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Everything posted by Gidnik

  1. How does Christian jones make the same mistake every fucking game? You block the inside guy. 100%of the time
  2. How does Christian jones make the same mistake every fucking game? You block the inside guy. 100%of the time
  3. i really want to believe but i have been hurt so many times.
  4. i wish we had some time to prep for this game. trying to prep for kansas fucking state with only 2 weeks off is really hard....
  5. cant give up 3rd and long all night if we dont make them get to third down.
  6. rumor on the reddit is they are transferring and trying to get others to go with them.
  7. this is a game we should win by 4 td's. absolutely nothing in the second half. exactly like last year. 3 and out every fucking drive in the second half.
  8. i have never seen a more putrid second half offense.
  9. of course...3 and out. did quinn or xavier fuck the others gf or something?
  10. ewers needs to stop throwing all these fucking rainbows
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