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Everything posted by Apep

  1. Apep


    The first two seasons of Dexter were great. The big bad for season 3 sucked, but the personal life part of the show was still good. Season 4 brought in a good villain, but killed off one of the best parts of the show. At least the show didn't go to shit as fast as the books.
  2. I don't care about the fact of the remake. Hollywood will always shit the bed with remakes and occasionally hit a home run. Will Smith and Kevin Hart are funny, but I don't care about them enough to pay for this movie. Even if we buy into the premise that there need to be more movies with minority leads, we need way more movies with Hispanic and Asian leads than AA. Why not cast John Cho and Fluffy?
  3. The most recent Below Decks was more tame, focused, and generally better. Unlike the Orville, it doesn’t feel like TNG. It has some very funny bits, like the first Holodeck scene. The gag could work in the TNG universe, but it needs a subtle, straight man set up.
  4. I watched it. The Orville exists and is way better. Hopefully the first episode was egregiously over-the-top because the writers haven't found their groove. Don't have much hope of that.
  5. A Family Ties reboot with a MAGA son could be good.
  6. The Kids Are Alright was brilliant. It was very Catholic and the kids were a good mix of late boomers and early Gen X. Not exactly a big market for Catholic sitcoms on network tv. The cancellation was a shame because the cast was so good. The Goldbergs is good, but it is a sitcom. The Wonder Years was a drama. Think more of an updated Wonder Years (or Freaks and Geeks) starting in the era of My So-Called Life. Pre-Columbine. Pre-Amber alert. Pre-helicopter parents.
  7. Moonlighting had such a great cast that it would be hard to recapture the magic.
  8. Malcolm in the Middle was contemporary, not retrospective. It was fairly well done and holds up reasonably well, but it isn't an homage to that time period. Jonah Hill did a movie that was a 1990s retrospective. Think of something more like that, but in serialized form focusing on the era of irrational exuberance, the dotcom boom and bust, and the seeming boundless optimism of the pre-2008 era.
  9. That actually sorta sounds interesting. Going back to the seminal boomer time period, however, kinda kills the buzz for me. The "Wonder Years" were only a couple of decades in the rear view mirror when the original show premiered. Would love to see a producer nut up and cover, let's say, the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s.
  10. Apep

    Arm Penises

    Truly WTF. This dude has a penis growing on his arm.
  11. Jungle and Space were better than the gangster season. None were great, but each episode in the later seasons had its moments instead of the whole season having its moments.
  12. They strung together enough clips to have a trailer that doesn't suck, but are those the only funny moments in season 11? Only time will tell.
  13. It's been around for years. Guess it's the popular one this year.
  14. Yes, I'm serious. The Bad Batch seemed like the most crassly toy-driven characters of the modern era. The sisters were merely mediocre.
  15. Didn't like them as much as the sisters, but I'll give it a try.
  16. Which gets hotter during the summer? Figure that might have a big impact on the concrete v. sports court decision.
  17. Well, Guinan does know shit that is beyond other characters, so it might work if she isn't a main character.
  18. At the end of May, I got a new business credit card from Wells Fargo. Before the card had even arrived, there were fraudulent Amazon charges on it. (Looked like the monthly payment for a personal Prime account.) It was a brand new card, so it wasn't a case of my payment info getting updated. Really freaked me out. Then I looked it up and it seems like this is a common problem with WF, though they were supposed to have stopped it in 2018. My simplistic hack is that I use the card for operating expenses, get shitty cash back rewards, and pay it off each month with EIDL money, which is sitting in a separate account drawing shitty interest.
  19. There are two Title VII "ministerial exception" cases that will be decided later this week. Being able to fire parochial teachers without Title VII oversight, (if that is how it comes down), and getting state funding would change education in unforeseen and major ways.
  20. I don't want to provide cliff notes, because this thread could get cloaked very easily. Blaine amendments are a relic of 19th century anti-Catholic bias. They are state constitutional provisions that forbid the funding of sectarian schools. Today the Supreme Court basically held that they are unconstitutional in most situations. IF a state decides to subsidize private schools, it must also subsidize religious private schools unless they are seminaries or the like. Title VII deals with anti-discrimination provisions. Right now there are a couple of cases from California involving age discrimination and disability discrimination claims by teachers at religious schools. There is a "ministerial exception" to Title VII. The question is how broad is it? If these teachers are considered ministerial or the holding is broad, religious schools largely won't be subject to Title VII. If states can fund religious private schools via vouchers and can discriminate against otherwise protected classes, public school might be mostly dead in large parts of the country.
  21. Today SCOTUS released Espinoza v. Montana Dept. of Rev., which holds that Montana's Supreme Court could not invalidate an entire tax credit aid program on the basis of a no aid to sectarian school provision. If the ministerial exceptions to Title VII hold up, do we see broad legislative support for private school vouchers in parts of the country?
  22. They could recast anyone except Amos, Chrisjen, and Detective Miller and I wouldn't mind.
  23. It appears to have been intentionally drawn out. The goal, I think, was to bore the audience a little. Put 'em in a foul mood and make 'em wonder why they're paying to see the Tate murders. Then we have the surreal ending that feels so artificial, but so Hollywood. We love it, even though we know it's fake.
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