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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. If Rs make up ground it’ll be because they’ve kept getting a bigger share of the Latino vote. What seems like failing politics to you makes sense in the RGV. They are trading one white McKinney vote for two McAllen.
  2. Just watched Indy 4 with my son for the first time since theaters. My god that is a shit movie. “it’s extremely magnetic!” “When?” “Well, just when you’re thinking about it.” /carries it through the whole movie and never has any effect. “this magnetism is so strong your crowbar will stick to it!” “Wow, what about 1 second before we open the crate.” “No effect.” “It is magnetic. And it give psychic powers. And uh it is a great bug repellant and other things of that nature.” “let’s decelerate this rocket sled with Indy sitting on the front.” “Won’t Indy get launched off?” “No no no The rocket sled will only be going three mph when we decelerate.” “Let’s head over to that warehouse that has all the US’s most important treasures!” “Wow I can’t imagine how delicately they take that stuff.” “Yeah. Anyhow, it is 2 blocks from this hydrogen bomb test”
  3. Just saying Amazon acquired MGM. Not really a political comment tho Garbage pail kids are back?
  4. I want the manager of the airport is some Karen Max Power declaration.
  5. Props to China. Took us 9+ years to get Osama after 9/11. Nine years after Kony 2012 becomes the hit trending video in the US, China runs out of patience and says I got this.
  6. “Local insurance company denies using phrenology” would be a wonderful onion headline.
  7. I used one of those blankets and my wife thought I'd fired a V2
  8. Oliver's a deserving heir to Jon Stewart. Actually changing the world through his comedy.
  9. Of course. That’s why the statue is right next to the copy of Mein Kampf.
  10. I wonder if the politicization of the vaccine has actually helped in blue states. Just as much as retards are refusing to get a vaccine because they need to show their Trump fidelity, I wonder if the opposite it is true for some Trump haters.
  11. Trying a little introspection here, but I'm not sure that was the case for me. I dismissed it because the lab theory was so tied to "weaponized virus" and other conspiracy nonsense that I wasn't able to parse out (what now looks to be) the nugget of truth. I'll concede a great amount of hate toward Trump, but I don't think my general brain worms ate up the part of my head I was using for this task.
  12. I read that WaPo article this morning. There was some mighty delicate crow eating going on in there.
  13. The effort right wingers go through to figure out how to dislike the guy that killed America’s number 1 enemy because of his political affiliation is moderately enjoyable. Decorated military man. Rose as high as you can. Longhorn to boot. Politics over — quite literally — everything.
  14. I agree. I'm not offended by George P's presence here. He'd say Trump-y enough stuff to not get DQ'd by the nuts that control the party, but he'd be much saner than anyone else the R's are talking about putting up.
  15. Now we are getting flight plans that look like this:
  16. Evidently Ryanair got the memo. https://onemileatatime.com/ryanair-belarus-hijacking/
  17. Of course they did the right thing on landing. No one was asking them to do barrel rolls to evade enemy fire. The PR thing is that they should have said "Our aircraft was stolen at gunpoint. We did what we could to get our customers out as safely and as quickly as possible. We regret that one of our valued customers is now in the hands of those that threatened us" instead of issuing some press release indistinguishable from a weather delay.
  18. Given that it is Ryanair, I figured the press release would conclude with “the passengers were charged 39.99 euro for the additional stop.”
  19. Misses: basically every role. dumb story to start with and generally shit movie, but Ben Afflack and Russell Crowe as former college roommates? Afflack and Robin Wright married?
  20. Lulz. I actually had an instant of thinking “why is she wanting everyone to gain weight for the wedding?” before my realization kicked in.
  21. Lulz. I actually had an instant of thinking “why is she wanting everyone to gain weight for the wedding?” before my realization kicked in.
  22. Yeah. I read Streets of Laredo the other day which is a sequel about Woodrow Call. I pictured a Duvall-like character the whole time.
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