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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. Thanks for the warning. I've managed to not see that show at all so far. I think there's an interesting line that separates age groups. On one side, you have people that don't like black and white movies. On the other, you have people that can't get into an animated series. Have a good weekend.
  2. What are the consequences of lying in a case such as this? Is it perjury just as in a criminal case? Calling @TwiceHorn or @Foosters or any other of the lawyers here with experience. Thanks.
  3. Israel's rage is surely justified. The images take this out of the abstract. Horrible beyond imagination. I think it's wise to release these images just as I think we should release images from school shootings and the like. It's different from what one imagines. This must be particularly enraging. From a terrorist phone: This doesn't change my stand about what the US should and shouldn't do. This also doesn't justify sledgehammering the people in Gaza. I don't believe the thousands of airstrikes and artillery bombardment on such a tiny space that is also besieged and blockaded can all be justified as militarily necessary. If I'm correct about punitive bombing of the populace, I don't see the difference in how a child dies at the hands of an invader. Hamas has made it so that civilians will be killed. Their hands have the blood of Israelis and Palestinians on them. But not all of it.
  4. I expected that might occur. I'll leave it lie, but a picture of a school room heavily puddled with blood and obliterated body parts doesn't make me worry about their lonely dogs at home. A depiction of the dog to show the loss trivializes the image of that room to me. Not greatly trivialize but enough to make my eyebrow go up. I'll likely invite another neg by saying that I think this country is dog-crazy almost to the level of pathology. I like dogs and they like me. I would never harm one and would help one in distress. An individual who loses his/her dog is rightfully mournful. It's the culture that's grown up around it that seems off to me. Just my perspective, my friend.
  5. He'll have his parking garage lawyer renogiate the debt agreement and stick one of these in somewhere: Bingo! It's working like a charm for him.
  6. Priorities. I guess we get to decide those for ourselves.
  7. Just in the nick of time. We're using our state-of-the-art Fait Accompli model spy satellite.
  8. What about their dogs!?!? Sorry, man. Just seems kind of trivial.
  9. Stollen bases. Degenerate umpires. The losers were all never Trumpers. I used to pitch. I like to think I could probably still throw a couple of innings of no-hit ball in the World Series. Lou Gehrig came up to me a few years ago. You know Lou. Big muscular guy. Comes up to me with tears in his eyes falling all over his face. Hairy arms. "Mr. President, sir." They all call me sir. I'm humble about it. Very...humble. "Mr. President, sir" Gee, don't you like the sound of that. Do you like the sound of that? [wild cheering] So, Lou says to me, "Sir, you know more about baseball than anybody. The managers are all idiots compared to you. And it's rotten that Shoeless-er-and-Sleepy Joe and the degenerate communist Democraps stole the election." After that, he just broke down. Sad. Hope he's okay.
  10. Those are all nation states. Germany and Japan were driven to their knees. They failed at building empires where they actually hold ground. That's not the radical Muslim anti-US/Israel goal. Mujahadeen don't expect to one day rule the United States or Europe. Don't forget, we were "liberating Iraq" and to be greeted by crowds showering our boys with flowers and candies (Rumsfeld, again). They painted an image of Paris being liberated. Worked out great. There never were WMDs, we killed huge numbers of Iraqi citizens with air attacks and artillery, and new terrorists enlisted and went to Iraq to fight us. Oh, and we also created a vacuum for ISIS to fill. So, Iraq the nation hasn't attacked and never has attacked us, but we sure showed them. It's a fucking paradise of democratic order.
  11. Remember when we invaded Iraq as part of Bush's vague notion of a "war on terror?" We'd reduce the number of terrorists overall by killing the terrorists there. Did it work out that way? CBS News 2006 So, it's clear that using a sledge hammer to destroy your enemies and all the people around them is a sure fire way to get what you want when dealing with terrorist groups. I'm sure Israelis all over the world will be safer the moment Hamas is destroyed along with thousands of Palestinians who are barely human anyway. They're certainly not like us. They wouldn't nurture a grudge against the people that slaughtered their aunts, brothers, and friends using brutal assault. They'd be tamely grateful that they were spared. They're not brave and capable of the same kind slaughter we regular people are. But Roma, how would you handle the issue? What's your plan? Fuck if I know. I'm addressing the fatuous notion that "wiping out" Hamas and anybody nearby or even not nearby will achieve what the quote says it might. Sure, fight Hamas. Sure, kill all that you can; they're the worst of enemies. Just don't kid yourself that blowing up GAZA is going to make Israel or Israelis or even Jews any safer. It's satisfying to blow shit up when your army is doing it. We Americans have much experience with this. It's the tool of choice for bringing a nation state to it's knees. Hamas is not a nation state. They're not alone in the world. They're not a single nail that the sledge hammer can drive into the ground and be done with it. I begin to believe the people running Israel actually know this. They maybe sliding down the same vortex we are. They've read 1984. We're at war with the Muslims. We have always been at war with the Muslims. Big Brother protects us from all the fears he created.
  12. I don't know. I think I could find funner things to do with $20MM, but if that's your fetish, live it up.
  13. Her wardrobe choices are fair game unless she's developmentally disabled. She should have spent the $19k of the people's money on a fucking mirror. She needs a new feed sack tailor. Maybe this woman is still around: These women wore them better: In hard times early in the 20th Century, feed companies started putting patterns on the sacks so those using them to make dresses would have some variety. I always thought that was pretty cool. Or maybe it helped sales. Or both. Here's an example of how well it was done: So ends your History Moment brought to you by Kraft Cheese Food Products. Kraft uses only the best leftover petrochemicals from the cleanest refineries! Kraft Quality!
  14. Pos rep, but I think debasing yourself to the level where you morally justify enslaving other people and treating them as less than fully human is the key to what makes the South the South. I hadn't thought of Reconstruction in decades. I wonder if we'd just have largely the same South with a better economy.
  15. It appears that Israel is doing an impressive job of obscuring what is going on in Gaza. Hamas has zero credibility, so whatever they say is worthless. In Jabalia, there are a lot of dead non-combatants. I have mixed feelings about this. It appears Israel was after a military target because they didn't carpet bomb the place. Could it also be that Israel is trying to scare the indigent population out of the area maybe never to return? Both? Is the number of civilian dead part of a protocol? Are 200 casualties include 50 dead an acceptable number for an airstrike? A few days ago, there were 700 air attacks in 24 hours. If there is a protocol as described, then many thousands of casualties including deaths result each day from airstrikes alone. If a target presents an important threat to Israel, they must attack and destroy that threat. Err on the side of thoroughness even if it means collateral damage. But 700 air attacks in one day? I imagine a few thousand since the war began. This level of thoroughness includes punishment, I believe. The is why I don't want the US standing close and in tight unity with the perpetrating nation. This isn't a schoolyard as the world is so often presented to the public. Good friends fighting bullies and sticking together. All allies must be assessed regularly to see if they measure up. I don't think Israel meets the mark at the moment. I suppose we could approve selling weaponry to Israel on some scale. Our efforts should be almost exclusively humanitarian in nature. I don't want our name on this slaughter. It's already on too many others.
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