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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dewey

  1. Dewey

    NFL Playoffs

    Lots of blame to go around, they lead by 27.
  2. Dewey

    NFL Playoffs

    I love that the league is so concerned with safety, that they literally made the position least impacted by concussions the most protected guy in sports.
  3. Dewey

    NFL Playoffs

    Zone defense confuses Lawrence, apparently.
  4. Dewey

    NFL Playoffs

    Ward needs to get away, go into something other than football.
  5. And most unsurprising, 5 cops and none of it on video.
  6. Lifehack - you can patch your roof with that cheese.
  7. How many academy awards did Anthony Edwards win for his role in Gotcha! ? Guy was a powerhouse in that movie.
  8. Well, Petrino is off the board, where else were they to go?
  9. 8-4 was considered a good year, skipping the bowl game so you don't get waxed by Wake Forest and considering all of it as a prelude to a national championship. That is what I love about gomer.
  10. I hope Sonny loses it and had a meltdown midfield, pleading for the refs to call s penalty on Georgia. They'll have to stop the game and cart him off
  11. Fuck both of them, but I got to hear this Bama fan cry and moan how they should be in over TCU, so I decided the best move was to tell him how TCU was a better team, that Bama couldn't stay on the field with them, no one could. Then I said I got a 100 that TCU wins it all. Go roaches
  12. Props to the Lions for using their TOs properly.
  13. I expected this performance next week, not this week. Not sure what I was thinking. Offense runs ball into wall and go routes incomplete.
  14. Fauda season 4 Jan 20, if you know, you know. If you haven't seen, catch up. Awesome show.
  15. I wouldn't be able to play, unless you tell me he's good, I wouldn't play. My mind wouldn't be in it, injury risk. Praying for the guy
  16. Isn't this considered high standards at LSU? Throw in some rice and hot sauce and you got quality family time in Louisiana.
  17. Caleb is going to be really angry now and paint his toe nails.
  18. His teams were so much fun to watch, any of us who witnessed those teams play should be considered lucky.
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