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Everything posted by BevoAbyss

  1. With all due respect to the apparent conservatives (and others) on this board who seem surprised by Trump fascism/theocracy and think MAGA will wane in power .... You have had your eyes closed and only saw what you wanted to see the past few decades with the GOP. Trump's death ain't stopping anything. A slow down, maybe for a bit ... the Perot cult showed that. But MAGA-GQP (or whatever new tribal name emerges) ain't going away. That's because it's been building for 40-50 FUCKING years: Reagan-Falwell, Bush 1, Perot/United We Stand, Bush 2, Tea Party, MAGA-Q, Trump. Someone will come next. A fascist theocracy is already here in America. Evangelicals, fundamentalists, creationists, nationalists, and many other Christians are on-board. They own the Supreme Court for decades, own many lower court judges. They got Roe overturned. They are empowered. Reproductive rights is just the beginning. They are coming after women and POC on multiple fronts and also immigrants/LGBTQIA. They are wrecking secular school systems. Going after universities, tenure, diversity. Have the backing of most police, and perhaps many in the military. Attacking science, doctors, nurses, medical experts. Installing fascists and theocrats in positions of power. Thanks W and all your faith-based idiocy. They will come after scientists and atheists and non-believers, it's only a matter of time. The only question is how much will the fascism/theocracy grow in power. Will enough voters in swing states vote D to limit its growth. MAGA-GQP are not merely an existential threat to America democracy, they are a threat to the world civilization. With their insane Revelation-inspired apocalyptic worldviews, one of those lunatics in control of nukes is a threat to the entire planet.
  2. Come on, I never said "Austin has gone MAGA and fascist." Here's what I posted: "it's seriously mind-blowing to see Austin become a hub for major MAGA fascists and fascism." By major MAGA fascists, I meant big name fascists, celeb fascists, or fascist moves. And then I listed some examples. Of course, the fascists-MAGA celebs dig the benefits of the Austin cultural scene, precisely as they trash and troll the "liberals" and "socialists." It's doublethink, which they proudly embrace as their mode of thinking. A poster above mentioned Austin voters went 72-27 in favor of Biden. So do we know if Austin used to voted 80-90% Democrat or has always been around 70%? No doubt, Austin will be mostly liberal for quite a while in the future. However, I predict more MAGA-GQP stars will move to Austin, inspired by Jones, Musk, Rogan, Abbott et al, and others (plus tax breaks, pro-business gov't), etc. Ain't nobody moving to Austin because of Beto (and I like Beto). That's how fascism works, spread like a malignant virus, then infect the centers of cultural and political power, even without a majority. Nothing would make MAGA-GQP fascists happier than seeing liberal tears flowing in Austin and its bastion of secular liberalism -- our world-renowned university from which we proudly hold degrees!
  3. This is 100% spot on. It's absolutely infuriating. But, with all due respect, your post does not identify what Trump is: Donald Trump is a f*cking fascist! Anyone who supports Trump is a fascist or enabling fascism and theocracy. MAGA-GQP is a Christian-fascist party seeking a dictatorship under Biblical rule. Of course, some people (including some in Surly) use fascism and theocracy to describe what's going down in America. But, our mainstream media and society are largely in denial, still warped by the propaganda of "American Exceptionalism" and the failure of secular educational systems. Hence all the terms used in denial: extremists, far right, hard right, conservatives, authoritarians, Christian nationalists, MAGAts, Trumpers, morons, cultists, grifters, chuds, idiots, clowns, incompetents, this timeline, we're in a simulation ... and the list goes on and on. Anything but the hard truth. Fascism includes racism, patriotism, nationalism, fervor, violence, hatred of targeted groups, etc. And zillions of evangelicals-fundamentalists are yelling for a Biblical dictatorship -- theocracy. Here's some news for anyone still in denial, like Merrick Garland. 45-50% of the voters in this nation are absolutely ready for fascism and theocracy. And many are ready to steal the election, if needed. Bottom line, come November, it's possible this nation will have crossed the point of no return .... and then it's FAFO on a massive scale for decades.
