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Horn of Gabriel

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Everything posted by Horn of Gabriel

  1. There is a reason no one in the NBA presses. Teams are too good at breaking pressure at this level, and the GSWs are smart and great passers. It would be ugly; we just don’t have the athletes to compete - it’s not a strategy issue.
  2. Let’s consider the fact that it wasn’t Patty and Green that changed, but the system we asked them to work in. In the Beautiful game they got passes whipped to them for open looks and defenders caught in rotations. In the KL/LMA era we iso one side of the floor, we don’t cut so there is space in the block and then when LMA gets doubled he kicks it out to a covered shooter on a contested 3. I have actually been impressed with Green’s dribble drive progress this year.
  3. Need an Equalizer/John Wick crossover movie
  4. Part of the magic of low draft picks is that it's easy for them to over perform vs. expectations. It's much harder for high picks to do that. Careful what we wish for...
  5. This is the man who she says allegedly threatened her to stay silent on Trump: ...just saying...
  6. The plans I've seen for the redevelopment of Bell Blvd tell me that the money is better spent in-town for CP than on Cap Metro. But I'm a car driver, so not in CapMetro's demographic.
  7. Really? Are you new here? I never thought I'd have to justify CapMetro's incompetence; to me that has been a truism for Austin in my 25 years here, like "sky is blue" and "water is wet." I sincerely hope that CapMetro cleans up their act. And yes, part of their problem is that we as a society are dumb and have no ability to think beyond "herp derp rail" or "herp derp more car lanes!"
  8. I turned on KLBJ the other day and caught the tail end of a conversation about Flannigan and CoA trying to strong-arm Cedar Park into joining the CapMetro shakedown err...taxing entity and extending the CapMetro "service" into Cedar Park. Does anyone know more about this? As a CoCP resident, WhyTF would Cedar Park even consider this? CapMetro is the capstone of incompetence in the CoA pyramid scheme.
  9. Pop should get COTY if we get 4 seed with this shit show we roll out there.
  10. As if Congress won't extend it again before then...
  11. If Leonard is not returning, I could see PATFO trading LMA and Gay and whatever other parts they can get rid of, making next year the tank year and Pop handing off to Messina. Problem is in today's NBA you need at least 2 all-stars and preferably 2+ HOFers to contend for a title, possibly more. Leonard was one, Parker is way past his prime, Ginobili is probably done after this year, LMA has been doing a pretty damn good job considering, but he's a high-volume shooter who is all about the mid-block ISO game, which has basically wrecked any beautiful-game era passing and sharing we had. That's also my theory on why Danny has sucked so much ass since that shift. We're one of the few half court grind-it-out teams left in an up-tempo era. Our Defense is the only reason it kinda sorta works. Our new point guard might be an all-star some day, but I see his ceiling as a step below Rajon Rondo - good but not a game changer. So where are you going to find 2 more HOFers who will come down to SA? In the draft? I hate to say this, but I think we're on the slippery slope toward mediocrity. PATFO is going to keep us good enough to not get a decent draft placement, and as a result we're not going to get the Duncan or Robinson we need. It could be a many-years-in-the-wilderness situation we're looking at. Hopefully that means the Horns are due to not suck.
  12. I switch over to Apple 100% about 7 years ago. Love it, it just works, ecosystem of products, etc etc. I travel a lot so I have a MBP right now as my only computer - but it syncs to iCloud and I back it up at home to a TimeMachine. I do everything on it: work (mainly productivity apps, Office, spreadsheets, etc), occasional development (Xcode) and video editing (Premiere), and gaming. Gaming has always been a disappointment on Mac, but you know that going in so you deal with it: Metal hasn't seen nearly the adoption they promised. Maybe w/ eGPUs supporting higher end hardware things will change? Apple used to build for the professional first, and its products were probably overbuilt for the general market. Now, they're cramming do-nothing features (MBP Touch Bar?) into underpowered systems but still charing premium prices. I think they're forgetting their core audience.
