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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. 1974, let alone Teaff’s last game, meant that hasn’t been an option for me for quite some time.
  2. Yeah, I thought your point was “I’m just sticking with the mouse” not “I’m just sticking with my primary source of content.” You specifically mentioned the former. You said you wouldn’t be checking channels that are explicitly on, for example, YTTV because they aren’t the mouse, not because they’re on other apps. I’m really not interested in flipping between apps, either. I know that each app has its reasons to avoid aggregation, but an app that could aggregate, say, live feeds across all your authenticated apps would great. But I get it’s not happening, which is, imo, probably the biggest downside to the multiple streaming sources.
  3. I don’t know about that. Take your YTTV example as, well, an example. Its interface tracks recently watched channels and provides much better access than the typical “previous channel” on most providers or multi-tuner option on satellite. I can tune to NBC… but I don’t, because fuck ND… or Fox, CBS, B1G, SEC, ABC, ESPN and then with 2 clicks on my remote I can see what’s playing on any of those channels and tune directly to it. It’s pretty slick compared to how broken the rest of the YTTV interface seems to me (my kingdom for a better way to jump around in the guide or even a way to assign channel numbers).
  4. Goodell rubber stamped a decision made by people with better sense than he has. I’m not much of a Joe Buck fan, but when he basically says “If what I was saying about the league wanting to restart the game was wrong, I’d have been corrected” pretty much sums it up, imo. I think it’s probably not reasonably disputable that the NFL wanted to finish the game. The players are more or less conditioned to go along with that so it took a while to get to “No, fuck that, we’re done.” Once Goodell got the news that the game was over, he said the game was over. Imo.
  5. Well, if I’m going to put on the burnt orange glasses, the two terrible ones were lost with a 14-0 penalty differential and an offense willing to risk a blowout with pursuing a lot of 4th downs. So, maybe the right games, just a little overdone. I guess the great ones would be 49-0 and losing to Alabama on some very questionable no-calls and Ewers going out after 10 points in 2 possessions. Then there’s the TCU debacle, but still…
  6. They wanted Riley until they didn’t. The didn’t want Petrino until they did. It’s hard to believe that Reggie McNeil was better than VY and now Weigman is maybe even better than that. Looking like 15-0.
  7. Let’s go with that, then: why? Kwiatkowski just said “fuck it?” Patterson only kept on him not to do it in some games? Sarkisian doesn’t care if the defense makes stops? The defense didn’t have the depth or ability constantly to play as you’d wish? To be clear: I’m not claiming the defense didn’t have issues. Tech ran a hundred fucking plays. I just question that the answer is “Patterson good, Kwiatkowski bad.” If that is the answer, it would be cool if there were something more than speculation, because that’s a staff heading Mach one toward the unemployment line and taking the program with them.
  8. I didn’t say he had little. He had some. I wasn’t there to know how much. If someone was, it would be cool to know. I mean, the improvement couldn’t possibly be because of more time in the system and the improvement of some players, in addition to Patterson’s input and that the defense could still improve without him. You see the curly punctuation mark at the end of the sentence? Look, there’s another one.
  9. So, then, Patterson just took weeks off? Kwiatkowski ignored him on some weeks? Sarkisian watched all that and said nothing?
  10. Does that tell us that Patterson mailed it in on the other weeks? That Kwiatkowski ignored him on those weeks? That some like to associate failure with a coach about whom they have a low opinion and that anything that contradicts that opinion must be because of some external factor? I’m not saying that Patterson doesn’t have valuable input but it seems exceedingly unlikely that “good defense == Patterson” and “weak defense == Kwiatkowski” is actually the case.
  11. If you believe otherwise, we’ll just disagree on this point.
  12. If you need success to be guaranteed before you can evaluate the relative positions and think that one is more favorable than another then, sure, take whatever you can get today.
  13. Yeah, like I said, we don’t get to operate in retrospect. Better to be there rolling the dice even if you end up a punchline. You’re in above your weight already, go in swinging like Hearns against Hagler. Maybe you land something. Maybe you end up on your back staring at the sky.
  14. Maybe something caught his interest in addition to reaching his ceiling as a player. Allegedly.
  15. I'm not changing the argument because seasons don't occur in a vacuum. That's like "Hey, look at this great stock I picked this year! Up 75% and yours is only up 8%!" Let's ignore that the stock tanked the next and lost the gains while I only got 8% again. If all you're asking is "Ignore the whys and the processes and what's going on at the two places is 12-3 better than 8-5?" Well, yeah. That's a trivial question. The more fundamental question is would you swap the 8-5 team's status for the 12-3 one's? I wouldn't swap programs or rosters with TCU.
  16. Depends. Is the 13-2 a fluke where you regress to a .500 team? Would you have preferred Baylor’s previous season given how this season went? Is the 8-5 a step toward 10-3 toward more or is it another in a string of mediocre seasons? Ideally, you don’t trade one year of lightning in a bottle for building a better foundation, but there’s no way to know whether either is true at this point. In retrospect, if I were a TCU fan, I’d rather lose a street brawl to Michigan to validate that we belonged rather than win it and then become a punchline. We don’t get to operate in retrospect, though.
  17. Nor were there with Royal, Brown, or even Akers for the first 7-8 years. That’s just not something Texas needs to worry about, even when winning as many games as any program in the country.
  18. Here’s the thinking: When you win because of things that rarely happen and thus can’t relied upon for consistent success, it’s often seen as more of an anomaly than when you line up and beat someone’s ass up and down the field. That is not to say that the rare situations didn’t happen or that the plays weren’t made. They were and the team that made them gets the benefit of them, but they probably aren’t reproducible and probably wouldn’t happen in a rematch. Pick sixes are relatively rare. Two in the same game even more so. Having a good team get to your two and come away with no points is relatively rare. Twice in the same game even more so. All four in the same game? How many times is that going to happen and what are the odds you could do it again in a rematch? You may not agree with that thinking, but outliers are a thing even while acknowledging that the beneficiary of those things helped create them.
  19. So you think he can’t work? I mean, I’m sure he’s worried, but it’s not like he’s his son’s lawyer.
  20. I mean, the username absolutely checks out, so why not play?
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