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Chewy's Hairy Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chewy's Hairy Horn

  1. Ironically, Trump has lowered the bar so far that their playbook is about as effective as Herman’s binder.
  2. That would result in a President Harris. Since assassination morons and racist morons are a likely a Venn diagram perfect circle, you gotta figure he’s fairly safe.
  3. To be fair, there’s never really a wrong time for Xanax in 2020.
  4. “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.” Can’t remember who I’m quoting here, but it’s the absolute truth. Some folks would do well to consider how it applies to them.
  5. Like he checks with anyone before retweeting shit.
  6. Head of our National cyber security task force; can you imagine...
  7. Holy hell, it’s a pet food store she’s going on about entering.
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