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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. You’re not picking up what I’m laying down so it’s not worth engaging. The ICIG process for determining credible and urgent is exactly what I described.
  2. Tweet 1: He’s an expressing surprise and frustration at the system (S-300) (“I served on/with it) being deployed around Petersburg. “Around Peter! Well, let’s get ready boys. It’ll get worse.” Tweet 2: Performative dissent like in Putin’s call-in show that will allow authorities to “respond” and make it l better.
  3. Extremely dubious that this plane was carrying Ukrainian POWs.
  4. Let me break it down for you, dipshit. It’s well and good to suggest that you and your significant other should feel free fuck other people in an era where the bug he/she brings home can be cured with a shot, and the chance of being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term (and risk dying when you do so) approaches zero (unless you’re in Texas or Florida). You’d might have a different opinion if the bug that came home meant “dick falls of while you slowly go insane and there’s nothing you can do about it.” I am glad we live in a place where the first is an option and I don’t care if people avail themselves of it. You’re a real fucking beating.
  5. This might be an interesting gotcha if I’d ever argued that people who want to do ENM should be banned or persecuted or otherwise stigmatized. I celebrate antibiotics.
  6. You’re the one who proposed that “society” is what’s restricting ENM and I’m suggesting the at the arrow goes the other way— “society” at large (technology, medicine, the welfare state, etc.) enables some of these new and novel ways of existing to shape up. People are just biology and a lot of these norms go far deeper than just superstition or arbitrary squares setting their morals on you, man. Physics and biology get to set speed limits and sometimes we can raise them with the right technology. Somehow I don’t think that many ENM discussions boil down to “but she understands RPO concepts, can I please just have Sundays with her?” LOL.
  7. My point is that you don’t get to choose to experience all that extra stuff without modern medicine, so none of it has much to do with the natural order of things. Nature does not give a shit about what you want out of life, but she does deliver pathogens and babies when you fuck.
  8. Every generation thinks they invented fucking, or at least how to fuck the right way. Good luck with all that. I do have to LOL at arguments that this is all common sense or rooted in basic needs. I celebrate the invention of reliable birth control and antibiotics that enable self-discovery via free-form coupling. For all but the last 80 years of human history, the combined death toll between childbirth and STDs means that nature laughs at your polycule and self-realization needs. She’s a cruel mistress, don’t cite her as the justification but applaud that we escaped her grasp.
  9. Orban now on the freaking clock. In the past he’s been unwilling to be the last to ratify and get on board, but they have leaned much further ahead on Sweden and how mad they are at Sweden. Let’s see if the parliament schedules any sessions.
  10. Expectation: Open the relationship, mid-40s dad will be swimming in hot hippie and co-ed flesh. Reality: Open the relationship, mid-40s mom now swimming in younger penis while dad has another movie night with kids.
  11. Well, Mr. United CEO. You can say you don’t want to buy new Boeing planes, but what if we don’t MAKE new Boeing planes for you to buy! Making new planes is bad for institutional investors! Check-mate, asshole, why don’t you get Airbus to make new airplanes for you as I am sure they will.
  12. @Aqua Buddha and @bolverk, instead of framing the Hamas offer as a “should,” it’s more useful to frame it as “realistic or not realistic.” And you have to admit that the Hamas offer is not realistic: - Release every Palestinian including those that did October 7 - Accept our authority in Gaza - Leave now - In return you get the hostages that we took when we started this whole thing. It is not realistic for Hamas to announce, right as they are getting their shit pushed in, “we are ready to accept your surrender anytime, Israel.” It’s not a serious offer and was never meant to be. We are able to instinctively understand this if we look at it as we look at Putin’s “peace offers” for Ukraine. By contrast the Israeli time-bound and limited proposal is at least a realistic starting point.
  13. So to cover a few points: - Only one of the quotes provided (Brennan) even hints at ET life and the rest lines up with what no one disputes: We have seen things, we can’t explain of them, it’s important to investigate. There’s no need to keep hammering this point of broad agreement. - I haven’t done any of that. We are both in agreement that there are UAPs. You seem to be making the jump in logic to assume that anything that can’t be completely explained must be extraordinary because our tech and pilots are so amazing. That’s just not a realistic assessment of what our technology can do. You’re conflating “unidentified” with “extraordinary.” - The ICIC definitions are the easiest here. “Urgent” is a statutory definition here, and any claims that allege certain violations of law or withholding of information are deemed urgent. Truth is not a factor. The moment Grusch claimed that stuff was withheld from Congress, his claim was deemed “urgent” by the ICIG. “Credible” is a bit more judgment. Important to note two things— by law the ICIG must make a designation within 14 days (not time to investigate alien craft hidden since WWII). Second, the ICIG’s role is simply to determine if the claims have the bare minimum of plausibility to send to committees and the DNI. In practice— the ICIG will verify that the claimant is making an allegation on behalf of himself/herself, next it will verify that the claimant’s scope of employment and clearance levels align with the nature of the claims. That’s really about it. There is no investigation into the validity of the claim or underlying information. None. Onto Grusch. He claims he was a GS-15. There’s several tens of thousands of those across the government. It’s by definition simply an experienced middle level manager role. It’s an accomplishment but it’s not evidence of some form of astonishing success and credibility regardless of what agency he worked for. I have broad doubts about him mostly because of his persistent over-hype of things like what “urgent and credible” means. He also appears to have no source of employment other than UFO advocacy at the moment. And most importantly— all his claims are based on stuff other people told him and/or stuff he claims he was denied access to. This is a classic con technique where absence of evidence is presented as evidence of a coverup. - What is the evidence for the Jellyfish video being something extraordinary besides “vibes.” What specifically do you find at fault with West’s deep dive into what it most likely is besides “it doesn’t look like that to me?”
