot mark on his ass. 1 True. A&M is an agent's dream. 2 Facilities! Facilities! Facilities! Gee, I wish I could live in a paradise like College Station and be in constant awe of what Kyle Field is.
  8. What type of messaging will have impact on ice cream lady? What type of messaging do you need if all the things you mentioned to her are common knowledge? The news and information couldn't be clearer on all of the hideous aspects of Donald Trump and the treasonous conspiracy he just about daily encourages. It doesn't penetrate. Trumpists are argument-proof. The undecideds are argument-averse. Messaging can't work if there are no receivers. This is maybe the most demoralizing aspect of the republic today. Discourse is seemingly completely dead. Hell, most people don't really know anything about the republic or it's origins. The USA is their favorite team which they believe is the bestest ever. By all means, keep trying to enlighten and persuade people. Just don't have much in the way of expectations that your good arguments and messages will carry a point to your listener should you find one. I'm stumped.
  9. Turnovers could impact A&M's chances against MSU. If A&M has to throw using the second team QB from Fresno or a freshman, there could be multiple turnovers.
  10. Fisher's agent wasn't the one trying to convince A&M to take Jimbo. The Aggies saw their chance to hire a "sitting national championship coach" and wouldn't take no for an answer. They were so proud that they could pay $75,000,00.00 guaranteed to draw Jimbo. The fact that he'd only come to that dump for such an absurd amount of money didn't register. All they cared about was that Jimbo knows how to win a national championship. How he was leaving FSU or anything else didn't matter. Jimbo's agent just smiled and let some time pass before returning A&M's calls.
  11. Write it? I'd bet my car that he's never read it. God, I love this kind of shit. First the op: Some dumbass Aggie makes an assertion that he could have looked up. He doesn't, because that's not how Aggie facts are generated. He gets sweet, harsh rejection:
  12. No shit. I just read the first 5 or 6 and I could see the parrot instinct was kicking in. Great leader. I'd have done the same thing. Proud of you! I think they imagine Shemar sharing the bunk above them in the Corps Dorm sharing good bull stories and reciting the honor code between homo-erotic S&M hazing.
  13. Not just crying, he's bawling. You can tell by his breathing. It's a pitiful display. Doing it in public on TV says even more bad things about this guy. This puts a GM in a bind. I'd be inclined to pass on this pampered bag of goo, but if he grows up and becomes great, you'll look like an idiot. The NFL is a hard stage. It's not for the weak.
  14. By the LSU game? If Johnson is out, there's a pretty good chance A&M could be down to their 4th string QB by LSU. A scrub or a freshman will just be fresh meat trying to catch up to the game for the first time with A&M's "protection." Somewhere, Georgia I guess, Haynes King cracks a crooked smile.
  15. She looks great. Too many guys here judge everything by their masturbation material. At least, I assume that's what "would" refers to when judging women you'd never have a shot of even talking to.
  16. The apex of Aggie wit and reasoning: Yes, Cinco, you're called little brother because people were confused about the days UT and A&M opened their doors for the first time. Thank you for putting the ape in apex. And this is nice: 1 Blaming the victim. This moron goes on to destroy the point he thinks he's making. 2 I don't know what kind of Aggie Johnson is or even exactly what a good Aggie is. This guy is something of a typical Aggie in that he makes an assertion and then unwittingly disproves it with his own evidence, and he can't get past the most basic of football fan falacies of blaming the QB for everything. Sure, nobody blocked for him and there was no running game to slow the rush, but he got himself killed by holding on to the ball too long. I'll only say that Johnson completed a lot of passes where he got smashed a microsecond after release. Holding the ball too long, as far as I have understood it, is usually pointed out after an incompletion. And this Aggie is dogging him before going to the cornball shit of bein' raised raht and a gold durn good Ag.
  17. He's a tough motherfucker. Respect.
  18. Aggie: We have a culture problem. Aggie solution: Hire an Aggie.
  19. For the craziest shit, I choose guys with an AgTag just to be fair. I had to go back to be sure this idiot wasn't a troll. Above, typical insane expectations for a QB prior to insertion under bus. Below, recall how they didn't lose anybody important to the portal because none of them were starters? The dots will remain unconnected in College Station.
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