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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dewey

  1. Really tired of the espn broadcasts, they have the ribbon score at the bottom, plus the rolling ticker of sports news. It's probably 2" of the bottom screen. If a play happens down there you can't see shit. " Was that a fumble or was his foot out of bounds?" Well I don't fucking know, but the Celtics won again, Jake Paul is up something, Pele passed away... Looks like a big Sunday in the NFL.
  2. I make a quick one. Roast I big thing of garlic, boil as many toms as you want, helps peal the skin or leave the skin on. In a frying pan, with olive oil, roast up as many serranos as you would like and a handful piquín peppers. Blend, add the olive oil you cooked your peppers in. Pinch or two of salt to taste
  3. I'm pretty solid in the opinion that he made a big mistake skipping his senior year of HS. He didn't do shit for his development at tOSU, they didn't do shit for him. There was this notion that he was going to step on campus as a guy who was well developed and advanced beyond his years. That's all recruiting websites feeding idiot fans a great notion. His off-season needs to be harder than the season, non stop work. He needs to become quicker in his thought process and quicker in his actions. I'm glad to hear him say he needs to become a better leader, but most of that happens with hard work and results. Having Arch on campus either propels Ewers or shuts him down, up to him.
  4. He better not have stripes on his pants
  5. That makes sense, seeing how a small percentage needs the ticket, group it with the RZ and charge more. Brilliant.
  6. I'm not feeling 100%, I'm tired, feeling lazy and this is breakfast. Guess I don't have any ketchup, I'll just punt
  7. Donate if you can, his mom has breast cancer, thought they were in the clear and it came back stronger. They are sending her to Johns Hopkins which is going to be expensive, travel, stay, med bills. Help em out.
  8. What a fall off the cliff, started 6-1, ended 7-6. Im not a fan of Gundy, but that's a hard job. Recruiting mostly 3 stars and anytime you have a good assistant, they're gone after a season. Now the portal and tampering, anytime he has a good player, they gone. Guy has love for his school, give him that.
  9. I don't want to drink (5 years sober Jan 9), but some peace would be nice, it's why I'm such a homebody, but it is the season, I have to get out. I've been driving a lot the past two weeks, working hard and now I drove an hour to my mom's place. She has a new dog that won't stop barking at me, now mom wants me to drive her to HEB, then home Depot and some other place. My life has been good, but damn if I don't want to be around people right now, especially on the road. Been leaving my house at 6am, get home around 530, shower, eat, walk my dog, sleep. Brother even asked me to house sit after Christmas, that was a hard no, pay someone. I need 1 week just to chill, probably less than that and then I'm packing my house and moving back to El Paso to start a job with another killer deadline. Everybody is in such a fucking race, God I hate this time a year. I feel better, thanks
  10. Gomer was the first to use the word "Natty", not sure what fuck face in New York, who founded some bullshit organization in 2018 thinks he's doing.
  11. Not really, they raised the visibility of side windows a few years ago, or at least I was told that. Had my side windows tinted as dark as legally possible and am disappointed.
  12. Dewey

    2022 Heisman

    What upsets me about Stetson Bennett being there really isn't so much who should have been there, its that those who run the show know so little about their product. They're fucking ignorant. I didn't bother to watch, haven't in years.
  13. Apparently a big bump in money for assistants, does UNT fall in that category? I honestly don't know, I veiw them on par with UTSA.
  14. Probably a better chance of it happening in Antarctica. Cold, dark, miserable and mostly white people.
  15. Vibe i got was the Cowboys aren't signing him and he's going somewhere else, tears it up in the playoffs and shits on the Cowboys every chance he gets for not signing him.
  16. The deli sells this post-oak smoked ham, these are the things that separates HEB from the pack. Damn
  17. I'm sure what he did at prime prep was far worse than any coach at Auburn.
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