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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. Turks Mississippi or Arooooba Alabamaaaa
  2. 25 miles west of you at Schobels’ in Columbus TEXAS
  3. Aggy there to give Bama a top 5 win.
  4. Four bottles of ECBP C920 on shelf in Orem, UT but had FR SiB behind glass with a “One per person” tag. Go figure.
  5. Picked up a McKenna bib today. Good stuff for the price point.
  6. Wait...Steve Patterson is an exec with the NFL?
  7. Columbus put it to Rockdale, 42-15. Out-athleted, but beat them up physically.
  8. An auction for some Christmas presents https://whiskyauctioneer.com/heart-soul-bourbon-and-american-whiskey-collection?s=5f8914a5a7978
  9. Robert Strait - Mack truck Harvey Williams - smooth as warm butter Percy Waddle - hands as big as a first baseman’s glove Had the privilege of trying to tackle Tony Brackens on a tight end seam pass in a playoff game.
  10. 1984 was the first cassette tape I bought with my own money. My dad made me throw it away because of the smoking angel, but I fished it out later, sliced a hole in my mattress and there the cover stayed for 10 years. Still have it. My first defiance of authority was due to VH.
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