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Everything posted by jeevsie

  1. If this isn't played at my funeral, I will pull on toenails from the afterlife.
  2. That would be considered chemical warfare and would be dealt with as such.
  3. <checks for the neg> whew! he was just kidding.
  4. Yes, I just quoted myself.
  5. The way that graphic presents the list makes me rage-y. Why tf do you go down and then over to the next column? And who tf are some of these guys? Arthur smith? Sirianni? Culley?
  6. Another late to the game rec - The Sinner. 2 episodes in and I'm a fan.
  7. Plus, he threw one hell of a party.
  8. "But it's literally called a Euro step!!" "Let's just do alley oops, guys"
  9. Just give up. They will win - they always do. I have sling at >$60 to get the orange package for LHN. Xfinity for internet - there's only two choices where I live. Pretty much back to where I was when I was bundling cable + internet with AT&T.
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