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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. That’s some mighty fine reporting there.
  2. Ivermectin has been used on humans for years. Just not for covid. Why would it suddenly cause sterilization?
  3. this administration is exhausting in their nothingness. have merrick garland chase people around one at a time to stop voter suppression? that's the big idea on saving democracy?
  4. perusing r/HermanCainAwards and started wondering about the scale of kids being orphaned from this, particularly in SEC country. so many seem to be 35 year olds with 2 sub 10 year old kids. are the numbers big enough that it is something to be worried about? are we just assuming the system absorb them as well as any orphan?
  5. i guess i just don't really know what the point of this season is. you had a nice positive thread throughout the first season that worked with the fish out of water thing that created a nice set of challenges for the protagonist to power through using basic decency. the jokes were funny, but the bigger packaging was really the part of the show that made it attractive. this season i can't really sum up. i think that is why i'm not really enjoying this season: i don't know what i'm watching for.
  6. Texted with my internist friend this morning in San Antonio and she says COVID is all she does now.
  7. probably don't want to claim brother because by the time i graduated it had changed into a shite-ton of embarrassing DMB tracks. my college era is a forgettable period in music.
  8. also, holy shit, google says bob barker is still alive.
  9. i was always amused at this joke because it seemed so unlike any other humor at the time.
  10. I was in college in peak WinAmp mp3 days and enjoyed DAC for his songs about trucks, mamas, getting drunk, trains. About all I knew. Then i go to my buddies dorm and he has a whole catalogue downloaded on his computer and song number 2 was nbomb lover. I immediately hit eject and stopped listening to him. All I needed to know.
  11. it's honestly a bit confusing. who are the bad guys in brazil v trump based on fidelity to the democratic principles?
  12. that's been the most humiliating thing about all this. about 6 months into abbott, when we'd dealt with jade helm and were off to such an embarrassing start, realizing abbott was going to be so much worse than the aggie.
  13. If Gallo K's in his next AB, it'll be an even 50% K rate as a Yankee. Just incredible.
  14. G Elliot talking about Newsome but I really post it because this is the first I’ve seen of him sort of acknowledging polling has been shit the past few cycles. Nate Cohn came to grips with it immediately but G Elliot was trying to act like we just didn’t understand.
  15. Billy Idol plays a great Billy Idol in Wedding Singer. Re: Zoolander and Billy Zane, I'm amused at David Bowie's appearance in that movie too. Natalie Portman plays a wonderful Natalie Portman too because who doesn't love an excuse to see Natalie Portman.
  16. GUYS! Texas economy back when my grandpappy was borned was based on one thing! Literally nothing happened from 1960 to present day that make us the 9th largest GPD in the world!
  17. This is dumb even grading on a Brisketjustbloviating curve
  18. I just had an absolute meme overload. Do I go with Jennifer Lawrence OK? Larry David back-and-forth? Thor?
  19. I believe both Snoop and Keema have been arrested for drugs since The Wire. Now Omar with heroin. Great job everyone.
  20. Adam Sandler is very much trying to keep from cracking up at Farley as is good and proper.
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