  4. Have not lived in Austin since finishing UT in 1990s. But It's seriously mind-blowing to see Austin become a hub for major MAGA fascists and fascism. -- Alex Jones, Abbott and cronies, Musk, Rogan, and others, like Gabbard who seems to be going MAGA now. -- Probably some rich Tech Bros, too (though they might not admit it). -- "Civitas" think tank on UT campus is a academic smokescreen for fascism/theocratic policies. -- The move to SEC is MAGA alignment from BMD and BOR. Just amazing.
  5. If that Q lunatic (in the video) is ever raging and crosses paths with Brisket ... ... I'm thinking that flag will be shoved up his ass and Mr. Q will be lucky if he's still alive to waddle home.
  6. Here's what I will say about the tenets of MAGA ... it's an American fascist/theocratic movement aiming for a violent dictatorship ruled by Trump. The grift is merely the side-hustle.
  7. Sandy Hook, Uvalde, El Paso Walmart, and all the others ... it does not matter how many kids or people die. As I have posted here before, the MAGA-Q goal is "ultraviolence" (from A Clockwork Orange) -- a society terrorized and traumatized by random bloody violence. It's a feature, not a bug. With rando dudes piling up the AR-15 body count, ultraviolence breeds fear and permanent anxiety over senseless massacres. That's the toxic mix for a fascist-theocratic takeover as people surrender liberties for (the illusion of) security and sanity. But there will be no peace of mind. No sanity. Alex Jones, Q, and MAGA already prove that.
  8. Here's what I learned from the Ronna McDaniel hiring/firing. NBC has some MAGA-fascists in top management ... and they tried to see what they could get away with hiring McDaniel, a known fascist election denier. Expert more NBC-MAGA efforts in the future. And elsewhere in the mainstream media, in the name of being "objective" and #bothsides. Hell, CAA, the top-shelf Hollywood-celeb talent agency was repping McDaniel! A known fascist election denier!
  9. What I got from that letter is that Jack Nicklaus is a fascist or fascist enabler. Even if he is too stupid to fully realize it. Time's up for making excuses for people who will "look past" the clearly fascist-theocratic policies of Trump-MAGA-GQP ... while justifying it by spouting off some BS propaganda about "patriotism," "family values" and the "American Dream." Those are some of the unchallenged code words for normalizing and justifying fascism/theocracy in 21st century America.
  10. I don't mind seeing a US President styling in a '67 Corvette convertible. Pretty damn cool in my opinion. I would bet a lot of Surly posters would dig having that car to cruise around in ...
  11. Regarding Trump not being held accountable for anything.... Here's one possibility: -- As we are repeatedly told by the Surly Lawyers and others, "the legal system is methodically and slowly working as intended with standard procedures" regarding Trump, even though it is years after stoking/aiding a violent insurrection, years after a phone call trying to overturn the election in Georgia, and all the other numerous felonies and civil judgments. -- So we just gotta have patience! Here's an equally plausible possibility: -- There are MAGA-friendly fascists throughout the courts and legal system, who work the "methodical system" and "procedures" to the advantage of Trump, for the simple reason they want Trump to be President and impose MAGA laws. -- Same in Corporate America and mainstream media. -- This also explains NBC hiring Ronna McDaniel, the #bothsides attitudes of mainstream media, billionaires helping with TruthSocial and IPO to give him a likely windfall (of some amount), and so on. Likely bottom line: -- There are MAGA-fascists in various levels of high-ranking power across America's institutions and corporations. These fascists want Trump to be elected and are doing their part, in their own way, within the rules and systems in place. This is the reality we face... at least as I see it. F*ck the patience!
  12. Bible + Billionaires (Yass, Dunn, Murdoch, et al) = Bad News for Democracy and Secular Society.
  13. Of course, the SEC is not there to protect democracy from corporate networks anchored in fascist-theocratic propaganda and election conspiracy theory -- owned by a wannabe dictator. Nope. Not the SEC function. Same with Corporate America ... Same with the mainstream media ... Same with American universities ... Same with the Supreme Court ... Same with Merrick Garland's DOJ ... Seems it is no institution's job to take on fascism and theocracy. But, there is all that American "freedom" and "free markets." Till they're suddenly gone.
