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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. Running for you life from Shia LaBeouf He's brandishing a knife It's Shia LaBeouf Lurking in the shadows Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf
  2. Do people look on here to sell baseball tickets or the for sale board? I’m looking for 3-7 tickets for today.
  3. I have in laws in town and need to entertain suddenly. Any number from 3 to 7 tickets would be workable.
  4. He doesn’t need the money and he couldn’t enjoy doing it. There’s no way he thought Bonding with Boomers was any good. What’s in it for him?
  5. Yeah, we may never get a better example of FAFO.
  6. 👶🏼🍼🇺🇸➡️🇨🇦💰💰💸👩‍🦰🍆🍑💦💦
  7. Oh yeah. It’s like a quarter of that. Maybe I was just doing a tribute to Lucille Bluth. How much could a Netflix cost, Michael?
  8. It just means those are the competent prosecutors. You’re going against Jones Day instead of Paul Davis.
  9. Part of the Trump era consequences was blurring policy lines between parties. You had tariffs, Russia footsie, odious regulation of private companies, nihilism all coming from the right. I think it became harder for the right to be clear what they were for. The only clarity was the continued culture wars. So that is what is continuing now strongest.
  10. thus ends our longest win streak of the season
  11. Seems like a tent pole kind of idea. If they do this for a ton of movies, it would get out of hand. Do it for a few and have people signing up for the service because it is exclusively offered there, even though the rest of the content is much cheaper for Netflix to acquire. They have 200MM subscribers. Probably amounts to $10B monthly revenues. Every month you can keep that going is worth whatever effort it took.
  12. Pretty exciting that our team ERA dropped by a whole run tonight!
  13. i just searched "Farrakhan" in facebook. they are a million mentions of this guy and a ton of article. not a very effective scrubbing
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