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Everything posted by 0xdeadbeef

  1. There are a few edge cases where a movie round has to look exactly like the real thing. Think closeup of loading a gun. But those cases are rare, and if it looks real, it should be treated like the real thing. We still don't know the exact scene they were working on, but if the actor need to load real-looking ammo, fine, BUT there needed to be a 'cut', a gun-swap, and a visual confirmation of fake/blank/dummy/plastic ammo before getting to the part where the gun is pointed at the camera part. It more-than-likely didn't require real looking ammo for what they were rehearsing, so Baldwin _should_ have looked at the gun and said "Hey, this looks like real ammo, can we get the plastic stuff". Not doing that is just crazy.
  2. It was certainly spun that his company was just one of many after the incident. The sheriff and DA have access to all emails and text messages, so they must have found a smoking gun.
  3. We've been through this shit, let's not rehash it all again. Sometimes on a movie sets they use various blanks and dummy rounds. Many guns need a firing pin to make a small bang and some smoke; telling an actor to "pretend the gun recoiled" will make your movie look like a high school production. There are all kinds of scenarios that require different tools. If you need to shoot a front closeup of a western revolver, you don't want a bright orange safety tip showing. As was posted a dozen pages back, some rounds look like the real thing, but simply have no powder and a dummy primer. A actor isn't going to know the difference. It hasn't been released what exactly the scene they were shooting called for, as far as I know, so we don't know what was appropriate. But we can know that a live round had NO business being there and whoever lead to that should have be charged. It will be interesting to see if Bladwin was pressing folks as Producer to go faster and cut corners; that would be my guess why he's being charged. I wonder if the assistance director (who handed Baldwin the gun and said it was clear) who cut a deal opened up on Baldwin-the-Producer.
  4. So if I understand what you're saying, he should have stepped back and given her an opened handed Bitch Slap.
  5. Cool. I had to google this one, it turned out to be a little ol band from texas.
  6. Who the hell talks to neighbors? I live in the burbs and my direct neighbors could be neo-Nazi and I'd never know it. My life is interesting enough, I have no interest in listening to the political rants of the people in my community. A friendly wave, and a tall fence.
  7. Nothing wrong with a little loyalty to a friend to start with, but the accused's story doesn't add up. smokebomb is 100% correct:
  8. And I'm not sure a police-run sting for kiddie porn could/would use actual kiddie porn. A police-run sting would more likely befriend you and try to get you to share your porn with them. Again, I think your friend is lying and is in deeper than he is telling you.
  9. An email provider would be able to scan a mail box and read your mail. They could see links to bad stuff, and they can scan attachments for bad stuff, and when you read a specific mail, there is an "Unread/Read" attribute that gets update in the mailbox; the email provider could know you read a specific email. But an email provider has know way to know what links in an email you clicked. When mail is up in a browser or mail reader and you click a link, your computer talks to the host from the link via the Internet connection; it doesn't go through the email provider. Nothing gets updated in the mailbox when you click a link in an email...the browser has that info and that is out of reach of the email provider. If the email provider reported this, is was NOT because of a clicked link to kiddie porn, it was because there was actual kiddie porn _files_ in his email.
  10. Talking to the police is bad, lying to the police is worse. Seems like a good time to re-post this: I have 4 kids now in the 19-25 range. When they were in high school, I _required_ them to watch that video and regurgitate back to me what was in it. It's never a bad idea for adults to rewatch it. tldr; The first rule about police is you don't talk to the police.
  11. When you say "content was earmarked and as soon as my friend clicked on the link, the information was reported to local authorities", it smells of BS. Either your friend is lying, or you are intentionally or unknowingly mis-reporting the details. Who exactly reported it to the authorities? The ISP? What exactly was reported to authorities? What does 'earmarked' mean in this context. That term is not one that is used in the tech field. If the link was an 'http" and not an "https", the ISP can in fact see what file was being requested, and see the actual content of that file being sent back. If the ISP does something called "Deep Packet Inspection", which many of them do, a child porn link very well could trigger a report to authorities. But, 1) It's unlikely an illegal porn site or hacker collective is going to send out "http" links. That would draw attention to them. So who sent the mail? 2) NOBODY, is going to charge for a single link. Many email clients download embedded images automatically in email...those are all links. A link could says it's a go fund me campaign. A link could be hidden by a URL shorteners making it impossible to see where the link is really going. One time is explainable....but spending an hour on the same site....clicking multiple other links on that site...saving the images to your hard drive. That's different. Get a copy of the arrest warrant; I suspect what your friend is telling you is not the full story.
  12. 0xdeadbeef

