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Everything posted by 0xdeadbeef

  1. As for "clouding test results", you're probably under the mistaken belief that roadside breathalyzer's are accurate. Or that Cops giving roadside test are honest. They aren't. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/03/business/drunk-driving-breathalyzer.html If you get pulled over, by all means, blow into one of them. There's probably a 50/50 chance it'll be correct. Having a legal limit of 0.0 is as bad of an idea as the Eighteenth Amendment.
  2. MADD was a good idea run amok. Plain and simple, when you lower the drinking limit below a reasonable level and then encourage PDs to over arrest for DUI, you destroy lives. Here's a nice money quote: https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2011/06/14/prosecutor-says-evidence-lacking-in/6703752007/ Of course Art Asshole went to Houston and did the the same shit: https://apnews.com/article/e5a5ea2314f54cb0bd08ad3b6344e585 (Houston police report sharp jump in drunken-driving arrests) Sucks for all thousands of people that got bogus arrests for DUI
  3. Son, if the whole world is against you, you probably need to take a good hard look in the mirror, because it's most likely you that's all fucked up.
  4. I spent the first 5 year of my career in Silicon Valley, and that was 100% my experience. Outsiders (non-students or alumni) are not welcome at the Stanford or Cal pregame tailgates. There is no community support in Palo Alto or Berkeley, unless someone is making a buck off it. And outside of alumni, nobody in the bay area give a single fuck about the so called 'big game'. I moved from the Bay Area to a Big-10 town, and it was amazing, the tailgates and fan support was the whole fucking town. Didn't matter where you were from or where you went to school, once you were there, you were welcome to join the party. Hell, I even bought a team sweat jacket for the year I was there. It will be some nice schadenfreude when Stanford and Cal drop to FCS.
  5. The remaining four PAC-4 teams need to think outside the box and turn the 2024 season into a must-watch spectacle. I'm thinking they should do some really crazy stuff like schedule the other three teams 3-times where: the scores carry over, but points count double in the 4th quarter of games 2 and 3. have a 'Throw-Back Toughest-Man' quarter where there are no subs and the 11 players have to play Offense and Defense. Or require 100 different players to get at least 5 minutes of playing time. Or require them to play all females for 1 quarter for one of the games. Make it such a train-wreck that people have to watch. .... but advertise it as a 1-season deal. Watch now or you'll never see this shit again. Fuck the NCAA and the NCAA-rule book, it's not like any of the 4 teams are going to be making the playoffs. Maybe hire an XFL or reality-TV producer to help or they could just buy me more vodka shots.
  6. How does UCLA plan to get around the California State-Funded travel ban? Four Big Ten States are on that list. Wait...2 Pac-12 states are on that list as well: AZ and UT. How is Cal or UCLA able to play games in either of those states?
  7. Apple wouldn't sell many Stanford streaming packages in Silicon Valley: nerdy white guys and Indian developers don't watch much football.
  8. Or maybe add Colorado State. Not a current P5 team so it might cause a $$ problem, but it stays in the Mountain time zone and there is a bit of nice symmetry with just having added Colorado. The big-12 could have an annual "Who's the big brother" weekend for the schools in Arizona, Kansas, Colorado, and Baylor/Houston/Tech/Tcu.
  9. Gott disagree with you there chief. There are limits of what's funny, and lines that shouldn't be crossed. Doesn't matter if it's race hatred, sexual assult, or religious intolerance, it's all evil shit. Taking something that one religion considers sacred and defiling it to fuck with them isn't funny. I put that shit in the same catagory as burning a cross on someone's yard or passing off sexual assult as hazing.
  10. Here's a PDF of the ACC GOR before it was renewed and extended to 2036: https://cdn.theathletic.com/app/uploads/2022/07/01185531/ACC-Grant-of-Rights-1.pdf It's is only 4 pages long + signature pages and is allegedly based in part on the B12 GOR contract. A quick google search shows multiple lawyers quoted calling it ironclad. Texas and OU would have fought the Big12 one and bolted to the SEC sooner if they thought there was a way to do so. Unless the ACC caves, Florida State would seem to be in an un-winnable position. Talk is cheap, but if they FA it seems like they will FO. Source for the PDF: https://theathletic.com/3396108/2022/07/01/acc-grant-of-rights-staples/ Any lawyer's care to read a 4 pager and comment?
  11. Pssst, hey Chinese dudes. Are you 100% sure that you turned the center selector dial? Come on now. Not 99% sure. Cause not turning that dial will in fact get you a nice clean 0 resistance.
  12. 0 for 3 so far, but it's still early days. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LK-99 Group Country Status Result References Notes Huazhong University of Science and Technology China Results unavailable 2023-08-01: Video claiming to show diamagnetism of small (< 0.1 mm) flakes of LK-99. Reportedly making a new batch to measure resistance. [34][37][38][39] Post-doctoral Wu Hao, Doctoral Yang Li, Professor Chang Haixin. Video posted to bilibili, no official announcement. Beihang University China Preliminary results available No diamagnetism observed. LK-99 sample had high resistivity not consistent with superconductivity. [40][41] Li Liu, et al. arXiv. Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research - National Physical Laboratory of India (CSIR-NPLI) India Preliminary results available Structure confirmed by XRD. No diamagnetism observed. [40][27] Kapil Kumar, et al. Verified authors,[42][43][39] arXiv. Southeast University China Preliminary results available No diamagnetism or levitation observed. [44][36] Prof. Sun Yue, et al. Argonne National Laboratory United States Un­known — [45] Sungkyunkwan University South Korea Un­known — [30] Korea University Un­known — Seoul National University Un­known — Varda Space Industries & University of Southern California United States Un­known — [46][47][39] Engineer & entrepreneur on X and Twitch. Resulting samples due to be analysed by University of Southern California after production.
