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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. Because it guarantees a Trump victory if he's successful. You're giving all these people a good excuse to sit out. The last time this happened was I think in the 50s and Eisenhower won easily.
  2. I seriously doubt if Bernie has the plurality of delegates that they won't fall in line and award him the nomination. They may be inept but they are not this stupid given how many people blame Bernie supporters for not voting for Hillary, they would be completely give them a bigger reason to do so again. I almost believe, at least given dumb rumors I've seen online, that they would be more likely to screw over Bloomberg if he got the plurality of delegates.
  3. For the first ballot, but after that they can vote. So in other words if there's not a majority of delegates awarded to one person I believe they'll come into play.
  4. And you've had people do nothing but pledge to defeat Donald Trump in 2020, all these people are not going to stay out. You are wildly speculating if you look at any national polling.
  5. The house isn't getting lost, we just had the highest turnout in 2018 since Nixon and even if the scary socialist is on top they aren't going to lose a 50 plus margin in the house.
  6. Oh they certainly do, but he's hired so many people and it's been rumored that younger people who are more desperate for jobs are taking positions but aren't committed to him at all as an actual candidate. It would not be surprising to see tons of leaks coming from his campaign. Ken got a copy of the NDA they sign the other day.
  7. You know you're running a great political campaign with people who truly believe in your ideology when someone leaks your talking points not even 24 hours after the debate.
  8. That Wisconsin poll is a big outlier by the way.
  9. I don't disagree but it would also be dumb for him to have a serious health problem/die in office and have someone who is going to not be anywhere near as supportive of a leftist platform. Tammy Baldwin barely gets to that kind of candidate I'd like.
  10. From an leftist fairly well-off millennial Bernie Bro, none of us honestly think Bernie is going to get things like this passed or even, unfortunately, his single-payer universal healthcare legislation. This is all about resetting what the supposed Democratic party should represent and force it to look more like what the rest of the developed world's "left" parties look like. I posted this in the Bernie thread, but it's what Boots Riley gets at here,
  11. I think we're both right because the polling done after NH showed most people thinking either she was too leftist or too conservative.
  12. http://www.efesonline.org/Annual Economic Survey/Presentation.htm I misread this number then,
  13. Warren tried to get some of his base and it didn't work, it seems clear she lots support to Amy and Pete.
  14. Warren did a good job to not buy into that stupid Bernie Twitter army argument and correctly punched Right almost all night.
  15. Yes, Bernie Bros getting into arguments with MAGA shitheads is going to be good for Trump.
  16. http://www.efesonline.org/Annual Economic Survey/2017/Survey 2017.pdf Dig through the numbers there, I found that roughly the average public company in Germany has employees owning around 13%-14%.
  17. The only thing I've seen is that this is stipulated by the following by Bernie's plan, https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-employee-ownership-plan-policies-democratic-presidential-primary-1465085 You aren't even voting for Warren, just so everyone knows where you stand.
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worker_representation_on_corporate_boards_of_directors Germany, Sweden, Norwary, Finland, Denmark, and the Netherlands all have the strictest based on company size.
  19. Him big timing Lester Holt about that Socialism popularity question was my favorite line of the night. "Excuse me bitch, wasn't I leading in that poll?"
  20. And yet this requirement is required for large companies in many European countries and somehow they keep on truckin' lol.
  21. We've been told all along the most important thing is to not reelect Donald Trump. Almost sounds like that isn't the case and everyone saying that who is scared of Bernie is bloviating and shouldn't be taken seriously.
  22. My entire point is that people, especially working and lower middle-class people, shouldn't have to rely on the hopes that their employer is going to truly listen to their thoughts and concerns, many of them don't have the luxury of looking for that perfect job.
  23. To just put it into perspective, you could earn $5000 a day starting in 1492 and still not have a billion dollars.
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