  14. My favorite alien theory is the “dark forest” hypothesis which holds that there are many alien civilizations that are both fearful and hostile, so they remain silent on the electromagnetic spectrum to avoid getting attacked by another hostile civilization. In the meantime humanity is sending out dickpics and coordinates to our house, along with radio messages saying “u up?”
  15. I thought Bennigans had died! Are we really having one dead casual chain do a crossover menu with another dead casual dining chain to create like a nostalgia singularity?
  16. Getting Musk and Shapiro to tour Auschwitz together has to be some sort of Houthi psy-op to create some form of drug resistant super-anti-Semitism.
  17. @immamac, thread title change to “Operation Poseidon Archer”? Heavy strikes tonight on Houthi targets.
  18. It’s fine to posit that these being can play with the laws of the universe as we understand them— create matter, manipulate space-time, tap infinite energy— but at that point what’s really the daylight between aliens and God or angels and why is the one more plausible than the other? Especially now that we are bringing up interdimensional creatures? Any species capable of doing these things is so far beyond us that the actual experience of them would be indistinguishable from a supernatural being anyway. Which brings us back to, why are they playing tag with fighter jets and crashing ?
  19. Point by point: - I think you’re misrepresenting what a lot of these people have said. No one here argues with the basic thesis that there are real things and artifacts in the sky that don’t have a positive ID and that it’s worth trying to figure that out. I do think it’s notable that no one ever rebuts the substance of people like West’s analysis and instead choose to just attack the source. - I am pretty sanguine about the gaps in our sensor and other technology. I also think you’re conflating a number of different incidents and pieces of evidence to create a narrative that doesn’t exist. - I think that we’d be a little more worked up about regular visits from aliens than we would be about adversary tech, or things that we can’t know for sure but are likely prosaic. - I think there is a third option, which is that “credible and urgent concern” has a very narrow and tailored application under the ICWPA as implemented by the ICIG and that a finding of “credible and urgent” in this context does not mean that any of the underlying claims of existence of crashed spaceships and murders have been found credible or even been given a cursory investigation. I think the UFO crowd’s deliberate blurring of these statutory and bureaucratic terms to make them more expansive than they are kind of gets at the heart of why the drivers of this movement are not credible in the layman’s sense. - I think that the conspiracy world is littered with doctors, lawyers, intell officers, uniformed service, journalists, political figures, pilots, plumbers, and anyone else you can think of who showed no signs of being kooky until they went kooky. I think that I need more than “this one guy told me” to believe in Mussolini’s spaceship. But back onto you. What, specifically, is not credible about @Viper’s post where a former drone pilot that sees shit through FLIR all the time tells you that “Jellyfish” is likely party balloons? Why doesn’t the appeal to authority work when it’s debunking these claims? Why would you doubt what he’s telling you?
  20. Lol at Grusch getting held criminally liable for what he’s saying. He hasn’t even claimed to have first hand knowledge of anything, it’s all just stuff he claims other guys with code names told him and then he got denied access to actually see. It’s a nesting doll of bullshit all the way down, with a little bit of “and they’ll kill you if you say too much!” Yeah, he saw these papers where Mussolini and the Pope found a crashed Klingon Bird of Prey. No, he doesn’thave them. But the government is covering it up! I can turn invisible when no one is watching. Prove that I’m lying. Forget critical thinking, we have done a miserable job at teaching people to catch basic flim-flam men in their bullshit.
  21. Literally haven’t listened to a voicemail message in maybe seven years. I hang up as soon as I hear it.
  22. I think what @henrygandorfis saying is that while Trump might be racist in a sort of desultory way where he likes anything that helps him and people like him; he is not a stem-winding old racist who constantly has a toxic stew of racial slurs sloshing around his brain that catalyze whenever he sees someone of a different color. I tend to agree, that kind of racism would require him to really give a shit about something other than himself, like “the white race” or some sort of sepia toned America. And he doesn’t. It’s really just about Trump.
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