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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Subscribed because of Cinco de Mayo being this weekend.
  2. Is the hello kitty wine glass yours as well?
  3. The joke's on Lavar. All the good high school basketball players are already getting paid.
  4. If you're around atown I might take you up on it.
  5. Can you guys please take this shit to the football board?
  6. So what you're saying is, is that Tom Herman is the Wile. E. Coyote of Texas Football?
  7. You're either a CEO, a writer, an attorney, or autistic. In any case, I like the cut of your jib.
  8. Read excerpts this morning and there's something I'd point out. Ozil obviously doesnt have the defensive talent around him that he does when he plays in the national team. Mustafi is on it in some sense but runs with the 3's. Also, the other midfielders on the team make it damn near impossible to play the style Ozil likes to play. I'm mean for fucks sake Xhaka has no business in the starting 11. Ramsey is good, wilsher is okay, but neither of them possess the quality that Germany has. Ozil played numerous balls into the middle against atleti that damn near any striker with some sense of spatial awareness would have banged in, but Welbeck and Lacazette arent those guys. It's glaringly obvious we need to gut the middle of the team. Now that Kosc's is hurt and probably done, we need two CB's and a replacement for Xhaka, and if reports are correct, $50mm is going to get it done.
  9. Jesus fucking christ. The $9.95er's are trying to make Wilson this year's Waddle.
  10. Well shit. Kosc likely done for a while.
  11. He's had issues with it for quit some time now.
  12. Yikes, that looked bad for Kosc.
  13. Fielding a strong side today. Looks like atleti is going for the jugular with Costa and Griezmann both in the lineup.
  14. It can be a fetus as long as it can split double teams, score touchdowns, or shed blocks.
  15. Swing and a miss on the thread title so I'll take a shot. Du'Vonta Lampkin: Donde esta la oficina de desempleo?
  16. Ah I see. You must be one of those high pitched screamers. You must've been taking it like a champ.
  17. You forgot to add, "and use the money to buy enough beer to drown out her idiocy."
  18. T'Boo II is a savage. Also, welcome to the wild and wooly world of M&A. Glad I'm finally not alone around here.
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