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The University

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The University

  1. if you're in austin and have att tv, you can now watch the astros on the att southwest channel. maybe this has been the case for awhile....but it's new to me dammit!
  2. holy shit. the change.org petition was finally read by someone.
  3. is there a hillbilly version of opportunities by the pet shop boys? might be a good theme song for the upcoming rfd-tv sunday afternoon special.
  4. that makes sense. other than the lower price, the 4 was boring and half-assed.
  5. They're completely incompetent. I switched to Google Fi after they pissed me off one day trying to get a simple sim card. bought a 4xl for half off back in december, and i ended up getting $200 via ebay for my 2xl. monthly fi bill is around $30. if you keep an eye on the deals later in the year, you might get lucky. i don't know why so many hated the 4xl when it came out, but it has been a great device.
  6. i can't get past seeing mayo shooting out of the squeeze bottle.
  7. madison square garden ain't got shit on reed arena. hellaballoon, canuck, canuck!
  8. well i'll be confusticated... del conte is a maiar in disguise.
  9. this guy knows he's going down. so he figures he might as well go down with a bit of mahayana buddhist flare.
  10. don't know about you, but i'm looking forward to seeing this dude again in 2021
  11. i worry about kids with one parent, or even worse, only a parent by name. school may be the only vestige of structure in their life.
  12. it's a safe bet that you'll see at least a thousand variations of cletusbobby's name on that counter-petition
  13. great movie from the 30s
  14. before you open the door, start hacking up a lung for about 20 seconds. that should curb the problem.
  15. hiroshi inagaki's samurai trilogy snuck into my work calendar today
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