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Pig Bellmont

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  1. Pig Bellmont


    I shouldn’t have laughed at this
  2. That law has no chance of surviving judicial review, if it ever was passed
  3. It’s because he didn’t work. His biggest task was watching television about himself.
  4. I really enjoyed this last episode - legit lol at the whole piano sequence. Best one so far in my opinion
  5. Yes to the first question. And not much to the second question. Maybe case management statistics, internal pressure to resolve cases, or just decorum? Certainly nothing binding.
  6. My dads is crazy into Fox News/Michael Savage/Rush etc. With the caveat that I haven’t seen him in person in a few months (live in different states)- killing Russians is something we both wholeheartedly endorse
  7. Reminds me of a lawyer joke. An old attorney dies and God greets him at the gates of heaven “Wow, I just had to come in person to see the oldest man who ever lived.” -“But God, I was only 78” ”Not according to the hours you billed”
  8. I mean who wouldn’t have faith in a company with a well thought out and tested demonstration like this-
  9. I’m sorry- what is it that God is doing? God is actively intervening in lives of kids 25 and under and bringing them to your college for prayer? If God is getting involved in our daily lives, boy, somebody should tell him there are bigger things that could use his attention
  10. I recently got a Samsung QLED tv and really enjoy it.
  11. I don’t trust anyone over 25 that dates a teenager.
  12. I’d like to say that this isn’t exclusive to TikTok - there are whole sects of Christianity that seem to be purely performative. Honest question: How is this event different than any other organized religious participation? Because it seems like it comes with the same good and bad to me. If Brisket is asking if this movement will have some powerful change or significant increase in participation in organized religion… it won’t.
  13. It won’t matter. Kids were/are regularly abused and sometimes killed in the state foster care system and he got re-elected in a landslide
  14. Doubling your stack in 3.5 hrs is a good night
  15. Wait wut? Kids were attorneys and these were real crimes - I assume misdemeanors? Not like a mock trial but like a real case? This sounds like insanity
  16. Is this like Drive to Survive but golf?
  17. Making things less safe to be cheaper doesn’t bring me a lot of confidence but hey different strokes I guess
  18. He already admitted to the facts in the article with the milk drinking picture. But now he’s suing someone. Ummm for what exactly?
  19. https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-staff-company-tracks-key-strokes-make-sure-working-report-2023-2 I’m sure Elon and Tesla are always on the up and up and don’t use the key logging technology to steal passwords to personal email accounts of union organizers or anything like that :eyeroll
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