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Pig Bellmont

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Everything posted by Pig Bellmont

  1. Yeah my comment was a little tongue in cheek referencing how much equipment Russia has lost in the war. Elon is a fucking moron
  2. Russian tanks do seem like death traps. Have to look out for drone grenades and HIMARS
  3. No. There’s just no outcome for Dems to vote for any GOP. The failures to come will be wholly owned by the majority.
  4. And maybe John Wooden comes back from the dead to be his assistant. These “it’s a long shot but more likely now” articles are garbage
  5. There’s a huge number of suburban moms driving spotless F250s on lifts that have never towed a thing. Not sure an electric truck has the same bravado. Where do you even put the truck nuts?
  6. Exactly. This seems more like a leak from McCarthy’s camp trying to speak “momentum” into existence. It didn’t result in anything yesterday and I see no reason to believe any differently
  7. I don’t see any situation where any members vote outside their party. Dem or GOP
  8. The 20 are not negotiating in good faith. They don’t want to compromise with him. It’s all about power and they will flex until McCarthy withdraws
  9. Except it takes 2/3 of the senate to remove from office. The House will still surely impeach Biden over nothing though
  10. How many of the 20 need to cave? 16? They can’t give in after this show. They will end up forcing someone other than McCarthy in and planting their flag that they won’t fall in line on any vote. Debt ceiling. Military funding. Nothing.
  11. Christmas Eve is an odd time to have your first date too
  12. Didn’t Lachlan Murdoch take over Fox News? The whole family should die but I’m sure there’s just some other asshole that would take over
  13. There’s no play here for democrats. Fuck any talk of deal making
  14. If there’s a circuit split like the article says, it’s not “zero chance”
  15. That thing isn’t getting to the president of France. It’ll get thrown out with the other unsolicited and sketchy threats sent by mail. It’s just something an attention whore put on the internet
  16. So they'll just keep voting until the GOP defectors get in line, right?
  17. You have to pay extra for that. Or so I’ve heard
  18. Pig Bellmont

    USMNT 2023

    Letting it expire without a new deal is good news
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