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Everything posted by 0xdeadbeef

  1. I think the assumption from most folks following such things is that someone associated with Ukraine killed him, but has there been any official (or unofficial) confirmation of that?
  2. If I was Fitzgerald, I would: Hold a press conference tomorrow. Clearly accept the firing for cause. Clearly state that Hazing is wrong. Tell the victims how sorry your are it happened on your watch. Claim to not have known about the type and extent of the hazing. Then say some crap like "Since the buck stops with the Captain, I need to accept responsibility for my program and to learn to do better next time." If nothing comes out in the next few weeks that show he did know details, the above might be a path to another multi-million dollar job. ...but It would be so much more entertaining if he does the above and then photos drop of him playing Car Wash.
  3. I'm really pleased to see that 99% of the replies to that tweet are not supportive of Danny or Fitzgerald. This is so cut and dry, there should be no grey area about his firing.
  4. Does the stabber have any kind of GoFundMe page? Asking for a friend.
  5. If this was alleged to have happened at a single summer training camp during a single year, Fitzgerald might be able to reasonably claim he didn't know about it. But the claim is this shit is a year-over-year tradition. The head coach definitely knew about it, and if he claims he didn't, he was asleep at the wheel. Forcibly holding someone down and dry-humping them as a group. Forcing QB and Center to strip and take snaps. Forcing freshman to strip and do stuff against their will. I don't really see a path for Fitzgerald to keep his job. The 6-month investigation already said the claims are 'largely substantiated'. This isn't some #metoo over reaction, this is the type of crap that needs to be called out and eliminated. The Big 10 looks like it has a coaching opening.
  6. I stopped wearing a watch to dress up around 1990. Never missed them. About 5 years ago I got my first GPS smart sports tracking watch and have worn a watch everyday since.
  7. Yes, it's hot, but I'm calling BS on weather folks. It seems like all the weather sites, including NWS, weather.com, accuweather.com, as well as local TV, etc, are all trying to claim the hottest Feels Like or Heat Index. NWS for Austin 6/20 7:10PM: Accuweather.com - Austin tomorrow 6/21 97 feeling like 114? Really?
  8. Is 'poppers' now slang for unprotected buttsecks? I'm I the only one who has no idea what a popper is: I live a boring life.
  9. Less than Meh. Maybe I'm jaded, but the teaser seems to lack any sense of Joy. It doesn't look fun, exciting, or interesting. And based on that teaser alone, I feel like I already know the plot. Compare that to the original Cars trailer that had humor and looked like something new.
  10. I'm not sure what to make of this. At first I though it was a survivor-style competition show, but it seemed to lean more and more toward a scripted comedy pretending to be reality TV like a Reno 911. In any case, I don't even recognize a third of the 'Stars'.
  11. Lol. I think you might be misjudging the power comes with winning 6 National Championships.
  12. NN is a great concept and a terrible FCC order; both are referred to as NN. The FCC order is a poster child for the wrong way to do things. It pulled ISP under Title II of the Telcom act of 1996, but the FCC claimed they were only going to selectively apply it. FCCs words were "light touch" (Quotes are theirs). You are subject to a giant law, but only the parts we see fit; those taxes listed in the law? oh don't worry about them, we'll never apply them. https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/FCC-15-24A1.pdf https://transition.fcc.gov/Reports/tcom1996.pdf Free the Internet by regulating it via an old law that doesn't really apply. This was a terrible Order; it needed to be repealed. Now do you understand? It's really not that hard.
  13. Serious question, are the folks here that are for "net neutrality" referring to something to enforce the the ideas and core principles of net neutrality, or are they wanting the return of the FCC 2015 Order that placed ISP as Title II common carriers? The two are not the same.
  14. So if you ask ChatGPT something it doesn't know, it gives you a dumb-ass answer just like a random drunk down at the bar.
  15. Anyone use Creatine? I always thought of creatine as something for body builder and sprinters, but one of the running podcasts I listen to on Spotify (Trail Runner Nation Ep 612) talked about the benefits of creatine for distance runners as well as recent research about improved cognitive functions. It was the brain stuff that tipped the scale for me. I started it about 2 weeks ago, with the first week being a 'load' week of 25mg/day, then dropping to 5mg/day from then on. I knew creatine causes your muscles to hold more water, so I expected my weight to go up a little, but I gained almost 10 lbs in a week, and at the end of the first week my lower legs felt almost bloated. I'm at week 8 of 18 training for a hard race this summer and my milage was supposed to be ramping up, but I had to cut my 10 mile training run last Sunday to 7 miles because my feet were swollen and my calves uncomfortably tight. I backed off running this week and didn't run until Thursday and the legs felt a little better, but still much tighter than they should be. I'm hoping that was the result of loading up on creatine in the first week and as my body gets used to it, the legs will get back to normal...Google searches are not real clear. Anyone have good or bad experience distance running and doing creatine?
  16. The party is on this thread: Still not much activity...
  17. It's still going to be available on the maybe-legal-may-be-not-I'm-not-a-lawyer-so-I-can't-tell underground streaming sites like https://v2.sportsurge.net/ , right?
  18. Congrats. Early on in parenthood I realized my goal in life was to get my kids to adulthood as well-adjusted members of society. They didn't have to be perfect, just no strippers, no mass-shooters, no drug dealers. Seems like a really low bar, but it's a lot of work. But well worth the effort.
  19. You sure about that? This is the video that seems to have triggered the whole thing. Is this a staged video with actors? Is the clip from Dell really from somewhere else? Is the Dell Clip taken completely out of context? Or should it just be categorically rejected because of the source? Or is this actually legit? Based on the video, it doesn't seem unreasonable for an AG to ask some questions.
  20. I had a patio put in my backyard a couple weeks ago for a hot tub and one of the "4 person" kit saunas (Almost Heaven). I just assembled it this past weekend. For 80% of the assembly, it only needed 1 person, but did need two other folks to assist for a couple of steps. Total build time was only about 3 hours of leisurely work. One week in, I've used it three times and its great. It has a 6kW Harvia electric heater that needed a 240v/30amp breaker (along with the 50amp breaker needed by the Hot Tub) so an electrician was needed to run a line from the main. If this was for a group of people, it might need to be bigger or higher end one, but 99.99% of the time, it's just for me. The electrician wasn't clear why I wanted a Sauna in Texas; he asked me multiple times if I knew how hot it gets here. Yes, yes I do. It gets about 80-degrees cooler than my damn sauna.
  21. Instant karma's gonna get you Gonna knock you right on the head You better get yourself together Pretty soon you're gonna be dead Couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Dude's 15 minutes has been up for a while.
  22. I could tell 'Leonid' was the Bass player...because the bass volume is higher than it should be. But damn fine cover.
  23. All the major entertainment tabloids are just saying "medical emergency" or similar generic verbiage, but there are a ton of smaller site's I've never heard of that are saying stroke: https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/666983-jamie-foxx-stroke-additional-details https://www.latestly.com/socially/entertainment/hollywood/jamie-foxx-suffers-stroke-on-sets-and-had-to-be-revived-hes-lucky-to-be-alive-say-doctors-reports-5086356.html https://www.dmarge.com/jamie-foxx-lucky-to-be-alive-after-stroke-on-set
  24. Of the backboard? Seem this AI has never watched the majesty of a Gervin finger roll.
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