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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. no one here is convinced by 30 second quips and half ass analysis. listen to what the experts say to do. do that. is that what is happening in florida? grabbing one subset of what desantis did and holding it up as a model is as dishonest as everything else we've seen for the last 4.5 years.
  2. I’ve thought this is true for a while but now I’m thinking their biggest chance is to siphon the Hispanic and black vote in my opinion. You can’t get the yokels out to vote like they did for dotard but you might grab 40% Hispanic and 25% black with those folks. That would be dangerous in getting those losers in.
  3. It is absolutely not a strawman. Nothing that came out of that administration was the result of good process. The one thing that would be most politically expedient from that administration would absolutely be suspect.
  4. man, that sucks. sounds like biden and kamala convinced a lot of republicans to not get a shot.
  5. i wish the chinese and russians would have added in their conspiracy theories that you have to take the ivermectin via human centipede. something about having to create a worm while killing a worm to balance out the potency. i dunno. seems like something they could work with.
  6. i sort of feel dumb saying this, but we are all aware that is (very poorly done) photoshop, yes?
  7. The file is all crinkled and surprisingly wet.
  8. i drink tea with sugar. i just don't drink sweet tea. they's a difference
  9. the adult obesity and obsession with sweat tea venn diagram has a BIG overlap, SEC fans https://stateofchildhoodobesity.org/adult-obesity/
  10. You can see rural versus urban deaths, which is a very rough proxy.
  11. it sounds like he was just hired? one of my first requirements of attorneys i hire is that they aren't presently in a coma.
  12. still tho, you might get a sweet rage against the machine album cover out of it.
  13. But yall said magats were all Olds and would die off and Texas would turn Blue.... no no no no. we didn't say texas. and particularly not DFW. we're unique!
  14. of course it is a personal choice. sticking your head in a blender is a personal choice. shoving shit up your ass is a personal choice. what the hell do these people think they are showing?
  15. hold on. are you telling me she is a trump supporter?
  16. No vote, right? Some pro forma filibuster and we will never hear of it again.
  17. You are who your record says you are. And season 2 is these episodes.
  18. I took it as serious. Just absolute nutball stuff. And perusing her feed, I think that supports the belief she’s being serious.
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