  13. I've been following it with a slow but rapidly increasing interest. It sounded like just another BS claim at first, data is dribbling in and I want to Believe. A scientist at one of the Department of Energy's most prestigious labs (lawrence berkeley national laboratory) did a simulation of LK-99 and claims it is theoretically possible the real deal. A good summary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LK-99
  14. Come on, Man. Let's not exaggerate. It was only 3.44 million fewer viewers. And Pac-x is losing their 2 biggest draws. Change that Championship Game to Utah vs Washington and it probably falls below the American Conference. https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/college-football-tv-ratings/
  15. Serious question, do many/most people pay for streaming sports on the Internet? I'm not saying I use sportsurge.net, and similar sites, but a friend told me they have virtually every game.
  16. Unfortunately, Notre Dame is more like an average looking girl on TikTok, who thinks she is hotter than she really is, but who actually has millions of followers. You have you ask yourself Why? These are Notre Dame's games on national TV last year and how the ranked against all other games: Week 13 - 3rd Week 12 - 11th Week 11 - 9th Week 10 - 4th Week 9 - 7th Week 8 - Week 7 - 8th Week 6 - 8th Week 5 - Week 4 - 4th Week 3 - 7th Week 2 - 6th Week 1 -1st https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/college-football-tv-ratings/ ND is one of the only teams, if not the only team, that can make a go of it as an Independent.
  17. There are stupid TV execs all over the place, so anything is possible, but I'm just not expecting it this time. What's being reported is that the bigger payouts are tied to how well the games perform from a viewership standpoint. No one knows what the thresholds are for higher payouts, but if you're one of the remaining nine Pac-12 teams, that can't sound good. This site ( https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/college-football-tv-ratings/ )has the week-by-week TV ratings for games last year. Pac-12 games with USC or UCLA were almost always the highest game of the week. If you take out all the USC and UCLA games things drop off real quick. My guess is the TV deal is terrible and teams start looking for new homes with urgency. Can someone more in-the-know fill me in on the Big-12 deal: If they add more teams, do the networks payout more to keep the per-team share the same? That's what it sounded like when people were discussing CU. Or is the pie just cut into more slices?
  18. I'm an old white guy. Even reading the twitter comments I don't get it.
  19. Welp, the Big-12 may not quite be dead on the side of the road after all. Colorado to the Big-12 broke earlier today and may get approved by the Big-12 as soon as this week. They would start play next year. With lack of a TV deal, it feels like this may not be the only defection.
  20. I only recognized BB King and Muddy Waters. Not familiar with Ivory Joe Hunter at all, but based on that photo, I might have to go down a YouTube rabbit hole latter today.
  21. I was curious when that episode of Gilligan's Island aired. It was January 9, 1965. When that aired, there were still four Japanese holdouts playing advanced Where's Waldo-san.
  22. What pisses me off about this weather, is after I go for my late afternoon run and then get in my backyard barrel sauna for 20 minutes, my hot tub circuit breaker is always tripped because the external heat makes the temperature go above 105. The extra 20 steps to walk to the sub panel to flip the breaker is a major drag. Also, my wife sets the house temperature to 73 which feels really cool to me.
  23. That doesn't look like a persona-use home bathroom to me. The germ-phobia part of my brain wants to die.
  24. Who the best guitar player is mostly personal taste, a lot like what the best color is or best flavor. Everyone's different. That said the poll is so bad it makes my head hurt. My always-evolving personal top guitar players: David Gilmour Echoes Comfortably Numb Neil Young Cortex the Killer Powderfinger Walk like a Giant Ramada Inn Dead Man Theme Mark Knopfler Once upon a time in the West Telegraph Road Brothers in Arms Stevie Ray Vaughan Couldn't Stand the Weather Collins Shuffle Rude Mood Kirk Hammett / James Hetfield Orion Fade to Black For Whom the Bell Tolls Jimi Hendrix Stone Free All along the watchtower Duane Allman Statesboro Blues Whipping Post Billy Gibbons La Grange Cheap Sunglasses Slash Bent to fly Welcome to the Jungle Paradise City Joe Bonamassa Drive Sloe Gin Matthew Bellamy Thought of a Dying Atheist Supremacy J.J. Cale Cocaine Call me the Breeze Santana Smooth Black Magic Woman Robin Trower Day of the eagle Too Rolling Stoned Tim Henson Playing God Neurotica Snowy White Another Blue Night Ongoing There are so many great guitarists from Buckingham to Lifeson to Summers to Nelson to Page. The list goes on and on. If you were going to pick 4 names for a Poll, Dave Matthews just isn't making my cut.
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