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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MonkeyDoughnut

  1. Malzahn got some great calls on the overly aggressive OU defense
  2. Absolutely taunted.. Fuck OU and BV
  3. Lol... Love the taunt running down the field.
  4. Any game where OU gets actually gets called for offensive holding will be the one they lose
  5. Would love for UCF's kicker to win on a walk off since his name is actually "Boomer"
  6. Boggles my mind how teams don't spread the field to get guys out of the box. Put 3 wr on a side
  7. I wish this was the OU team we played in Dallas...
  8. Lol should have called offsides when he blew the rb up
  9. That's mentalist segment was actually cool to watch
  10. agreed, but Steve is on a roll right now... anyone better against him is making serious bank.
  11. IT, Gerry/Eric said that the ship has sailed on today's afternoon live stream. my words not theirs but you get the drift. Maybe he's in play... just not for us
  12. Current break down of 5*s for 2024 (no Pac12 etc)- Big10: 5 - all Ohio St Ind: 1 - Notre Dame SEC: 20 - everybody (almost) Big16: 1 - Hudson
  13. agreed, I use the Taylor K-2006 test kit, but TF has cheap refills for it as well. Sets are basically the same. Pay the money for a good starting set (with auto stirrer ~$100-150) Their Pool Math - App is well worth the yearly $8.00
  14. Missing what they don't know yet... It would not take much at all to setup an AI system with a camera pointed at the other teams signalers that can real-time determine/feed him the calls based on prior offsite recordings.
  15. It's tough, they will either get around them or just get a second device... most don't need cell, wifi is all they typically need a friends old spare phone or tablet is all they need. If you are at the point where you are concerned or can't trust them, I would just setup some kind of plan for phone "checking" where you can ask for it and go through history and like the above IP addresses you don't know, ask them what they are doing that is causing those logs. No good explanation then start using all their apps until you figure out which one it is. You can't prevent/catch everything, but constant talks on it at least shows them it's a big deal and you just want them safe.
  16. Even there he doesn't seem to fit the look/posture of an analyst.
  17. It's just another rule designed to protect the "poor" but instead just favors the "rich" that can afford to find ways around it. Just add the helmet comms like NFL did 30 years ago.
  18. I'm all for blatant sign stealing. It's a dumb rule that is way behind the times. I have a hard time believing most teams aren't doing it in some form or fashion. They tried to get helmet comms for college but not surprisingly some SEC coaches were against it... only reason I can think they would be against it is they think they are better at stealing signs that their opponents.
  19. Venerables is the guy who has been accused of sign stealing forever. Accused of having a team of GAs dedicated to the task.
  20. I never realized it wasn't allowed. I assumed coaches did all the sideline theatrics because they knew coaches were stealing signs.
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