    Jeff Beck RIP

    The weird thing about Jeff Beck for me was that it didn't look like he should be making that sound. Take almost any of his videos and turn the sound off. His right hand looks like someone at Guitar Center who is picking up a guitar for the first time. He's got that mostly open palm where the thumb just lightly touches a few string. There is no way in hell he should make the sounds he does. And yet, here we are. It's such a huge dividing line between rock music and what came before it that when the music stars of the 30s, 40s, and 50s got old and died in larger numbers, it didn't really impact me because I didn't know them or their music. Now that the young stars of the 60s are are starting to pass, it feels more personal. U.S. life expectancy for men is 77. Beck was 78. Sadly, there are a lot of other Rock-Gods queued up: Gilmour (76), Knopfler (73) , Gibbons (73), Young (77), Clapton (77), Santana (75), Richards (79), Page (79), May (75), Betts (79)
  13. Most cops that make it onto Youtube are there because they suck at being cops. This guy gets a A+. I watched it again and that motorcycle cop should train other cops. He got the guy out of the street then realized the guy was not right and he calmed everything down. He went with a softer voice, he gave the guy space, he let the guy talk, he didn't cuff the guy initially (which he probably was justified if he wanted to), when the guy didn't want to sit against the wall because he "wanted to be seen" the cop was cool and said fine sit other there and be seen. Deescalate and defuse. Unfortunately it still ended badly.
  14. So we have a dumb-ass, who is clearly mentally confused and very probably on something, being legitimately questioned by a rather-patient cop, who then decides to run away from the cop and has to be tasered to be restrained. Four and a half hours after he is taken to a hospital he has a medical emergency and dies. I think the lesson here is Don't do Drugs. While he's on the ground after being cuffed he yells that they "sedated" him. If this story takes an unexpected turn and we find out that street cops really are sedating people, I'll gladly get my pitchfork, join the mod, and blast some NWA. Until then, it looks like the Cops are completely in the right on this one.
  15. I've been doing 1ml injections every two weeks for the last year and a half and things are awesome. I feel like it turned back the clock by two decades. It really is a fountain of youth both physically and mentally. I was 54 when I started and my T was down in the 200s. I felt old. I really was at the point where I was thinking I was going to need to retire or change careers because keeping up with the young-guns in the software industry was getting to hard to mentally sustain. TRT did change that. All the tests since I started had been nicely in the mid-range, until the one that came back today. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. It came back today 1100. My doc follow up is next week and my guess is he's going to lower my dose. I don't want to lower my dose. I feel like I'm about to be sentenced to Beta Force. Fuck me. I don't want to go back. Ok, watching that SNL clip again hits uncomfortably close to home: I do work out like a mad-man, and I did lose a ton of weight, and I did get rid of most of my wardrobe and buy more stylish clothes, and I do have a clean shaven head, and I do have a prescription for Viagra, but I don't need it anymore...but I still use it cause god-damn it's good medicine. If my docs cuts off my testosterone, I may have to go find some South African Xentrex. It Works.
  16. The text in the law is: https://legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1289498 It seems reasonable to declare "material" as an image. The smallest image file I know of is a 26 byte .gif. A first year Comp Sci student could pick up a 10TB external USB disk from Best Buy and have it configured with about a billion image files by lunch time. Stupid Law is Stupid.
  17. Always fun to play the 'he was framed' game. Almost by definition a frame job will violate Occam's razor. To make a frame job fit the dots that we know so far, someone would have had to: get his DNA and put it on a knife sheath to leave behind take his car and his cell phone on the night of the murders turn the cell off on the way there and on on the way back Make him unaware of his car/cell being taken, OR make it impossible or uncomfortable to report it. Either know about his 12 stalker-like visits to the area, or take his cell phone (and probably his car) and visit there 12 times. Give BK a reason to have his dad come out and escort him across country Spin the Infinite Improbability Drive and we have: Maybe BK had a secret gay lover who was jealous of his obsession with one of the girls. BK can't finger the real killer without coming out of the closet.
  18. To be fair, there is no long term play an accountant, or anyone else, could give a print magazine. They are on the same long downward slide that Mad Magazine and Playboy were on. That ends with stopping the print version. Their best hope is to diversify and find something that the 'Rolling Stone' name enhances.
  19. From the Article: That gives them some pretty wide wiggle-room. But still, this is a crap list. Taylor Swift at 102? She may be short-term popular with stupid teenage girls, but most of her catalog will not be played in 20 years and her voice itself isn't in the same league as some.
  20. Hold your horses there. I hear that Sovereign Citizens can driver anywhere without a license... and that they don't have to follow Police orders. How cool is that Club. Seriously, we do need some people to join their movement to keep YouTube stocked with Sovereign Citizen vs Police videos. Its pretty much the only time I'm guarantied to cheer for the police.
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