  14. The NCAA ain't going to do jack shit. Neither is ESPN or anyone else. The SEC SEC SEC is the Southeastern Confederacy conference, that much is obvious. I'll say it again. The UT-OU SEC move was not about $$$ only. Far from it. Football is the smokescreen. The UT-Austin move to the SEC was orchestrated at the very top, above Del Conte and Hartzell. It's a post-BLM MAGA move by Abbott, BOR and Big Money Donors to align UT with the Confederacy and the fascist theocrats. I find it sickening. Disgraceful. F*ck the BOR and Big Money Donors.
  15. Just dropped in to say this is what fascism looks like: social chaos ... death ... destruction. In the name of law and order! This what you get when MAGA fascist Christian idiots still think they are battling Mexicans at the Alamo. The border wall has long been their version of Alamo 2.
  16. Like the National Debt Clock in Times Square, here is the Trump Debt Tracker: https://trumpdebtcounter.com Scroll down for the lulz!
  17. With all due respect, I would not count on any of the above. Why should we assume that MAGA-Trump-Bible-Fascist consciousness has not infiltrated the military, national guard, police forces, intelligence or the DOJ? .... To the same extent as rest of US population. -- After all, they all are exposed to the same religions and social media/mainstream media that MAGA idiot fascists are. -- Abbott seems to have no problem sending the Texas Guard to the border. -- The police have long been ready and willing to crack heads on "leftists" and "protestors." -- Don't forget that during W's war crime spree, the majority of Americans supported the use of torture by CIA-Military. NSA surveillance is already unchecked on us. Can't even count on the intelligence agencies to not turn anti-democratic. One thing we better hope is the majority of the Top Brass Pentagon are not MAGA and keep the military under control. Or use the military to reign in any violence from Trump-loving police and MAGA insurrectionists on and after the election. If the military go MAGA, game over. Democracy is finished.
  18. Thanks. File that under New York Times plays right into Trump-MAGA's hand ... while disseminating its own "disinformation." -- Calling J6 a "riot" instead of the obvious thing it was: a violent insurrection. -- Using the dry "neutral" term "disinformation" instead of the more accurate and alarming term "propaganda" (subsets of which are lies and disinformation). -- Never once mentioning that propaganda is standard tactic of fascist regimes preceding takeovers. NEVER! -- Quoting Stephen F*cking Miller using "something out of dystopian sci-fi novel" to describe efforts to reign in his propaganda. Ya know, they could have quoted an insight from Orwell, Ray Bradbury, or other sci-fi writers with insights. But, nope, Stephen Miller, a f*cking fascist. -- Concluding with a sentence from Trump that trashed Biden, uttering propaganda that positioned himself as a beacon-like defender of free speech I could go critiquing the article, but it is the same old crap. The New York Times playing right into the hands an orange simian fascist lunatic ... under the guise of "objective" reporting. Lulz.
  19. I appreciate wit and comedy, like most humans on Planet Earth. But, sadly, I have come to realize these "political" comedians (Maher, Jimmy Kimmel, Trevor Noah, Seth Myers, Jon Stewart, etc.) are little more than corporate/media/comedy approved court jesters, tricksters, and clowns. -- They are like late night ice cream, snacks, or junk food. They might taste great, but are little more than sugar hits and calories that require more exercise the next day. In effect, the comedians are simulacra (copies in which original is no longer present) of critique that mask the near total absence of he systematic critique of the true conditions that produced MAGA-GQP Trump. In addition to the obvious racism and fascism (mostly ignored in media), there is the ideological and media consumption of our future overlords: -- TV's endless idiocy -- Worship of celebrities, billionaires, and football players. -- World Wrestling crap -- Religious fanaticism, creationism, fundamentalism (all with 99.99% free pass in media) -- Anti-science building for 40-50 years with the religious fanaticism -- The History Channel showing Ancient Aliens, conspiracy lunacy, Nostradamus and apocalyptic "End Times" biblical prophecy shows for f*cking decades. -- Paranormal and pseudoscience hit shows like The X-Files and in numerous Hollywood films. Bigfoot Hunter and Ghost Hunter shows, to name a few more. -- The near total absence of legit science (and its many meanings for humanity) in the media. The Science Channel is filled with idiot world shows more than real science. Sagan's and Tyson's Cosmos series are great, but nowhere near anough. -- Not much on legit environmentalism, except for Attenborough's great docs from BBC. -- The list is endless in our 24/7 media spectacle. Any evidentiary and empirical standards are mostly non-existent. All amplified by social media into a virulent malignant cancer in pop consciousness. TLDR: Comedians ain't saving us, but enjoy the late-night sugar hits.
