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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. “Refuses to answer yes when Judge asks her if she understands him” at least this one is honest.
  2. I’m only watching the next one of it has short round.
  3. It’s a tough line to walk to ensure the military is never political and acknowledge that treason is basically a political act.
  4. Uh, I believe that the smiley face is laughing so hard he’s crying.
  5. I was expecting it to say three months or something. I was pleasantly surprised.
  6. That was the one where the owner of the McDowell's gets promoted to General.
  7. No one needs 700 salt and pepper packets for a breakfast taco, Mi Madres
  8. You laugh, but I very much remember coming home from elementary school and saying to my older brother “it was about states rights!”
  9. No I absolutely was. You can’t say look at these ignorant stupid ass Trumpers/red necks/wypipo what have you ruining the world without also mentioning that there appears to be ALOT of ignorant stupid ass POC doing the literal same exact thing. And pretty sure there’s a shitload of granola D’s that think Zinc and vitamin C will get you thru, if Facebook is any indicator. Pretty sure those fuckers are squarely white and were not pulling levers for the orange man. the signal is so strong you can basically ignore everything else as noise. If politics isn’t the overwhelming main driver, it would take a miracle level event to create the chart above
  10. Guys, you can’t have a higher minimum wage without censoring music. Did none of you take government?
  11. Jesus these clowns. The gall it takes to ask if they have to personally appear. judge:
  12. wow. we haven't had a good assassination in a long time.
  13. This is a good thing, imo. Fox's presentation style will be alarmist about everything, which will start changing opinions about whether weather stuff is actually changing. And also, every eyeball that moves from Fox News to Fox Weather is one set of eyeballs that spends time thinking about godless hurricanes that aren't upholding traditional tropical storm values, which isn't nearly as bad for our country than the alternative.
  14. Judging its correctness based on the amount hotels and party planners made seems a little gauche.
  15. going through the replies to this gave me lulz
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