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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. A lot of it is accounting tricks on either side, whoever is making the argument. but what ultimately made me think the future is better with them is that the grid can use more diverse sources for energy and I expect that to improve.
  2. just saw this on reddit. this is the least capable united government in our history, i would imagine. these stupid articles that come out threatening this sort of thing -- oh you've done it now! i'm going to get 100 supreme court justices just like RBG! -- are absolutely laughable. we can't pass shit. you think we're going to do something this drastic?
  3. my wife tries to mix in a vegetarian dinner once or twice a week. it's hard because they are so unsatisfying that I feel like I have to eat more afterward. we looked at solar panels but our house is oriented at about 45 degrees off north, so we are the worst possible orientation if they are flat on our roof. i don't really want to have them sticking up at odd angles. We skipped that one. got the tesla and in-garage charger. that is awesome because i don't ever go to the gas station any more. wake up with a full 'tank' every morning.
  4. Don’t have to base your services on the beliefs of those you care for of you don’t care for her in the first place.
  5. there is a 0.0% chance any decision he makes is to protect the political future of hunter. there are no george p's or anything like that we have to worry about
  6. Biden is the perfect president to be pulling us out of wars. He's a born one termer with no kid that needs to milk his fame so he can do what is good without caring about what the political contribution class has to say about it.
  7. By, like, next week. We are already at Civil War, which is numero uno
  8. You "demand 'justice' for the hundreds of people who have been charged in connection with January's insurrection"? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY.
  9. Got 20 shots in arms. 18 first timers. Great success.
  10. Not that type of school. Minorities, not Karens.
  11. My wife organized a shot clinic at her school. Bunch of parents right now getting shots. Pretty pretty proud.
  12. I am anti-thinking-about-voting-consequences-of-COVID. I think it leads to way too much cynicism and very little good. The total deaths are a fifth of a percent of the country. Not a lot of elections are decided on those margins, and that is even assuming every single one of the deaths represents a voter of the same party.
  13. someone posted the other day about PhDs having higher refusal rates on vaccination than the rest of the educated world. Someone posed the question "I'd like to see it broken down by STEM v. Ancient Mesopotamian Women's Critical Theory-type degrees." I think that provides your answer.
  14. Butler County Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard I think we’re safe.
  15. I figured they were saying the guy that substituted in just wasn’t barred in DC. Nope. Not a lawyer at all. then you look into why that is. Good lord.
  16. Elvis isnt* virulently racist, so doubtful. (yes, isn’t. not wasn’t)
  17. This biggest thing I’m learning through all this is how big the minor leagues are in conservative right wing radio. I always thought it was Rush and two or three Bongino types. I didn’t realize every little town has their own Goebbels until they all starting dying.
  18. On recommendation of Boutros Boutros probably.
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