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Chewy's Hairy Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chewy's Hairy Horn

  1. And now would by the moment for LadyG’s DC male escorts to step up.
  2. Once hostilities begin, I’m definitely going to cheat on my taxes. Should be able to Trump that shit up bigly among all the chaos.
  3. Well, let’s get pumped for Tom Herman’s third quarter dickstomp!
  4. Lol, crediting the crowd with the delay. Please, delays are our specialty.
  5. And somewhere in Texas, some staffer is giving the rental car contract Force Majeure clause a bit of scrutiny over breakfast.
  6. Why would anyone believe that Trump or his campaign would pay at this point? It’s so widely reported that they run out on the bill every time. How do you convince yourself that nah, I’m really not at the intersection of greed and stupidity.
  7. Or this: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&geo=US&q=Tom Herman pee tape
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