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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. but take back one kadam to honor the Hebrew God.
  2. Couldn’t park anywhere near the place. - Steven Wright
  3. Sounds like someone here thinks Trump was our greatest president.
  4. Raised right: Confederate flag. Also, hard to figure out what that driver likes the confederacy for. My guess is that she is just celebrating the heritage of all the brave soldiers of Colorado. But for real: those tacky displays just cement it as the party of losers for new generations.
  5. I guess the question could be how many lives per week are worth you feeling like John Wayne? 2, 4, 6?
  6. There were only three players on the team. That’s pretty simple algebra.
  7. like the old saying goes, when all you have is a hammer, nothing looks like a nail.
  8. Lulz from Pacer: 06/04/2021 9 ORDER to Move. By 6/8/2021, Houston Methodist Hospital may move dispositively. By 6/10/2021, the plaintiffs may respond. Hearing on the motion set for 6/11/2021 at 01:30 PM in Courtroom 11C before Judge Lynn N Hughes. (Signed by Judge Lynn N Hughes) Parties notified. (ghassan, 4) (Entered: 06/04/2021) Hughes is great when he's on your side, I guess. Sua sponte he ordered Methodist to move to dismiss the case, plaintiffs have 48 hours to respond. "We're going to hear it the next day. This shit is too stupid to be in my courtroom and we will get it out as soon as humanly possible."
  9. Lol Lynn Hughes. That’s a tough draw for a bs suit. First time I was before him I was warned “he’s a hangin’ judge.”
  10. He really came out of the woodwork as America’s worst senator,* seemingly starting with the Ukraine stuff. cruz, Hawley, cotton, whoever all seem to be willing to play along with rubes for personal advancement. Johnson seems like he actively tries to hurt the country as the end goal itself. *non-Mcconnell division.
  11. That's probably true. Something about me keeps me from wanting to root for people that debase themselves.
  12. "It's not a good thing" is just a matter of preference. What is exciting about the sport, what isn't. What is a skill, what isn't. Is it the same as flopping? Not to me. One shows you are willing to act like a pussy, one is a tough to develop skill.
  13. I like the good parts of no machines: pitch framing as a valued skill, human emotion from a punch out. Some quirks I like because it makes baseball unique, like a widened zone at 3-0 and the lefty strike. I generally don’t like technology in sports. We lose a lot when you don’t get to jump for joy in the heat of the moment and instead sit for 2 minutes and wait for instant replay. I think I lean toward no. Baseball in particular is suffering from too much perfection now. Shifts, three true outcomes, no more stolen bases, strikeouts are fine, launch angle is everything has lessened the game. We’ve optimized too much. This is one more thing that seems to be changing something from my favorite sport into a streamlined machine that ends up feeling too sterile.
  14. Gotta be a fake. One dude holding handlebars walking beside it, with camera on head. Something like that.
  15. Too bad Jenna and Barbara are women. They'd be worlds better than George P. but Texas gonna Texas.
  16. lol no. it didn't catch anything and was the subject of much discussion at the time. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/anatomy-of-a-really-bad-call/
  17. by my count, if you guessed whether a state had above 40% vaccine rate today using only the electoral college vote in November, you'd score an 86. B. Not bad. Outliers in red.
  18. When I had a one year old I set an alarm on my phone for 8:45 am that was supposed to be my reminder that I should have already dropped my kid off at day care. That shit is real.
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