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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. I imagine there are quite a few points of divergence on medical decisions between you and him on this little journey.
  2. His visible presence on a board of shit for brains might actually make his death meaningful. Someone there might learn something.
  3. Man, those videos are my only reprieve from rage. His mockery skill is unmatched.
  4. I think he compares unfavorably to most presidents, conservative or not, (Trump excluded for the reasons you stated) because of his ineffectiveness with the bully pulpit. i was born in 79 so all the ones I remember he'd be the worst at it. he can't really marshall public opinion in a direction he wants.
  5. ladies have asked me if i take horse medicine before.
  6. i mean, yes, those are definitely topical things happening. my idea for a cartoon. One Englishman says to another: "Look, it's Boris Johnson." The other says, "Wrong, that's Joey Gallo, he was just traded to the Yankees for a surprisingly cheap haul." The third one from an olympic podium says "The Taliban has Afghanistan!"
  7. someone with an account should ask if anyone is interested in taking back their star they put on Rex's "I'm not vaccinated" post.
  8. Isn’t Chris Wallace their token real reporter? Seems like he should be able to do that.
  9. I find G Elliot to be a bit fart sniffery. Nate Cohn was able to fess up to the fact that 2020 polling was a shit show. G Elliot kept trying to find ways to say ACKSHULLY. It seems like he’s so convinced in the truth and science of what they’re doing that he doesn’t understand they can’t possibly capture all variables. So he’s the only one I can see posting something like this that ABSOLUTELY has a trillion variables built in.
  10. It’s definitely being squandered right now.
  11. man, i'm sorry to hear that. what a nightmare. good luck to them.
  12. TEA said it was always the plan for TEA to not go after anyone. You’ll face mean tweets from the governor or whatever but unless Paxton or whoever takes interest in you personally it was just going to be a lot of tut tutting.
  13. Just be thankful they co-opted the gig em thumbs up and not the hook em.
  14. kind of pathetic (in the way all things maga are pathetic) that in this dude's celebration of his life, the picture of him with his hero is featured and not his family or something. kin of pathetic (in the way all things maga are pathetic) that people can literally be led to the grave by a guy and still treasure their one photo with him.
  15. There are people that graduate from number 1 every year. Where are these people? How did the bench get so short?
  16. sounds "vast right wing conspiracy" -esque
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