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Noah Fence

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Everything posted by Noah Fence

  1. I guess aggy has been sucking SEC cock since the the fifties.
  2. The DME my doctor sent me to was trying fuck me around so I just paid cash for a new machine from CPAP.com. I submitted a claim through my insurance and got about half back from them. I saved about $250 from what the DME was trying to gouge me for with copay and deductible. The cash price and copay through the DME are a wash for supplies.
  3. Fuck Kurt Bowls. What a stupid question.
  4. So his "realistic" finish prediction does not include Dean, but yet they have a "realistic" chance to land him. Does not compute.
  5. Those dumbasses act like Vince's knee was down on fourth and goal. It was first down.
  6. Noah Fence

    Lodge 49

    The critic who said is was The Big Lebowski for television can fuck himself. It's okay. Needs a payoff in the finale in a big way, but I am not holding out hope.
  7. Let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet, gentlemen.
  8. Yes, you can stream music on the cellular version without using your phone.
  9. Cuck U. - the resting place for Bama's nuts.
  10. Bama could have had 2 more TD's at a minimum but they took their foot off the gas after their last touchdown. This is the most pathetic thing I have ever read. So allowing Bama to score TDs from outside the red zone is now a good thing. Regarded.
  11. Jesus, did that bitch really change her twitter handle to call out a college kid. What a cunt.
  12. What is amazing is that these fan fiction accounts of the greatness of aggyland only come from a visiting fan of a non-conference top 25 team. For example, the only account I can recall from the Prairie View game a couple of years ago involved aggy spitting on the Prairie View fans.
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