  13. This is the crux of what drives the chasm. According to many on the left, those on the right should be "reasonable" and for "common sense gun laws." Let's play that out: The Right plays ball and bans bump stocks, fixes NCIS, and let's say we go nuts and close the "gun show loophole." Over the next year, the amount of shootings don't change Now the professional Left is back at the table, demanding more - so to appear "reasonable" the Right shrugs off the NRA and raises the age to buy a long gun to 21, and bans "hi-cap" mags , only allows for manufacture of 5 round or less mags. Guess what...nothing - there are still shootings, because there are crazy people and 300MM+ guns out there. So... Now the Left is back again. The Right responds to the calls for "no more!" "do something" "be reasonable!" "common sense!" and bans the manufacture and import of ALL semi-auto guns in the U.S., limits ammo sale to one box per month, puts in place an optional Federal buy-back program. Nope...still shootings! Leading to the outright repeal of the 2A, outlawing of all but shotguns and a turning the optional buyback program into mandatory - you have a 2 year window to give them up or we put you in jail. Now that the (law abiding, legal) population is effectively disarmed, guess what? Welp, now there is a massive black market for guns, and the shootings, they don't stop either. Yeah, it's a slippery slope thing. But when people are openly talking about Step 7 being the goal, it's not a hard leap to make. Gun violence is down over the past twenty years even as amount of guns owned have gone up. Mass shootings are up, and that is a Bad Thing, but I put that more on the polarization of our society, the "you're either with me or you're the devil" attitude that people have now than the guns. As a reminder, A Gun Free America in 5 Easy Steps:
  14. The 1st has had its share of controversy; e.g. what is "speech?" Seems to have broad support from Left ("don't suppress my voice!") and Right ("political money is speech!"). I don't necessarily agree about the "wall of separation" described by Jefferson, because I don't know that freedom of religion should have to mean freedom FROM religion... The 2nd has crazy strong support from the Right and moderate to low support on the Left. Lots of arguments over definitions, limitations, etc. Will continue to be a battleground and ultimately come down to who owns the SCOTUS when a case comes in front of it. 3rd is fairly antiquated now, considering we spend as much as the next 20 (friendly and allied!) militaries combined, they can afford to build their own accommodations, plus the civilian control of the military is well established so it's not like they are suppressing an unruly population on behalf of a regent. The 4th is basically a joke now. They will search you (without consent, see: NSA), or they'll get a rubber stamp warrant to do it (see: forced blood draws). The 5th is mixed; double-jepordy is pretty intact, but eminent domain was evicerated in Kelo. 6th - meh. "Speedy" trial? Not so much. You can get a jury trial but good luck with the impartiality part - you're already one step behind bars just being accused. Can't be soft on crime! I put this more on us being stupid as a population and less on the Gov't. 7th - ok 8th - the definition of cruel and unusual will continue to evolve. I predict next is that we mandate air conditioning. Or did that already happen>? 9th - the catch-all 10th - I think the Founding Fathers would be very disappointed by the strength of our Federal Gov't. Also the interpretation of the Commerce Clause killed the 10th in the crib.
  15. You nailed it, and as has been said "Never let a crisis go to waste..." Combine the above fear you describe with politicians (and their constituencies) demanding that they "DO SOMETHING!" And you get shit laws. There's a bias towards action versus inaction in people's minds; "doing something" e.g. passing a new law, banning a gun, banning brown people, etc is "meaningful" - even if it doesn't actually change anything. Here's the problem: nothing will change. It would require laws on the order of 100x the scale of what we're conceiving (probably unconstitutional) to move the needle. The raw truth that the population can't handle is this: People (including kids) dying in shootings is the price of the freedom embodied in the 2nd amendment. Terrorists blowing buildings up is the cost of our free and open society. These things will continue so long as we remain a free and open society - and even turning into a dictatorship can't stop it (see: terrorists still attack Russia ala the theater attack). It's called reality - many have trouble dealing with that.
  16. Got the bagger attachment for my ZTM so I could bag the first cut. Holy shit, between the leaves and cutting it lower I made about 40 of those Lowe’s bags. Is it common for oaks to shed their leaves in the Spring? Mine hung on all winter ...
  17. My main worry at this point is that we'll be too shitty to do anything in the playoffs, but too good to get anything decent via draft. KL is incredible, but is there any precedent for this type of injury having a year+ rehab?
  18. I'm really liking the new GMG Sierra Denali. They sent me this email accounting the "ATC" option package, which I guess is like their version of TRD or FX4? Pretty slick IMO:
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