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Pig Bellmont

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Everything posted by Pig Bellmont

  1. It’s about making Democrats sit for depositions and fight subpoenas - exacting process related consequences with no goal other than revenge/harassment
  2. I’ll show her my Parthenon… or something
  3. My brain hurts. His disdain for the electorate is beyond parody
  4. You guys have it all wrong about torture or the death penalty. Just leave the FedEx guy in a room alone with the father. No questions asked and no time limits imposed. It should be his decision
  5. My point was turning out the lights doesn’t stop people from being gay. I guess the motivation is truly terrorism. “Don’t go see drag shows, or else you’ll see more dangerous attacks on the public”
  6. So cutting the electricity is supposed to stop people from dressing drag or being gay? I don’t get it.
  7. Weren’t there over 120+ candidates across the country just these midterms who were election deniers? Kari Lake and certain secretaries of state come to mind.
  8. People criticizing giving literal nazis a platform and you call it histrionics. Cool.
  9. How can we compete with brilliant posts like this? @ztejas doesn’t care about the content of every post here and it’s inherent value to the thread regarding insight. He’s just being a prick
  10. Careful @ztejas will call you out for shitty posting
  11. Thanks for policing the game thread. I’m sure that was the only post deserving of your sanctimonious call out.
  12. Berhalter out. This was such a winnable game but it looks like all tournament we've had no plan of attack
  13. Looks like you’re violating the respectable age difference rule of 1/2 your age + 7. What’s her TikTok handle?
  14. Doesn’t Andy Reid do this? I know that’s NFL but it’s not impossible for someone to call plays and be successful as HC
  15. Tell me you never majored in history without telling me you never majored in history
  16. More accurate headline: DeSantis comments publicly on what he saw on Tucker last night in an obvious plea for airtime on Fox News
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