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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. i remember being baffled by that as a kid. Why is that a joke? They *are* as good as cash, aren't they?
  2. it's going to be somewhere between going steeply up and steeply down? yeah, i'd say that's a pretty reliable model.
  3. Yeah, those suggestions seem really dumb.
  4. yeah, that's a problem with a show like this. most characters are in a good place and that doesn't support narratives.
  5. ANOTHER ONE! I had to double check I wasn’t somehow seeing the story twice. this is messed up.
  6. says he was vaccinated though. that might end up having the opposite effect
  7. if i ever end up in the icu, can you call the doctors and say you have a personal stake in me surviving or something.
  8. pretty scary chart when you look at vaccines by age. Looks like about 1.5% of the 30-50 group gets ISR. This site says about half the population of that age are vaccinated. https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/state/texas And if delta rips through and affects a whole lot of people simultaneously, that is about 1.5% of 7,000,000 ISR, or about 100,000 out of that age group. Of course, there are still olds that can get sick too. Total hospital beds, statewide: 80,000. https://www.dshs.texas.gov/chs/hosp/AcuteFact16.pdf We have to really 'slow the spread' so these people don't all get sick at once.
  9. Evidently a third officer there committed suicide. This is deeply weird, imo. https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/02/politics/dc-metropolitan-police-officer-suicide-january-6-capitol-riot/index.html
  10. all polls become that much more AIDS ridden with every passing day.
  11. One of the big problems with the Fox conversation about the vaccine is that the message of “you are making a decision to help end a global pandemic” is never presented and instead it is always presented as “you are deciding between being forced to do somebody g by the government or a chance of getting sick”. because of that framing, we get Slorch-like reasoning above by so many people. Can’t even fathom limiting activity because your own health risks aren’t that bad.
  12. About the right amount of time between the right leaders telling their flock to get them and for the flock to go through the 5 stages of grief.
  13. Barry Bonds ring a bell? much better episode. I think it is still A- but better than the C I gave the first episode. The Sam thing didn’t feel right in the same way the Dani Rojas thing last episode didn’t feel right is my only complaint. Still could play out differently though because we don’t know how Sam will feel about Tartt now he’s back.
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