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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. It ain't white boy day. Re: all the Cruise talk on his early career, I always thought he was great in this scene starting when he starts to lose it about 2 minutes. It isn't something he really does in his other movies. The first half isn't great. One line that I mimic a lot is the way he says "It's over." I like how that was a simple line in the script and he's able to put such belittling amusement into it. Courtroom scene gets all the praise, but I like this one. (watching this though makes me want to consider Demi for this thread).
  2. some fucking mon ami oui oui bullshit. i thought subs were supposed to be cool.
  3. That’s for second place. wanna know third prize? You’re arrested. Oh. Do I have your attention now?
  4. "Some friends and I". You're educated for God's sake. Also, you might want to lay low for a while.
  5. I watched basic instinct the other day for the first time. that had to be a product of its time, because i thought it was pretty bad. i figure it must be just because it was so explicit, and that was a lot harder to access back then or something. Movie-wise, though, it is a pretty lame non thrilling thriller story.
  6. I’m a white parent and have those thoughts. I’ve honestly considered whether I’d let my daughter go to A&M. I’ve got plenty of friends and family that went there and turned out fine, so I know it isn’t logical. But TexAgs is just so repulsively racist and anti intellectual I have trouble believing none of that is reflected in real life.
  7. Pretty dark imo. Deaths aren’t occurring at electorally significant numbers, and deltas in voter preference among the dying definitely aren’t occurring in electorally signify the numbers. 50k dead in Texas. Spread that among the house seats, that’s like 1500 a seat. How much advantage do you think that gives one party? 300 votes max? I doubt it will change a single race in the country. By reference, Julie Oliver’s “lean” race ended up being a 55,000 vote loss. You’d have to absolutely bullseye a close as possible race with a wide as possible voter preference death rate to matter. The weather will matter more than death toll.
  8. Why do mortgage companies want you to pay off your mortgage early? Every one I’ve had sends me promotional materials that say “with just $300 more per month, you’ll save $X over the life of the loan” or some such. there is no penalty for paying off early that they get to collect. What do they get out of it?
  9. seems unnecessarily complicated by making it backwards.
  10. I mean you can do some shit and be like what the fuck, but hey never on no Sunday. Bonafide colored lady.
  11. This is the best post I’ve seen on this site. I had no idea I had any options other than those fucks at txtag. I just switched over.
  12. I always thought they used it so much because those two movies were homages to the '70s, when its use in feature films was common He wrote True Romance too, with the Dennis Hopper scene. I think that was just how he wrote dialogue.
  13. 3 years in PMITA prison is no joke. I’m pleasantly surprised people will be doing real time for this.
  14. Same with Reservoir Dogs. Still holds up, but Buscemi’s repeated n bombs seem cringy and forced. And because he’s a good actor, you know it isn’t just Tarantino’s bad acting that is off putting.
  15. Mads Mikkelson will be in it, evidently. At least he is awesome and maybe the casting errors of Indy 4 are done with.
  16. it's like you forgot the last four years. that was every speech. attribute your stupid opinions to the cloud. people are saying this was the best x ever. i'm hearing from all over that x. some say x, i don't know.
  17. Dammit. That dude owes me 20% on the money I gave him.
  18. He still has a 4-star OPS+. No wait. That says a 4 OPS+
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