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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. There’s no way Hispanic vaccination is that high.
  2. Man, that Trent Crimm thing seemed like some awkward laugh line at the time. Now that you’ve really put a point on why it was dumb, it really annoys me.
  3. I feel like there should be some unequal way of drawing. Like, everyone registers, but only pull women’s numbers if we really really need them.
  4. Too focused on capturing the female demographic this episode with Ted joining girl talk, Roy doing the wine and yoga group and girl power doctor being too highlighted.
  5. lulz at everyone out there hating on us and we are just
  6. Fuck staying a second longer. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5e5be4ca-5241-4bef-8533-bcb08b279627 Check the couch cushions of a half dozen alumni from River Oaks.
  7. @JFKFC pointed out on the realignment thread that Meemaw's comments are in preparation for our arrival, and I think that is canon now. Guys, we can't keep tarding it up. We have, like, an actual university to hang out with now.
  8. Alabama governor sick of her folks dying. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_60fa39a1e4b0e92dfec18d12
  9. Had a bunch of Slack (WORK), now have a bunch of Salesforce (CRM) based on the acquisition. It just closed. It was announced I would get $26.79 for each share of WORK, which I got, and .0776 CRM, which I didn't get. I actually got .075. Anyone know why the discrepancy? Not a big difference, but just want to know what is happening behind the scenes that a couple shares disappeared. https://investor.salesforce.com/press-releases/press-release-details/2020/Salesforce-Signs-Definitive-Agreement-to-Acquire-Slack/default.aspx
  10. My wife has about 100 employees. 6 unvaccinated. 1 22 year old white girl home schooled, (but college educated). First job, the world is scarier than she planned for and frozen from acting. Very unplugged into society and doesn’t like participating. The other 5 are all Latinos. Popping their heads up in public, signing their names to things, anything that feels like a registry is all very unnerving to them. Ultra compliant with mask wearing but don’t want anything with their name on it.
  11. the word is lethal to the speaker and everyone knows it. just don't say it. I don't even type it. I've used this gif before and had to do some creative 'training day denzel gif' type search instead of the obvious. whatever backstory he had that led him to believe this was the okay time to say it, he was wrong. there ain't no such backstory.
  12. I’ve seen various people tweet that article and pull some morbid quote. It’s quite a contrast with her picture.
  13. COVID deaths will not get into electorally significant numbers, so I don't think that is the reasons. 2MM deaths nationwide is less than 5,000 per congressional district. Half don't vote. Then even if it is 2-1 Rs dying, that's like an 800 vote net gain. You'd have to really nail the distribution exactly on a close race to matter in even a single congressional election. I think they are out of an election year and don't feel like they are risking anything by supporting it now. The delta variant makes for convenient excuse to switch because they can claim it is something different and not a change of position.
  14. mike trout bats .380. my revolver is a .38. therefore my revolver is v v good at baseball.
  15. Mandela huh. Can’t see someone with a name like that being successful in politics.
  16. I watch old Mike Tyson highlights and always think Iron Mike would be the all time champion of that training she has to do where she punches from the length on her fingers. When he gets close to the other guy it seems impossible the force he generates. Anyway Michael Madsen would be outta luck trying to bury him.
  17. If Fox is looking for a way to get on the vaccine side of things without having to eat crow, I'm totally fine with them telling everyone Delta variant is way worse, we were right about the original one, but now you really should get a shot. Don't really care if they do some touchdown dance. Let's just all get on the side of shots.
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