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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. I watched him play in college for about 10 minutes so I'm surprised about how athletic he is and how good of a finisher he is. I remember one of the scouting reports said he was limited in college because all Drew Timme could do was stand in the post with his arms in the air, which clogged the lane and forced Chet outside. That turned out to be correct. Much better scorer than Jabari in that same class. Also a borderline elite shooter and much better shooter than Wemby, quite frankly. Also this:
  2. Blocked 9 last game, 7 tonight and can still do this:
  3. Jeez. Already got 5 blocks in the first half, too.
  4. I'm assuming Nelson kinda sucks because they're talking to the KSU QB in the portal. Aside from Caleb Williams, every player or recruit LR took with him from OU has been a bust or is now in the portal just two years later. More:
  5. This wasn't supposed to be a tank season for the Pistons, either. (That was last year.) This is Cade's 3rd year with them. What do they do with him at this point? Does he even want to be there going forward? If they want to blow it up (again), they could get a lot for him.
  6. Interesting but not surprising. He'd fit in perfectly at OKC and make them a contender, maybe this season. They also have the assets to pulls this off.
  7. Three things: 1. This arena ain't costing no $1.5B in no Okie City. That's about what the Clippers and Golden State arenas cost. The $900M figure even seems steep considering where it's at. 2. I do agree that the owners and the mayor held the team hostage. Holt was saying they could potentially sell or move the team if they didn't get the deal. All of the ownership group are Okies to the point some of the original owners have sold and they sold to Okies. However, to Holt's point, the group is VERY old and their heirs may not give a shit. They bought the team for $350M and now it's worth at least $3.5B. Even if all of them are Okies, money is money. (There was some concern when Aubrey McClendon died.) However, I do agree that the team wasn't moving regardless of what happened. 3. The vote was 70/30. That's about as lopsided as you can be in today's America. If Biden said the sun rose in the East, 50% would disagree. 70% in agreement is remarkable. It goes to show that the loud, vocal minority is just that. A minority.
  8. If he tried this back i the 80's, he'd get his fucking ass kicked.
  9. The Palestinians say they want a country (narrator "They don't") and now they're being treated like one.
  10. The league has enabled him over the years.
  11. Good point. They don't really want the war to end. Carry on.
  12. This. Look at the last few years. The voters have seen through the nonsense about whatever the outrage of the day is (trans, "woke," etc.) The Republicans have lost everything since Dobbs despite the media's redirection and we all know why. Stories like this just make it more front and center and they'll keep happening. Even Frank Luntz (normally a good pollster) got hoodwinked. Turns out people were more mad about 10 year olds being forced to have a baby than they were $3/gallon gas. Who would have thought?
  13. This. It's either the oldest, one of the oldest, or the oldest without renovation or something. Either way, it's unchanged since 2001 or whenever it was built. But to your point, this is part of MAPS 4.0 (literally 4.0) and I'd be surprised if it fails. To their credit that city and its voters regularly vote for public spending projects to make the city better for all involved, which is odd considering they're in Oklahoma. (No CR. Well, maybe a little.) They've done more to improve their city over the last 30 years than really any other city in the country.
  14. The current arena — Paycom Center — is the smallest in the NBA by square footage, has the second-smallest capital investment of all NBA arenas and is one of the oldest in the entire NBA at 21 years old. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholascrain/2023/09/12/new-arena-thunder-to-remain-in-oklahoma-city-through-2050-and-beyond-pending-voter-approval/?sh=52315a5b3259
  15. Just checking in to see if Hamas has surrendered and release all hostages since they want the war to end and all....?
  16. Did not know the backstory. Even worse: The day Cox received the terrible news about her fetus, the Texas Supreme Court was hearing oral arguments in Zurawski v. Texas, a suit brought by two doctors and 20 women who had been denied medically necessary abortions and were seeking to clarify the scope of emergency exemptions to the state’s ban. Among the plaintiffs is Amanda Zurawski, who was 18 weeks pregnant after a year and half of fertility treatments when her water broke. Although her pregnancy had no chance of surviving, she was denied an abortion until she became septic. Zurawski ended up spending days in an intensive care unit, and has been left with damage to her reproductive tract that will most likely make it harder for her to become pregnant again.
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