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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. Yep and those types tend to bang the best.
  2. You could teach a business course about how to make one bad decision after another and use the Colorado conference moves as a case study. At least the other ones that left went to stable, big money conferences.
  3. What struck me was that after the other Senators saw what was happening, they knew what to do. They didn't look surprised. This has happened before.
  4. They both have the coin. Wade has the Kwan.
  5. Arguably the best RB in the NFL gets $11M/yr while Jalen Brown gets $69M in his final season. NFL has the worst contracts by far.
  6. Countdown until Elmo blames it on the vaccine.
  7. In all fairness, he prolly made a C in the one American history class he took in high school and that was taught by a football teacher looking to score with high school girls.
  8. Especially since they ran off all of the immigrant construction workers. Good luck getting anything rebuilt. Can't wait for them to blame the Democrats but they'll find a way.
  9. That's conspiracy theorists in a nutshell. It makes them feel smarter by knowing the "real truth." That's where the right is now in America. They're basically conspiracy chat bots. Just look at yesterday. Between Bron's kid and Obama's chef, there is no rabbit hole they won't go down. RFK and Elmo are personifications of this.
  10. My niece is now a junior at Arky so, oddly enough, we know a decent amount about this subject and all of the above is spot on. Arky (like Bama) has a bunch of out of state students that don't know anyone and no one knows them. Niece in question hits all the marks. Good grades, fun and outgoing personality, good story, and is hot. (Sorry, that still matters and no pics.) However, her mom is a single mom with no money. She wasn't able to get into the top tier houses because of money and connections but she got into one of the solid ones with good academics and a nice house. Since she's hot, she still gets invited to the good frat parties. She's dated two guys at this point and one's mom was a partner at a law firm and the current is from the Park Cities. So, yeah, some of this still matters if you want to be crass. Her assigned roommate in the dorms during rush was from some small town and shaped like a whiskey barrel and didn't get bid by anyone. She ended up with a bid on the last day by the worst house on campus after everyone turned them down. Kinda sad but I laughed. We enjoyed the Bama Rush show but it could have been better.
  11. Slavery was jobs program. Good to know. Then they were freed and allowed to join trade unions, right?
  12. His SC recruiting looks a lot like his OU recruiting. A few highly ranked offensive skill players and some spares on the defensive side. The skill player rankings bring the total class up so it looks good. The subplot here is that OU beat him head to head for even a skill guy but yes, the list of RB busts out of Texas is long and legendary. OU is now getting interest and commits from blue chip defensive guys now and Riley couldn't even get this guys to visit.
  13. So is this: https://genius.com/Bruce-springsteen-youngstown-lyrics Here in northeast Ohio Back in eighteen-o-three James and Dan Heaton Found the ore that was lining Yellow Creek They built a blast furnace Here along the shore And they made the cannonballs That helped the Union win the war Here in Youngstown Here in Youngstown My sweet Jenny I'm sinking down Here darling in Youngstown Well, my daddy worked the furnaces Kept them hotter than hell I come home from 'Nam, worked my way to scarfer A job that would suit the devil as well Taconite coke and limestone Fed my children and made my pay The smokestacks reaching like the arms of God Into a beautiful sky of soot and clay Here in Youngstown Here in Youngstown My sweet Jenny I'm sinking down Here darling in Youngstown From the Monongahela valley To the Mesabi iron range To the coal mines of Appalachia The story's always the same Seven hundred tons of metal a day Now sir, you tell me the world's changed Once I made you rich enough Rich enough to forget my name Here in Youngstown Here in Youngstown My sweet Jenny I'm sinking down Here darling in Youngstown When I die I don't want no part of heaven I would not do heaven's work well I pray the devil comes and takes me To stand in the fiery furnaces of hell
  14. Barbenheimer off to a good start. Anecdotal evidence, I know, but driving home last night, I drove past a theater and there were a ton of Gen Z types all wearing pink. Same theater showing sold out all weekend. Maybe it'll do well. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/21/barbenheimer-box-office-thursday-ticket-sales.html
  15. We just finished it and were talking about how well all of them aged. They're all basically 60 and all of them look great, especially Ice.
  16. I'll add that I would also take Phoenix over Texas. Sure, it's hot AF for three months and you can't go outside but the winters are legit whereas Texas winters can still suck periodically.
  17. Correct. It's part of the country music fantasy world of idyllic small towns while the crime is in the "city." **cough** dog whistle **cough** Never mind that in reality there is more crime in smaller towns and rural areas than the big cities. Modern country music (read "bro country") is for people from a small town who moved to the exurbs who want to move back to a small town but forgot why they left in the first place.
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