  20. Note how Fascism and Fanatical Religion are ignored as threats for impending apocalypse in these two toons. -- When, in reality, those are the TWO BIGGEST HORSEMEN of the Apocalypse. (After I wrote this, I saw the Jesus cartoon above, but my point still stands) Happens all across our culture. All over Surly. Been happening for decades. -- That's why Margaret Atwood wrote The Handmaid's Tale in the 1980s after seeing Reagan and Falwell take over the GOP. Though I can see "fascism" and "theocracy" are appearing more in Surly and in some mainstream media, the bottom line is those terms are too scary or are in willful denial by the media and our nation's leaders, corporate execs, university leaders, and even Democrats. "Fascism" and "theocracy" should be in the headlines every day when discussing MAGA, GQP, Trump, Bannon, Christian Nationalism, etc. How can we defeat what we fail to fully identify?
  21. And yet, tons of Surly posters voted for W, twice! I am sure he's still a god in Dallas. (For the record, I have never been a Republican and did not vote for Reagan, the Bushes, or Trump.) W is a liar, war criminal, and evangelical idiot whose "Compassionate Conservativism" was a sham and mask for the his "Faith-Based Initiative" -- i.e. let's get the government in the theocracy business and end the wall between Church and State. His idiocy, evangelicalism, divisiveness, war crimes, and sports ownership paved the way for Trump, big time. And now this Rembrandt of Dallas has a book of paintings: Out of Many, One: Portraits of America's Immigrants. Of course, his White House policies were far from Y Pluribus Unum. I am sure SMU and his library will be celebrating this genius. Hell, they'll build him a museum or art gallery!! If W really believes in the title of his book, he should be denouncing Trump/MAGA/GQP all across the media landscape. He would have a platform in all major media. And yet he says nothing. F*ck W and the Trump-loving fascists in Dallas and its burbs.
  22. Did you not see the quote marks I put around "liberal" in my post? Of course, the Post and Times are not really liberal, but they remain damn near sacred texts for the mainstream liberals. Have been for decades. So please don't say I am "promulgating a stupid far right talking point." I left Texas 30 years ago and am not some conservative living in the burbs and lamenting "what went wrong since W" was elected. Atheist. Never a Republican. And since Reagan and Falwell joined hands in holy matrimony, I have been saying the ultimate GOP-Evangelical goal is a theocracy since my time on the 40 ... back when the Cactus Cafe was cool and the Continental Club was still a legit dive bar.
  23. Thanks for posting some of the article. (The original link would not open for me). Instead of MAGA Mean Girl ... why not Fascist Fan Girl? That should be fun to write.
  24. "MAGA Mean Girl" to describe Bobert? How f*cking cute! And stupid. With a glam shot as if she is a model. This is exactly how the Washington Post and New York Times work to normalize and mainstream fascism, theocracy, and overall idiocy in the political system. I seriously doubt the article accurately describes Bobert's beliefs and ideology as fascist/theocracy, which they are by any dictionary not tossed out of a Texas high school library. We can accurately attack Fox News as a MAGA-GQP propaganda network. But the "liberal" Post and Times have played a massive role in the unwillingness of the mainstream media to use terms like fascism and theocracy to describe MAGA-GQP. Same with that lame Texas Tribune. Always #bothsides ... which equals #nosides ... in a choice between fascism and democracy. Those papers are one reason we are in such a f*cked situation.
  25. Come on, dude. How can you possibly think this? How could you say this to women? People of color? Educators? LGBTQIA? IVF doctors and reproductive doctors? Scientists? Atheists? Environmentalists? ... the list keeps growing. They are passing laws and attacking standards all over the country and own the Supreme Court (plus many federal judges). The GQP has a crystal clear "policy directive" and it is obvious. It's called fascism and theocracy. An idiot-world Team USA ruled by Christian fanatics, racists, barbarians, and billionaires ... with an overweight orange-faced simian at the top of the heap ... with tiny hands on the nuclear buttons. And 45-50% of America is fully on board.
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