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Everything posted by Mac8111

  1. This. It is put up or shut up time.
  2. Cowherd just called Ewers the most important player in college football.
  3. Hey midtown, check out the underwater wing diving as an adventure. You can google it and get an idea of what it is about.
  4. Cowherd is having Sark on today
  5. I’ve adopted “Come on now” into my daily routine.
  6. I think Tyler will excel at some things but I question his durability when shit gets real.
  7. Mac8111

    Below Deck

    That closed off dining room is dreadful.
  8. That would take you away from posting pics on other threads and do this whole forum a disservice
  9. I haven’t thought of that song in 20 years
  10. We hit the jetties in POC to get some bull red action and then and found some keeper black drum back between mule slough and fish pond. Tide level is way low.
  11. Heading to POC tomorrow and even if I have to take pics of other people’s fish at the dock, I vow to put an end to this drought of saltwater pics on this thread. #MakeSurlySaltyAgain
  12. It would be so fitting if he got covid at his own party.
  13. So LBJ wasn’t drafted at all???
  14. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuYOTQoAnZI/?igshid=YmM0MjE2YWMzOA== Truth
  15. That Don Benito’s that opened on 1604 and Lookout Rd has some Barbacoa enchiladas with a tomatillo sauce that I enjoy. Not something you see on other menus that often.
  16. The fact that we had a DH hitting below .200 is still something that baffles me.
  17. If he is going to sit for three hours and watch the movie, let the boy see some bush
  18. I know Piastri will crash into Lando in turn 1 but it is good to see McLaren stepping up their game with the upgrades.
  19. We are wrapping up the first season of Treme. Not sure why we avoided it for so long. Beautifully done. Can’t believe how many cameos they got for a first season of a series.
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